Courses at
(in Polish) Katedra Informatyki i Automatyki
- Artificial intelligence methods I-NI7O>MSI
- Artificial intelligence methods I-SI7O>MSI
- Artificial intelligence methods (Differences in the curriculum) I-SI7O>MSI-RP
- Audio signal processing I-SK-NI7O>PD
- Audio signal processing I-SK-SI7O>PD
- Audio signal processing I-T-SI7O>PD
- Automotive IT Security I-NI7O>B-ITTWS
- Automotive IT Security I-SI7O>B-ITTWS
- Automotive IT Security I-T-SI7O>B-ITTWS
- Basics of cryptography and cryptanalysis I-NI7O>PKiK
- Basics of cryptography and cryptanalysis I-SI7O>PKiK
- Basics of cryptography and cryptanalysis I-T-SI7O>PKiK
- Basics of development of biometric systems I-TT-NM3O>PPSB
- Basics of development of biometric systems I-TT-SM3O>PPSB
- Basics of development of biometric systems IA-SD-NM3O>BODOBS
- Basics of development of biometric systems IA-SD-SM3O>BODOBS
- Big Data & Data Mining I-TT-NM3O>ZBDiED
- Big Data & Data Mining I-TT-SM3O>ZBDiED
- Big Data & Data Mining IA-SD-NM3O>BDADM
- Big Data & Data Mining IA-SD-SM3O>BDiDM
- Blockchain: mathematical problems and application I-CB-NM3O>BPMiA
- Blockchain: mathematical problems and application I-CB-SM3O>BPMiA
- Blockchain: mathematical problems and application IA-CY-NM3O>BMPAA
- Blockchain: mathematical problems and application IA-CY-SM3O>BMPAA
- BSc-thesis AR-AP-SI7O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis I-IO-NI7O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis I-IO-SI7O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis I-IR-NI7O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis I-IR-SI7O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis I-IS-NI7O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis I-IS-SI7O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis I-SK-NI7O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis I-SK-SI7O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis I-T-SI7O>PDINZ
- Combinatorial Optimization I-NM3O>OK
- Combinatorial Optimization I-SM3O>OK
- Combinatorial Optimization IA-NM3O>CO
- Combinatorial Optimization IA-SM3O>CO
- Computer architecture I-NI7O>AK
- Computer architecture I-NI7O>AK-1
- Computer architecture I-SI7O>AK
- Computer design of electronic systems I-IR-NI7O>KPUE
- Computer design of electronic systems I-IR-SI7O>KPUE
- Computer Forensics I-TT-NM3O>IS
- Computer Forensics I-TT-SM3O>IS
- Computer Forensics IA-SD-NM3O>CF
- Computer Forensics IA-SD-SM3O>CF
- Computer graphics I-SI7O>GK
- Computer networks I-NI7O>SK
- Computer networks I-SI7O>SK
- Computer-aided design of autommation electronic systems AR-AP-NI8O>KPEUA
- Computer-aided design of autommation electronic systems AR-AP-SI7O>KPEUA
- Concrete Mathematics I-NM3O>MK
- Concrete Mathematics I-SM3O>MK
- Concrete Mathematics IA-NM3O>CM
- Concrete Mathematics IA-SM3O>CM
- Control of electric drive systems ME-NM3O>SteElUkNap
- Control of electric drive systems ME-SM3O>SteElUkNap
- Control of electrical drives AR-AP-NI8O>SNE
- Control of electrical drives AR-AP-SI7O>SNE
- Converter fed drives AR-AP-NI8O>EUN
- Converter fed drives AR-AP-SI7O>EUN
- Create network applications II I-T-SI7O>TAS-II
- Creation of multi-layer business aplications I-IS-SI7O>TWAB
- Creation of multi-layer business aplications I-SI7O>TWAB
- Cyber security engineering of information and communication systems I-CB-NM3O>IBCSIiK
- Cyber security engineering of information and communication systems I-CB-SM3O>IBSI
- Cyber security engineering of information and communication systems IA-CY-NM3O>CSEOIAC
- Cyber security engineering of information and communication systems IA-CY-SM3O>CSEOIAC
- Cybersecurity I-IO-NI7O>C
- Cybersecurity I-IO-SI7O>C
- Cybersecurity I-SK-NI7O>C
- Cybersecurity I-SK-SI7O>C
- Data exploration and visualization I-TT-NM3O>EiWD
- Data exploration and visualization I-TT-SM3O>EiWD
- Data exploration and visualization IA-SD-NM3O>D_EXPLA
- Data exploration and visualization IA-SD-SM3O>D-EXPLA
- Data mining and analysis I-IS-NI7O>HDiAD
- Data mining and analysis I-IS-SI7O>HDiAD
- Data transmission I-NI7O>TD
- Data transmission I-SI7O>TD
- Data transmission I I-T-SI7O>TD-I
- Data transmission II I-T-SI7O>TD-II
- Design and Maintenance of networks I I-NI7O>PiOSK-I
- Design and Maintenance of networks I I-SI7O>PiOSK-I
- Design and Maintenance of networks I I-SI7O>PiOSK-I-1
- Design and Maintenance of networks II I-NI7O>PiOSK-II
- Design and Maintenance of networks II I-SI7O>PiOSK-II
- Design and Maintenance of networks II I-SI7O>PiOSK-II-1
- Designing networks and teleinformatic systems I-SK-NI7O>PSiST
- Designing networks and teleinformatic systems I-SK-SI7O>PSiST
- Designing networks and teleinformatic systems I-T-SI7O>PSiST
- Designing the control of mechatronic systems ME-NM3O>ProjSUM
- Designing the control of mechatronic systems ME-SM3O>ProjSUM
- Development and analysis of usability of user interfaces I-TT-NM3O>PRI
- Development and analysis of usability of user interfaces I-TT-SM3O>PRI
- Development and analysis of usability of user interfaces IA-SD-NM3O>DAAOUOU
- Development and analysis of usability of user interfaces IA-SD-SM3O>DAAOUOU
- Development of Internet solutions I-TT-NM3O>PiAUIU
- Development of Internet solutions I-TT-SM3O>PiAUIU