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> Uniwersytet Bielsko-Bialski
> Prowadzone przedmioty
Przedmioty prowadzone przez
Uniwersytet Bielsko-Bialski
Skorzystaj z wyszukiwarki przedmiotów!
- Advanced Programming Techniques E-FMECS>42-APT
- Algorithmic Graph Theory E-FMECS>33-AGT
- Analytical Mechanics E-FMECS>23-AM
- Artificial Intelligence Methods E-FMECS>38-AIM
- Basics of marketing management W3-ERAS>BASMAR
- Biological conservation W2-K22>BIOLCON
- Biological invasions W2-K22>BIOLINV
- Biomass and Bioenergy Technologies W2-K22>BBTECH
- Biomimetics W2-K21>BIOMIM
- Business communication W3-ERAS>BUSCOM
- Business excellence W3-ERAS>BUSEXC
- Ceramic processes W2-K21>CERLAB
- Ceramic processes (lecture) W2-K21>CERLEC
- Chemistry for Civil Engineering W2-K21>CHCE
- Community ecology W2-K22>CECO
- Contemporary Human Resources Management and HR Business Partnering W3-ERAS>COHURE
- Contemporary sociological theories W3-ERAS>COSOTH
- Coordinate Measuring Technique E-FMECS>17-CMT
- Cultural anthropology W3-ERAS>CULANT
- Data analysis and visualization in R W2-K22>DAVR
- Databases I E-FMECS>45-FSM
- Decision Support System E-FMECS>04-DSS
- Demography W3-ERAS>DEMOGR
- Design Theory E-FMECS>34-DT
- Design thinking W2-K21>DESTH
- Designing of quality management system in a company W3-ERAS>DQMSIC
- Discrete Mathematics E-FMECS>32-DM
- Distribution management W3-ERAS>DISMAN
- Dynamics of Machines E-FMECS>25-DM
- Dynamics of Robots E-FMECS>24-DR
- Ecological ethics W2-K22>ECOE
- Economics W3-ERAS>ECONOM
- Entrepreneurship W3-ERAS>ENTSHI
- Environmental Chemistry (lecture) W2-K22>ECHLEC
- Ethics in management W3-ERAS>ETHMAN
- European business law W3-ERAS>EBULAW
- European labour market W3-ERAS>EULAMA
- European Union environmental law and management W2-K24>EUELLAB
- Fiber plants W2-K22>FPLANTS
- Forecasting and Simulation in Enterprise I E-FMECS>01-FSE-I
- Forecasting and Simulation in Enterprise II E-FMECS>02-FSE-II
- Fundamentals of Corporate Finance W3-ERAS>FUNCOF
- Fundamentals of Machine Components Design and Processing E-FMECS>29-FMCDP
- Fundamentals of Metrology E-FMECS>16-FM
- Fundamentals of Robotics E-FMECS>26-FR
- Fundamentals of Strength of Materials E-FMECS>43-FSM
- Geobotanical cartography W2-K22>GEOBC
- Global Marketing Research W3-ERAS>GLMARE
- Human resources management W3-ERAS>HUREMA
- Hydrobiology and water chemistry W2-K22>HWCHEM
- Image Processing E-FMECS>35-IP
- Improvement of quality management system in a company W3-ERAS>IMQMSC
- Information Technology E-FMECS>37-IT
- Interpersonal communication and effective team work W3-ERAS>INCTEW
- Introduction to foreign exchange market W3-ERAS>INTFEM
- Introduction to quality management in a company W3-ERAS>INQMIC
- Introduction to sociology of art. W3-ERAS>ISOART
- Labour Market W3-ERAS>LABMAR
- Land reclamation and restoration using biological methods W2-K22>LRRUBM
- Logistic management in the company W3-ERAS>LOGMIC
- Management of Health and Safety at Work E-FMECS>06-MHSW
- Management of Technology and Innovation E-FMECS>03-MTI
- Manufacturing Metrology E-FMECS>20-MM
- Marketing E-FMECS>05-M
- Marketing W3-ERAS>MARKET
- Marketing Planning Essentials W3-ERAS>MAPLES
- Materials Science: Ceramic Materials E-FMECS>13-MS-CM
- Materials Science: Electrospinning E-FMECS>15-MS-E
- Materials Science: Engineering of Biomaterials E-FMECS>14-MS-EB
- Materials Science: Heat Treatment E-FMECS>11-MS-HT
- Materials Science: Materials Engineering E-FMECS>10-MS-ME
- Materials Science: Metallic Materials E-FMECS>09-MS-MM
- Materials Science: Polymers E-FMECS>12-MS-P
- Mathematical Analysis E-FMECS>30-MA
- Mathematical Statistics E-FMECS>31-MS
- Mathematics II W3-ERAS>MATH2
- Mechatronics E-FMECS>21-M
- Modern communication in the area of Central and Eastern Europe W3-ERAS>MCACEE
- Multibody Dynamics E-FMECS>22-MD
- Numerical ecology W2-K22>NUMECO
- Numerical Methods for Engineers E-FMECS>27-NME
- Numerical Methods for Engineers E-FMECS>27-NMFE
- Operation Research and Optimisation E-FMECS>08-ORO
- Operational Research E-FMECS>18-OR
- Organic Chemistry (laboratory) W2-K21>ORGCHLAB
- Parallel and Distributed Computing E-FMECS>41-PDC
- Personnel Management E-FMECS>07-PM
- Political communication W3-ERAS>POLCOM
- Political sociology W3-ERAS>POLSOC
- Portfolio management and optimization using Excel W3-ERAS>PORMAN
- Process quality control W3-ERAS>PROQUA
- Programming Database Applications (Programming IV) E-FMECS>40-PDA
- Programming in C# (Programming III) E-FMECS>39-PC
- Project of the Special Clothing W2-K21>PROJSC
- Public Relations W3-ERAS>PUBREL
- Quality management W3-ERAS>QUMANA
- Simulation of Electronic Circuits E-FMECS>36-SEC
- Simulations of Dynamical Systems E-FMECS>28-SDS
- Sociology of culture W3-ERAS>SOCULT
- Sociology of law W3-ERAS>SOCLAW