Study programmes
> Faculty list
> (in Polish) Katedra Silników Spalinowych i Pojazdów
> Courses conducted
Courses at
(in Polish) Katedra Silników Spalinowych i Pojazdów
- Automation and the control of car engines AR-SP-NI8O>SSJOAiS
- Automation and the control of car engines AR-SP-SI7O>SSJOAiS
- Autonomous systems in vehicles ME-MS-NM3O>SAWP
- Autonomous systems in vehicles ME-MS-NM3O>SAWP-1
- Autonomous systems in vehicles ME-MS-SM3O>SAWP
- Autonomous systems in vehicles ME-MS-SM3O>SAWP-1
- Autonomous vehicles MB-PS-NM3O>PojAut
- Autonomous vehicles MB-PS-SM3O>PojAut
- Basics of design in an object-oriented language MB-NI8O>PodrPWJO
- Basics of design in an object-oriented language MB-SI7O>PodrPWJO
- Basics of technical thermodynamic IS-NI8O>PTERMTECH
- Basics of technical thermodynamic IS-SI7O>PTERMTECH
- Basics of technical thermodynamic IS-IW-SI7O>PTERMTECH
- Basics of technical thermodynamic IS-IW-NI8O>PTERMTECH
- BSc-thesis AR-AP-NI8O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis AR-MR-SI7O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis AR-SP-NI8O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis AR-SP-SI7O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis MB-BB-NI8O>PracaDyp
- BSc-thesis MB-PO-NI8O>PracaDyp
- BSc-thesis MB-PO-SI7O>PracaDyp
- BSc-thesis MB-PS-NM3O>PracaDyp
- BSc-thesis MB-PT-SI7O>PracaDyp
- Car bodies MB-BB-NI8O>NadSam
- Car bodies MB-BB-SI7O>NadSam
- Car bodies MB-PO-NI8O>NadSam
- Car bodies MB-PO-SI7O>NadSam
- Computer graphics I-NI7O>GK
- Control systems in vehicles AR-SP-SI7O>USWP
- Control systems of car engines AR-SP-NI8O>SSSS
- Control systems of car engines I AR-SP-SI7O>SSSS-I
- Control systems of car engines II AR-SP-SI7O>SSSS-II
- Creation of multi-layer business aplications I-IS-NI7O>TWAB
- Creation of multi-layer business aplications I-NI7O>TWAB
- Databases AR-NI8O>BD
- Databases AR-SI7O>BD
- Designing autonomous systems ME-MS-NM3O>ProSysAut
- Designing autonomous systems ME-MS-SM3O>ProSysAut
- Develoment trends of vehicles design MB-SM3O>KierRozKoPo
- Diagnostics and research of control systems in vehicles and engines AR-SP-NI8O>DiBUSPi
- Diagnostics and research of control systems in vehicles and engines AR-SP-SI7O>DiBUSPi
- Diagnostics of control systems ME-MS-NM3O>DiaUklSte
- Diagnostics of control systems ME-MS-SM3O>DiaUklSte
- Diagnostics of machines MB-NI8O>DiagMasz
- Diagnostics of machines MB-SI7O>DiagMasz
- Diploma seminar I AR-SP-NI8O>SD-I
- Diploma seminar I AR-SP-SI7O>SD-I
- Diploma seminar I AR-SP-SI7O>SD-II
- Diploma seminar I MB-BB-NI8O>SemDyp-I
- Diploma seminar I MB-BB-SI7O>SemDyp-I
- Diploma seminar I MB-PO-NI8O>SemDypI
- Diploma seminar I MB-PO-SI7O>SemDypI
- Diploma seminar I MB-PS-NM3O>SemDyp-I
- Diploma seminar I MB-PS-SM3O>SemDyp-I
- Diploma seminar I ME-MS-NM3O>SemDyp-I
- Diploma seminar I ME-MS-SM3O>semDyp-I
- Diploma seminar II AR-SP-NI8O>SD-II
- Diploma seminar II MB-BB-NI8O>SemDyp-II
- Diploma seminar II MB-BB-SI7O>SemDyp-II
- Diploma seminar II MB-PO-NI8O>SemDypII
- Diploma seminar II MB-PO-SI7O>SemDypII
- Diploma seminar II MB-PS-NM3O>SemDyp-II
- Diploma seminar II MB-PS-SM3O>SemDyp-II
- Diploma seminar II ME-MS-NM3O>SemDyp-II
- Diploma seminar II ME-MS-SM3O>SemDyp-II
- Dynamics of machines MB-NI8O>DynamMasz
- Dynamics of machines MB-SI7O>DynamMasz
- Dynamics of robots AR-NI8O>DR
- Dynamics of robots AR-SI7O>DR
- Electric drives in vehicles ME-MS-NM3O>NEWP
- Electric drives in vehicles ME-MS-SM3O>NEWP
- Electro-hydraulic systems in vehicles ME-MS-NM3O>UEWP
- Electro-hydraulic systems in vehicles ME-MS-SM3O>UEWP
- Engine control and power supply systems MB-PS-NM3O>SysSiZS
- Engine control and power supply systems MB-PS-SM3O>SysSiZS
- Engine control systems MB-BB-NI8O>SSS
- Engine control systems MB-BB-SI7O>SSS
- Engine control systems MB-PO-NI8O>SSS
- Engine control systems MB-PO-SI7O>SSS
- Engine structures MB-BB-NI8O>BudSiln
- Engine structures MB-BB-NI8O>BudSiln-1
- Engine structures MB-BB-SI7O>BudSiln
- Engine structures MB-PO-NI8O>BudSil
- Engine structures MB-PO-SI7O>BudSil
- Engine supercharging systems MB-PS-NM3O>SysDS
- Engine supercharging systems MB-PS-SM3O>SysDS
- Engineering calculation methods in vehicles MB-PS-NM3O>MOIwP
- Engineering calculation methods in vehicles MB-PS-SM3O>MOIwP
- Engineering thermodynamics I MB-NI8O>TerTech-I
- Engineering thermodynamics I MB-SI7O>TerTech-I
- Engineering thermodynamics I MB-SI7O>Term-IN
- Engineering thermodynamics II MB-NI8O>TerTech-II
- Engineering thermodynamics II MB-SI7O>TerTech-II
- Engineering thermodynamics II MB-SI7O>Term-IIN
- FEM in vehicle computations MB-PS-NM3O>MESwOP
- FEM in vehicle computations MB-PS-SM3O>MESwOP
- Fundamentals of electrical engineering I-NI7O>PET
- Fundamentals of electrical engineering I-SI7O>PELT
- Fundamentals of electrical engineering and metrology I-NI7O>PEiM
- Fundamentals of electrical engineering and metrology I-SI7O>PEiM