Study programmes
> Faculty list
> (in Polish) Katedra Nauk Ekonomicznych i Społecznych
> Courses conducted
Courses at
(in Polish) Katedra Nauk Ekonomicznych i Społecznych
- Business model analysis AK-SL6P>AMBIZ
- Coaching AK-NL6P>COACH
- Coaching AK-SL6P>COACH
- Communication AK-NL6P>KOMSP
- Communication AK-SL6P>KOMSP
- Communication and mass media in politics SO-KM-SL6P>KOMMP
- Communication techniques in administration ZA-ZAF-NL7O>TKOMA
- Communication techniques in administration ZA-ZAF-SL6O>TKOMA
- Conflicts and ways of solving them SO-SL-SL6P>KOSPRO
- Contemporary sociological theories SO-SL6P>WTS
- Creative thinking techniques AK-NL6P>TKM
- Creative thinking techniques AK-SL6P>TKM
- Cultural anthropology SO-SL6P>ANKLT
- Culture and multiculturalism in business AK-SL6P>KULBIZ
- Culture and multiculturalism in business AK-NL6P>KULBIZ
- Data presentation methods AK-NL6P>MPD
- Data presentation methods AK-SL6P>MPD
- Demographic processes AK-NL6P>PRDEM
- Demographic processes AK-SL6P>PRDEM
- Dynamics of changes in contemporary Polish society SO-SL6P>DZWSP
- Economic information sources AK-SL6P>ZIG
- Economic information sources AK-NL6P>ZIG
- Economic policy ZA-ZAF-NM4O>POLGO
- Economic policy ZA-ZAF-SM4O>POLGO
- Economics SO-SL6P>EKON
- Economics TR-NI8O>EKON
- Economics TR-SI7O>EKON
- Education management ZA-ZAF-NL7O>ZAROSW
- Education management ZA-ZAF-SL6O>ZAROSW
- Education management ZA-ZAF-NL6O>ZAROSW
- Elements of social engineering AK-NL6P>ESOCTE
- Elements of social engineering AK-SL6P>ESOCTE
- Elements of social engineering SO-KM-SL6P>ESTECH
- Entrepreneurship and innovations AK-NL6P>PRZINN
- Entrepreneurship and innovations AK-SL6P>PRZINN
- Entrepreneurship in local development strategies ZA-ZAF-NL7O>PRSTRL
- Entrepreneurship in local development strategies ZA-ZAF-SL6O>PWSRL
- Environmental protection and financing of pro-ecological projects ZA-ZAF-SL6O>OSIFPP
- Ethical problems in business AK-SL6P>PREB
- Ethical problems in business AK-NL6P>PREB
- Ethical problems in the profession of a sociologist SO-SL6P>PEZS
- Ethics TR-NI8O>ETYKA
- Ethics in administration ZA-ZAF-NL6O>ETADM
- Ethics in management ZA-IB-SM4O>ETHMAN
- Ethics in management ZA-NM4O>ETYKZA
- Ethics in management ZA-SM4O>ETYKZA
- Ethics in management ZA-SM4O>ETYKZA2
- Ethics in Management and Administration ZA-ZAF-NL7O>ETADM
- Ethics in Management and Administration ZA-ZAF-SL6O>ETADM
- Finance ZA-NL7O>FINANS
- Finance ZA-SL6O>FINANS
- Finance ZA-NL6O>FINANS
- Finance in enterprise AK-NL6P>FINPRZ
- Finance in enterprise AK-SL6P>FINPRZ
- Finance in enterprise ZA-NL7O>FINPR
- Finance in enterprise ZA-SL6O>FINPR
- Finance in enterprise ZA-NL6O>FINPRZ
- Finances of local government units ZA-ZAF-NL6O>FINJST
- Financing of scientific ZA-ZAF-NL6O>FINPRO
- Functioning of the institutions in the UE ZA-ZAF-NM4O>FIUE
- Functioning of the institutions in the UE ZA-ZAF-SM4O>FIUE
- Fundamentals of public relations AK-SL6P>PODPR
- Fundamentals of public relations SO-KM-SL6P>PDPR
- Fundamentals of public relations AK-NL6P>PODPR
- Fundamentals of public relations SO-SL-SL6P>PDPR
- Fundamentals os accounting ZA-NL7O>PDRACH
- Fundamentals os accounting ZA-SL6O>PDRACH
- Fundamentals os accounting ZA-NL6O>PDRACH
- Games from a sociological perspective SO-KM-SL6P>GPES
- General sociology ZA-SL6O>SOCOG
- Global phenomena: theories and interpretations AK-SL6P>ZJGLTI
- Global phenomena: theories and interpretations SO-KM-SL6P>ZJGTI
- Global phenomena: theories and interpretations AK-NL6P>ZJGLTI
- Global phenomena: theories and interpretations SO-SL-SL6P>ZJGTI
- Global social processes AK-SL6P>GLPRSP
- Global social processes SO-KM-SL6P>GLPRSP
- Global social processes AK-NL6P>GLPRSP
- Global social processes SO-SL-SL6P>GLPRSP
- Green transition finance ZA-ZAF-NM4O>FIZITR
- Green transition finance ZA-ZAF-SM4O>FIZITR
- History of sociological thought SO-SL6P>HMS
- Human Migration Processes SO-SL6P>PRLUD
- Human resources management AK-NL6P>ZZL
- Human resources management AK-SL6P>ZZL
- Human resources management SO-SL-SL6P>ZZL
- Human resources management ZA-NL7O>ZZL
- Human resources management ZA-SL6O>ZZL
- Human resources management ZA-NL6O>ZZL
- Information society SO-KM-SL6P>SINF
- Innovation management ZA-SM4O>ZAINN
- Institutions in the EU ZA-ZAF-NM4O>INSTUE
- Institutions in the EU ZA-ZAF-SM4O>INSTUE
- Internal communication AK-NL6P>KOMWEW
- Internal communication AK-SL6P>KOMWEW
- International and EU finance II ZA-ZAF-NM4O>FMUE2
- International and EU finance II ZA-ZAF-SM4O>FMUE2
- International and EU Funds I ZA-ZAF-SL6O>FIMUE1
- International and EU Funds I ZA-ZAF-NL7O>FIMUE1