Courses at
(in Polish) Katedra Inżynierii Produkcji
- (in Polish) Podstawy ekonomiki i rachunku kosztów EP-SI7P>PEiRK
- (in Polish) Bezpieczeństwo pracy i ergonomia EP-NI8P>BPiE
- (in Polish) Koncepcje doskonalenia procesów usługowych IP-SI7O>KDPU
- (in Polish) Modelowanie i symulacja procesów usługowych IP-SI7O>MiSPU
- (in Polish) Koncepcje doskonalenia procesów produkcyjnych IP-NI7O>KDPP
- (in Polish) Podstawy systemów logistycznych przedsiębiorstwa IP-NI7O>PSLP
- (in Polish) Seminarium dyplomowe II IP-AD-NM3O>SD-II
- (in Polish) Wizualizacja procesów produkcyjnych IP-AD-SM3O>WPP
- (in Polish) Zarządzanie jakością w usługach IP-SM3O>ZJwU
- (in Polish) Symulacyjne gry dydaktyczne IP-SM3O>SGD-1
- (in Polish) Praca przejściowa IP-NM3O>PP-PP
- (in Polish) Zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem pracy IP-NM3O>ZBP
- (in Polish) Development Trends in Production Systems IE-SI7O>DTiPS
- (in Polish) Management of Technology and Innovation IE-SI7O>MoTaI
- (in Polish) Lean Management IE-SI7O>LM
- Advance Production Engineering (subject in English) IP-SM3O>APE
- BSc-thesis IP-IB-NI7O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis IP-IB-SI7O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis IP-IS-NI7O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis IP-IS-SI7O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis IP-IZ-NI7O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis IP-IZ-SI7O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis IP-SL-NI7O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis IP-SL-SI7O>PDINZ
- Communication AR-NI8O>KS
- Communication AR-SI7O>KS
- Communication MB-NI8O>KomSpo
- Communication MB-SI7O>KomSpo
- Computer engineering graphics I IP-NI7O>GI-I
- Computer engineering graphics I IP-SI7O>GI-I
- Computer engineering graphics II IP-NI7O>GI-II
- Computer engineering graphics II IP-SI7O>GI-II
- Computer integrated production IP-IB-NI7O>KIP
- Computer integrated production IP-IB-SI7O>KIP
- Computer integrated production IP-IB-SI7O>KIP-1
- Computer integrated production I IP-SP-NM3O>KIP-I
- Computer integrated production I IP-SP-SM3O>KIP-I
- Computer integrated production I IP-SP-NM3O>KIP-I-1
- Computer integrated production I IP-SP-SM3O>KIP-I-1
- Computer integrated production II IP-SP-NM3O>KIP-II
- Computer integrated production II IP-SP-SM3O>KIP-II
- Computer integrated production II IP-SP-NM3O>KIP-II-1
- Computer integration of production IP-HS-NI7O>CIOP
- Computer integration of production IP-HS-SI7O>CIOP
- Computer science and computer aided engineering I IP-NI7O>IiKWPI-I
- Computer science and computer aided engineering I IP-SI7O>IiKWPI-I
- Computer science and computer aided engineering II IP-NI7O>IiKWPI-II
- Computer science and computer aided engineering II IP-SI7O>IiKWPI-II
- Computer science and computer aided engineering III IP-NI7O>IiKWPI-III
- Computer science and computer aided engineering III IP-SI7O>IiKWPI-III
- Computer systems in municipal engineering I IP-IA-NM3O>ISAG-I
- Computer systems in municipal engineering I IP-IA-SM3O>ISAG-I
- Computer systems in municipal engineering II IP-IA-NM3O>ISAG-II
- Computer systems in municipal engineering II IP-IA-SM3O>ISAG-II
- Computer-aided design of production systems IP-IS-NI7O>KWPSP
- Computer-aided design of production systems IP-IS-SI7O>KWPSP
- Computer-aided logistics processes IP-SL-NI7O>KWPL
- Computer-aided logistics processes IP-SL-SI7O>KWPL
- Computer-aided logistics processes IP-SL-SI7O>KWPL-1
- Computer-aided production management IP-IZ-NI7O>KWZZW
- Computer-aided production management IP-IZ-SI7O>KWZZW
- Controlling AK-NL6P>CNTR
- Controlling AK-SL6P>CNTR
- Cost account for engineers IP-NI7O>RKdI
- Cost account for engineers IP-SI7O>RKDI
- Cost account for engineers IP-NI7O>RKdI-1
- Cost account for engineers (difference in the curriculum) IP-NM3O>RKdI-RP
- Cost account for engineers (difference in the curriculum) IP-SM3O>RKdI-RP
- Costs of production processes IP-NI7O>KPP
- Costs of production processes IP-SI7O>KPP
- Costs of production processes IP-NI7O>KPP-1
- Costs of production processes IP-SI7O>KPP-1
- Creativity of workers and creative teams IP-IE-NM3O>COWACT
- Creativity of workers and creative teams IP-IE-SM3O>COWACT
- Creativity of workers and creative teams IP-II-NM3O>KPiTZ
- Creativity of workers and creative teams IP-II-SM3O>KPiTZ
- Creativity of workers and creative teams IP-II-NM3O>KPiTZ-1
- Databases in enterprise I-IS-NI7O>BDWP
- Databases in enterprise I-IS-SI7O>BDWP
- Design of health and safety management systems IP-HS-NI7O>DOHASMS
- Design of health and safety management systems IP-HS-NI7O>DOHASMS-1
- Design of health and safety management systems IP-HS-SI7O>DOHASMS
- Design of health and safety management systems IP-HS-SI7O>DOHASMS-1
- Design of health and safety management systems IP-IB-NI7O>PSBiHP
- Design of health and safety management systems IP-IB-NI7O>PSBiHP-1
- Design of health and safety management systems IP-IB-SI7O>PSBiHP
- Design of health and safety management systems IP-IB-SI7O>PSBiHP-1
- Design of industrial plants IP-NM3O>PZP
- Design of industrial plants IP-SM3O>PZP
- Design of logistic processes in the enterprise IP-SL-NI7O>PPLWP
- Design of logistic processes in the enterprise IP-SL-SI7O>PPLWP
- Design of logistic systems in the enterprise IP-SL-NI7O>PSLWP
- Design of logistic systems in the enterprise IP-SL-SI7O>PSLWP
- Design of logistics services IP-NI7O>ProjUsLog
- Design of logistics services IP-SI7O>ProjUsLog
- Design of production systems IP-IZ-NI7O>PSProd
- Design of production systems IP-IZ-SI7O>PSProd
- Design of work systems I IP-NI7O>PSPracy-I
- Design of work systems I IP-SI7O>PSPracy-I
- Design of work systems I IP-NI7O>PSPracy-I-1