Courses at
(in Polish) Katedra Inżynierii Produkcji
- Design of work systems I IP-SI7O>PSPracy-I-1
- Design of work systems II IP-NI7O>PSPracy-II
- Design of work systems II IP-SI7O>PSPracy-II
- Diploma Seminar I IP-HS-NI7O>DS-I
- Diploma seminar I IP-HS-SI7O>DS-I
- Diploma seminar I IP-IA-NM3O>SD-I
- Diploma seminar I IP-IA-SM3O>SD-I
- Diploma seminar I IP-IB-NI7O>SD-I
- Diploma seminar I IP-IB-SI7O>SD-I
- Diploma seminar I IP-IE-NM3O>DS-I
- Diploma seminar I IP-IE-SM3O>DS-I
- Diploma seminar I IP-II-NM3O>SD-I
- Diploma seminar I IP-II-SM3O>SD-I
- Diploma seminar I IP-IP-NM3O>SD-I
- Diploma seminar I IP-IP-SM3O>SD-I
- Diploma seminar I IP-IS-NI7O>SD-I
- Diploma seminar I IP-IS-SI7O>SD-I
- Diploma seminar I IP-IZ-NI7O>SD-I
- Diploma seminar I IP-IZ-SI7O>SD-I
- Diploma seminar I IP-SL-NI7O>SD-I
- Diploma seminar I IP-SL-SI7O>SD-I
- Diploma seminar I IP-SP-NM3O>SD-I
- Diploma seminar I IP-SP-SM3O>SD-I
- Diploma Seminar II IP-HS-NI7O>DS-II
- Diploma seminar II IP-HS-SI7O>DS-II
- Diploma seminar II IP-IA-NM3O>SD-II
- Diploma seminar II IP-IA-SM3O>SD-II
- Diploma seminar II IP-IB-NI7O>SD-II
- Diploma seminar II IP-IB-SI7O>SD-II
- Diploma seminar II IP-IE-NM3O>DS-II
- Diploma seminar II IP-IE-SM3O>DS-II
- Diploma seminar II IP-II-NM3O>SD-II
- Diploma seminar II IP-II-SM3O>SD-II
- Diploma seminar II IP-IP-NM3O>SD-II
- Diploma seminar II IP-IP-SM3O>SD-II
- Diploma seminar II IP-IS-NI7O>SD-II
- Diploma seminar II IP-IS-SI7O>SD-II
- Diploma seminar II IP-IZ-NI7O>SD-II
- Diploma seminar II IP-IZ-SI7O>SD-II
- Diploma seminar II IP-SL-NI7O>SD-II
- Diploma seminar II IP-SL-SI7O>SD-II
- Diploma seminar II IP-SP-NM3O>SD-II
- Diploma seminar II IP-SP-SM3O>SD-II
- Diploma thesis IP-HS-NI7O>DT
- Diploma thesis IP-HS-SI7O>DT
- Document management systems IP-SP-NM3O>ISZD
- Document management systems IP-SP-SM3O>ISZD
- Document management systems IP-SP-NM3O>ISZD-1
- Documentation in enterprise IP-IP-NM3O>DWP
- Documentation in enterprise IP-IP-SM3O>DWP
- Documentation in enterprise IP-IP-NM3O>DWP-1
- Documentation in municipal engineering IP-IA-NM3O>DAG
- Documentation in municipal engineering IP-IA-SM3O>DAG
- Employee competencies assessment - production processes IP-NM3O>OKP-PP
- Employee competencies assessment - production processes IP-SM3O>OKP-PP
- Employee competencies assessment - service processes IP-NM3O>OKP-PU
- Employee competencies assessment - service processes IP-SM3O>OKP-PU
- Enterprise process management IP-IP-NM3O>ZPwP
- Enterprise process management IP-IP-SM3O>ZPwP
- Enterprise process management IP-IP-NM3O>ZPwP-1
- Enterprise process management IP-IP-SM3O>ZPwP-1
- Entrepreneurship and innovations IP-NM3O>PiI
- Entrepreneurship and innovations IP-SM3O>PiI
- Ergonomic design of work stations IP-IB-NI7O>EPSP
- Ergonomic design of work stations IP-IB-NI7O>EPSP-1
- Ergonomic design of work stations IP-IB-SI7O>EPSP
- Ergonomic design of work stations IP-IB-SI7O>EPSP-1
- Ergonomic design of workstations IP-HS-NI7O>EDOW
- Ergonomic design of workstations IP-HS-NI7O>EDOW-1
- Ergonomic design of workstations IP-HS-SI7O>EDOW
- Ergonomic design of workstations IP-HS-SI7O>EDOW-1
- Ergonomics and work protection IP-IZ-NI7O>EiOP
- Ergonomics and work protection IP-IZ-SI7O>EiOP
- Ergonomics and work safety AR-NI8O>BPiE
- Ergonomics and work safety AR-SI7O>BPiE
- Ergonomics and work safety I-NI7O>BPiE
- Ergonomics and work safety I-SI7O>BPiE
- Ergonomics and work safety MB-NI8O>BezPriErg
- Ergonomics and work safety MB-SI7O>BezPriErg
- Ergonomics and work safety IP-NI7O>BPiE
- Ergonomics and work safety IP-SI7O>BPiE
- Ergonomics, occupational health and safety IP-NI7O>EBiHP
- Ergonomics, occupational health and safety IP-SI7O>EBiHP
- Finance and accountancy (difference in the curriculum) IP-NM3O>FiR-RP
- Finance and accountancy (difference in the curriculum) IP-SM3O>FiR-RP
- Finance and accountancy I IP-NI7O>FiR-I
- Finance and accountancy I IP-SI7O>FIR-I
- Finance and accountancy II IP-NI7O>FiR-II
- Finance and accountancy II IP-SI7O>FIR-II
- Financial reporting AK-SL6P>RAPFIN
- Financial reporting AK-NL6P>RAPFIN
- Financing of scientific, research and investment project IP-NM3O>FPNBiI
- Financing of scientific, research and investment project IP-SM3O>FPNBiI
- Forecasting and simulation in the enterprise I IP-NM3O>PiSwP-I
- Forecasting and simulation in the enterprise I IP-SM3O>PiSwP-I
- Forecasting and simulation in the enterprise I IP-NM3O>PiSwP-I-1
- Forecasting and simulation in the enterprise I IP-SM3O>PiSwP-I-1
- Forecasting and simulation in the enterprise II (subject in English) IP-NM3O>FASITE-II
- Forecasting and simulation in the enterprise II (subject in English) IP-SM3O>FASITE-II
- Fundamentals of engineering design I IP-SI7O>PPI-I