Courses at
(in Polish) Katedra Inżynierii Produkcji
- Fundamentals of engineering design I IP-SI7O>PPI-I
- Fundamentals of engineering design II IP-NI7O>PPI-II
- Fundamentals of engineering design II IP-SI7O>PPI-II
- Fundamentals os accounting AK-NL6P>PRACH
- Fundamentals os accounting AK-SL6P>PRACH
- Implementation of computer management systems IP-NM3O>WISZ
- Implementation of computer management systems IP-SM3O>WISZ
- Implementation of information systems IP-IS-NI7O>WSI
- Implementation of information systems IP-IS-SI7O>WSI
- Implementation of new products and technologies IP-IZ-NI7O>WNWiT
- Implementation of new products and technologies IP-IZ-SI7O>WNWiT
- Industrial Safety and Human Engineering TR-NI8O>BHPERG
- Industrial Safety and Human Engineering TR-SI7O>BHPERG
- Information technology IP-NI7O>TechInf
- Information technology IP-SI7O>TechInf
- Instruments for organization diagnosis AK-NL6P>IDO
- Instruments for organization diagnosis AK-SL6P>IDO
- Integrated management systems I IP-IP-NM3O>ZSZ-I
- Integrated management systems I IP-IP-SM3O>ZSZ-I
- Integrated management systems I IP-IP-NM3O>ZSZ-I-1
- Integrated management systems I IP-IP-SM3O>ZSZ-I-1
- Integrated management systems II IP-IP-NM3O>ZSZ-II
- Integrated management systems II IP-IP-SM3O>ZSZ-II
- Integrated management systems II IP-IP-NM3O>ZSZ-II-1
- Introduction to management IP-NI7O>PodstZarz
- Introduction to management IP-SI7O>PodsZarz
- Investment and decision calculations IP-NI7O>RIiD
- Investment and decision calculations IP-SI7O>RIiD
- Investment and decision calculations IP-NI7O>RIiD-1
- Investment and decision calculations IP-SI7O>RIiD-1
- Job safety engineering IP-NM3O>IBP
- Job safety engineering IP-SM3O>IBP
- Knowledge management and decision support systems IP-NM3O>SWDiZW
- Knowledge management and decision support systems IP-SM3O>SWDiZW
- Knowledge management and decision support systems IP-SM3O>SWDiZW-1
- Logistics flows of resources in the enterprise IP-SL-NI7O>LPZWP
- Logistics flows of resources in the enterprise IP-SL-SI7O>LPZWP
- Logistics in the enterprise IP-NI7O>LWP
- Logistics in the enterprise IP-SI7O>LWP
- Logistics management in an organization IP-NM3O>ZLwO
- Logistics management in an organization IP-SM3O>ZLwO
- Management accountancy AK-NL6P>RACHZ
- Management accountancy AK-SL6P>RACHZ
- Management information systems IP-NM3O>SIK
- Management information systems IP-SM3O>SIK
- Management of innovative projects I IP-IE-NM3O>MOIP-I
- Management of innovative projects I IP-IE-SM3O>MOIP-I
- Management of innovative projects I IP-II-NM3O>ZPI-I
- Management of innovative projects I IP-II-SM3O>ZPI-I
- Management of innovative projects I IP-II-NM3O>ZPI-I-1
- Management of innovative projects I IP-II-SM3O>ZPI-I-1
- Management of innovative projects II IP-IE-NM3O>MOIP-II
- Management of innovative projects II IP-IE-SM3O>MOIP-II
- Management of innovative projects II IP-II-NM3O>ZPI-II
- Management of innovative projects II IP-II-SM3O>ZPI-II
- Management of innovative projects II IP-II-NM3O>ZPI-II-1
- Management of production and services IP-NI7O>ZPiU
- Management of production and services IP-NI7O>ZPiU-1
- Management of production and services IP-NI7O>ZPiU-2
- Management of production and services IP-SI7O>ZPiU
- Management of production and services I IP-SI7O>ZPiU-I
- Management of production and services II IP-SI7O>ZPiU-II
- Management of work environment I IP-NI7O>ZSrodPr-I
- Management of work environment I IP-SI7O>ZSrodPr-I
- Management of work environment II IP-NI7O>ZSrodPr-II
- Management of work environment II IP-SI7O>ZSrodPr-II
- Management of work systems IP-NI7O>ZSysPr
- Management of work systems IP-SI7O>ZSysPr
- Management of work systems IP-NI7O>ZSysPr-1
- Management of work systems IP-SI7O>ZSysPr-1
- Marketing IP-NI7O>MARKET
- Marketing IP-SI7O>MARKET
- Master's thesis IP-IE-NM3O>Mthes
- Master's thesis IP-IE-SM3O>Mthes
- Methods of creative thinking IP-IE-NM3O>MOCT
- Methods of creative thinking IP-IE-SM3O>MOCT
- Methods of creative thinking IP-II-NM3O>MiTTM
- Methods of creative thinking IP-II-SM3O>MiTTM
- Methods of creative thinking IP-II-NM3O>MiTTM-1
- Methods of creative thinking IP-II-SM3O>MiTTM-1
- Modelling and simulation of organization's logistics systems IP-NM3O>MiSSLO
- Modelling and simulation of organization's logistics systems IP-SM3O>MiSSLO
- MSc-thesis IP-IA-NM3O>PDMGR
- MSc-thesis IP-IA-SM3O>PDMGR
- MSc-thesis IP-II-NM3O>PDMGR
- MSc-thesis IP-II-SM3O>PDMGR
- MSc-thesis IP-IP-NM3O>PDMGR
- MSc-thesis IP-IP-SM3O>PDMGR
- MSc-thesis IP-SP-NM3O>PDMGR
- MSc-thesis IP-SP-SM3O>PDMGR
- MSc-thesis IP-AD-NM3O>PDmgr
- Occupational health and safety IP-NI7O>BiHP
- Occupational health and safety IP-SI7O>BiHP
- Organization of production systems IP-NM3O>OSP
- Organization of production systems IP-SM3O>OSP
- Organization of production systems I IP-SM3O>OSP-I
- Organization of production systems II IP-SM3O>OSP-II
- Pedagogies of work IP-NM3O>PedPr
- Pedagogies of work IP-SM3O>PedPr
- Practice IP-SL-NI7O>PRAKT