Study programmes
> Faculty list
> (in Polish) Katedra Silników Spalinowych i Pojazdów
> Courses conducted
Courses at
(in Polish) Katedra Silników Spalinowych i Pojazdów
- Fundamentals of mechanics I AR-NI8O>PM-I
- Fundamentals of mechanics I AR-SI7O>PM-I
- Fundamentals of mechanics II AR-NI8O>PM-II
- Fundamentals of mechanics II AR-SI7O>PM-II
- Fundamentals of operating systems AR-NI8O>PSO
- Fundamentals of operating systems AR-SI7O>PSO
- Fundamentals of programming AR-NI8O>PP
- Fundamentals of programming AR-SI7O>PP
- Fundamentals of programming MB-NI8O>PodProKom
- Fundamentals of programming MB-SI7O>PodProKom
- History of civilization AR-NI8O>HC
- History of civilization AR-SI7O>HC
- History of civilization I-NI7O>HC
- History of civilization I-NI7O>HC-1
- History of civilization I-SI7O>HC
- History of civilization IP-NI7O>HC
- History of civilization IP-SI7O>HC
- History of civilization MB-NI8O>HistCyw
- History of civilization MB-SI7O>HistCyw
- Hybrid and electric vehicles MB-PS-NM3O>PHiE
- Hybrid and electric vehicles MB-PS-NM3O>PojHiE
- Hybrid and electric vehicles MB-PS-SM3O>PHiE
- Hybrid and electric vehicles MB-PS-SM3O>PojHiE
- Hybrid drive systems MB-BB-NI8O>HybUkłNap
- Hybrid drive systems MB-BB-SI7O>HybUkłNap
- Hybrid drive systems MB-PO-NI8O>HybUklNap
- Hybrid drive systems MB-PO-SI7O>HybUklNap
- Hybrid drives in vehicles AR-SP-NI8O>NHWP
- Hybrid drives in vehicles AR-SP-SI7O>NHWP
- Information technologies MB-NI8O>TechInf
- Information technologies MB-SI7O>TechInf
- Information technology AR-NI8O>TI
- Information technology AR-SI7O>TI
- Internet programming with ASP.NET I-IS-SI7O>PdIWTA
- Internet programming with ASP.NET I-SI7O>PdIWTA
- Introduction to computer architecture AR-NI8O>PAK
- Introduction to computer architecture AR-SI7O>PAK
- Laboratory of building vehicles and engines MB-BB-NI8O>LBudowPiS
- Laboratory of building vehicles and engines MB-BB-SI7O>LBudowPiS
- Laboratory of building vehicles and engines MB-PO-NI8O>LBadaPiS
- Laboratory of building vehicles and engines MB-PO-SI7O>LBadaPiS
- Machine drive systems MB-NM3O>UklNapMa
- Machine drive systems MB-SM3O>UklNapMa
- Management of environment and ecology MB-NI8O>ZarzSriEkol
- Management of environment and ecology MB-SI7O>ZarzSriEkol
- Mass and energy transfer MB-NM3O>TransMiE
- Mass and energy transfer MB-SM3O>TransMiE
- Measurement systems IP-NI7O>SysPom
- Measurement systems IP-SI7O>SysPom
- Measurement systems MB-NI8O>SysPom
- Measurement systems MB-SI7O>SysPom
- Mechanics of car movement MB-BB-NI8O>MeRuSam
- Mechanics of car movement MB-BB-SI7O>MeRuSam
- Mechanics of car movement MB-PO-NI8O>MeRuSam
- Mechanics of car movement MB-PO-SI7O>MeRuSam
- Mechanics of structures 1 BB-BO-SI7O>MECHBUD1
- Mechanics of structures 1 BB-NI8O>MECHBUD1
- MSc-thesis MB-PS-SM3O>PracaDyp
- MSc-thesis ME-MS-NM3O>PracaDyp
- MSc-thesis ME-MS-SM3O>PracaDyp
- Numerical methods MB-NI8O>MetNum
- Numerical methods MB-SI7O>MetNum
- Operation and technology of machine repairs MB-NI8O>EksiTechNM
- Operation and technology of machine repairs MB-SI7O>EksiTechNM
- Operation of vehicles and engines MB-BB-NI8O>EPiS
- Operation of vehicles and engines MB-BB-SI7O>EPiS
- Operation of vehicles and engines MB-PO-NI8O>EPiS
- Operation of vehicles and engines MB-PO-SI7O>EPiS
- Pro-ecological technologies MB-NM3O>TechProe
- Pro-ecological technologies MB-SM3O>TechProe
- Protection of intellectual properties I-NI7O>OWI
- Protection of intellectual properties I-SI7O>OWI
- Protection of intellectual property AR-NI8O>OWI
- Protection of intellectual property AR-SI7O>OWI
- Protection of intellectual property IP-NI7O>OWI
- Protection of intellectual property IP-SI7O>OWI
- Protection of intellectual property MB-NI8O>OchWlsInt
- Protection of intellectual property MB-SI7O>OchWlsInt
- Protection of intellectual property (some problems) I-NM3O>WZZOWI
- Protection of intellectual property (some problems) I-SM3O>WZZOWI
- Protection of intellectual property (some problems) IA-NM3O>POIP-P
- Protection of intellectual property (some problems) IA-SM3O>POIP-P
- Road transport testing and approval TR-TD-SM3O>BHTRD
- Road transport testing and approval TR-TD-NM3O>BHTRD
- Selected issues from the protection of intellectual property IP-NM3O>WZZOWI
- Selected issues from the protection of intellectual property IP-SM3O>WZZOWI
- Selected issues from the protection of intellectual property MB-NM3O>WZzOWI
- Selected issues from the protection of intellectual property MB-SM3O>WZzOWI
- Selected issues from the protection of intellectual property ME-NM3O>WZzOWI
- Selected issues from the protection of intellectual property ME-SM3O>WZzOWI
- Selected issues from vehicle construction MB-PS-NM3O>WZzBP
- Selected issues from vehicle construction MB-PS-SM3O>WZzBP
- Selected issues in the construction of engines MB-PS-NM3O>WZzBS
- Selected issues in the construction of engines MB-PS-SM3O>WZzBS
- Selected problems of the strength of propulsion sources MB-PS-NM3O>WZWZN
- Selected problems of the strength of propulsion sources MB-PS-SM3O>WZWZN
- Software development for cloud systems I-TT-NM3O>TOdSC
- Software development for cloud systems I-TT-SM3O>TOdSC
- Software development for cloud systems IA-SD-NM3O>SDFCS
- Software development for cloud systems IA-SD-SM3O>SDFCS