Courses at
(in Polish) Katedra Inżynierii Produkcji
- Practice IP-HS-NI7O>PRACT
- Practice IP-HS-SI7O>PRACT
- Practice IP-IB-NI7O>PRAKT
- Practice IP-IB-SI7O>PRAKT
- Practice IP-IS-NI7O>PRAKT
- Practice IP-IS-SI7O>PRAKT
- Practice IP-IZ-NI7O>PRAKT
- Practice IP-IZ-SI7O>PRAKT
- Practice IP-SL-SI7O>PRAKT
- Production and service management I-NI7O>ZPiU
- Production and service management I-SI7O>ZPiU
- Production and service management (difference in the curriculum) IP-NM3O>ZPiU-RP
- Production and service management (difference in the curriculum) IP-SM3O>ZPiU-RP
- Production control systems IP-IS-NI7O>SZP
- Production control systems IP-IS-SI7O>SZP
- Production processes - design of food production processes IP-NI7O>PP-PPPZ
- Production processes - design of food production processes IP-SI7O>PP-PPPZ
- Production processes - design of production processes IP-NI7O>PP-PPP
- Production processes - design of production processes IP-SI7O>PP-PPP
- Production processes - design of production processes of machine parts IP-NI7O>PP-PPPM
- Production processes - design of production processes of machine parts IP-SI7O>PP-PPPM
- Production processes - methods and techniques of food production IP-NI7O>PP-MiTPZ
- Production processes - methods and techniques of food production IP-SI7O>PP-MiTPZ
- Production processes - methods and techniques of production IP-NI7O>PP-MiTP
- Production processes - methods and techniques of production IP-SI7O>PP-MiTP
- Production processes - methods and techniques of production of machine parts IP-NI7O>PP-MiTPCM
- Production processes - methods and techniques of production of machine parts IP-SI7O>PP-MiTPCM
- Production processes (difference in the curriculum) IP-SM3O>PP-RP
- Production processes (difference in the curriculum) IP-NM3O>PP-RP
- Production system visualization IP-SP-NM3O>WSP
- Production system visualization IP-SP-SM3O>WSP
- Production system visualization IP-SP-NM3O>WSP-1
- Production system visualization IP-SP-SM3O>WSP-1
- Project IP-NM3O>PraPrze
- Project IP-SM3O>PraPrze
- Project and innovation management IP-NM3O>ZPiI
- Project and innovation management IP-SM3O>ZPiI
- Project and innovation management IP-SM3O>ZPiI-1
- Project and innovation management IP-NM3O>ZPiI-1
- Project management MB-SM3O>ZarzProj
- Project management ME-SM3O>ZarzProj
- Quality and safety management I IP-NI7O>ZJiB-I
- Quality and safety management I IP-SI7O>ZJiB-I
- Quality and safety management II IP-NI7O>ZJiB-II
- Quality and safety management II IP-SI7O>ZJiB-II
- Quality and safety management III IP-NI7O>ZJiB-III
- Quality and safety management III IP-SI7O>ZJiB-III
- Quality and safety management III IP-NI7O>ZJiB-III-1
- Quality management IP-NM3O>ZPJ
- Quality management IP-SM3O>ZPJ
- Running own business MB-NM3O>ProDziaGosp
- Running own business MB-SM3O>ProDziaGosp
- Running own business ME-NM3O>ProDziaGosp
- Running own business ME-SM3O>ProDziaGosp
- Social communication and occupational development I-NI7O>KSiAZ
- Social communication and occupational development I-SI7O>KSiAZ
- Storage of food products IP-NI7O>PrzechProdS
- Storage of food products IP-SI7O>PrzechProdS
- Strategic management IP-NM3O>ZarzStr
- Strategic management IP-SM3O>ZarzStr
- Strategic management IP-NM3O>ZarzStr-1
- Technology transfer and innovation management IP-IA-NM3O>TTiZI
- Technology transfer and innovation management IP-IA-SM3O>TTiZI
- Tendency in production system development I - cooperative processes IP-NM3O>TRSP-I-PK
- Tendency in production system development I - cooperative processes IP-SM3O>TRSP-I-PK
- Tendency in production system development I - production processes IP-NM3O>TRSP-I-PP
- Tendency in production system development I - production processes IP-SM3O>TRSP-I-PP
- Tendency in production system development II - cooperative processes IP-NM3O>TRSP-II-PK
- Tendency in production system development II - cooperative processes IP-SM3O>TRSP-II-PK
- Tendency in production system development II - production processes IP-NM3O>TRSP-II-PP
- Tendency in production system development II - production processes IP-SM3O>TRSP-II-PP
- Training on safe and hygienic learning conditions OGWDZ-W2>SZKOLBHP
- Training on safe and hygienic learning conditions OGW-W1>BHP
- Vocational activation and development IP-NI7O>AiKZ
- Vocational activation and development IP-SI7O>AiKZ
- Vocational activation and development IP-NI7O>AiKZ-1
- Warehouses management IP-NI7O>GM
- Warehouses management IP-SI7O>GM