Courses at
(in Polish) Katedra Podstaw Budowy Maszyn
- (in Polish) Przemysłowe układy kontrolno-pomiarowe AR-MR-SI7O>PUK
- (in Polish) Projektowanie elementów automatyki AR-NI8O>PEA
- (in Polish) Projektowanie elementów automatyki AR-SI7O>PEA
- (in Polish) Mechanika płynów I EP-SI7P>MP1
- (in Polish) Mechanika płynów II EP-SI7P>MP2
- (in Polish) Metaloznawstwo EP-SI7P>Metal
- (in Polish) Materiały i tworzywa sztuczne w budowie pojazdów EP-SI7P>MiTSZwBP
- (in Polish) Podstawy automatyki EP-SI7P>PA
- (in Polish) Podstawy CAD i modelowanie 3D EP-SI7P>PCADiM3D
- (in Polish) Podstawy konstrukcji maszyn I EP-SI7P>PKM1
- (in Polish) Podstawy konstrukcji maszyn II EP-SI7P>PKM2
- (in Polish) Rysunek techniczny EP-SI7P>RT
- (in Polish) Wytrzymałość materiałów I EP-SI7P>WM1
- (in Polish) Wytrzymałość materiałów II EP-SI7P>WM2
- (in Polish) Wytrzymałość materiałów III EP-SI7P>WM3
- (in Polish) Mechanika płynów I EP-NI8P>MP1
- (in Polish) Mechanika płynów II EP-NI8P>MP2
- (in Polish) Metaloznawstwo EP-NI8P>Metal
- (in Polish) Materiały i tworzywa sztuczne w budowie pojazdów EP-NI8P>MiTSZwBP
- (in Polish) Podstawy automatyki EP-NI8P>PA
- (in Polish) Podstawy CAD i modelowanie 3D EP-NI8P>PCADiM3D
- (in Polish) Podstawy konstrukcji maszyn I EP-NI8P>PKM1
- (in Polish) Podstawy konstrukcji maszyn II EP-NI8P>PKM2
- (in Polish) Rysunek techniczny EP-NI8P>RT
- (in Polish) Wytrzymałość materiałów I EP-NI8P>WM1
- (in Polish) Wytrzymałość materiałów II EP-NI8P>WM2
- (in Polish) Wytrzymałość materiałów III EP-NI8P>WM3
- (in Polish) Podstawy Cad ( różnica programowa) AR-NI8O>PC-RP
- (in Polish) Podstawy konstrukcji maszyn (różnica programowa) MB-SM3O>PKM
- (in Polish) Engineering Graphics IE-SI7O>EG
- (in Polish) Fluid Mechanics IE-SI7O>FM
- (in Polish) Mechanics - Dynamics IE-SI7O>Mech-D
- (in Polish) Mechanics - Statics and Kinematics IE-SI7O>Mech-SaK
- (in Polish) Strength of Materials I IE-SI7O>SoM-I
- (in Polish) Strength of Materials II IE-SI7O>SoM-II
- (in Polish) Metaloznawstwo II MB-SI7O>Metal-II-2
- (in Polish) Praktyka MB-KW-NI8O>Prakt-2
- (in Polish) Praktyka MB-KW-SI7O>Prakt-2
- (in Polish) Wytrzymałość kompozytów i teoria sprężystości MB-SM3O>WytKomiTS
- (in Polish) Automation Systems and Control IE-SI7O>ASaC
- (in Polish) Fundamentals of Machine Design I IE-SI7O>FOMD-I
- (in Polish) Fundamentals of Machine Design II IE-SI7O>FOMD-II
- (in Polish) Heat Treatment of Metals IE-SI7O>HToM
- (in Polish) Introduction to Robotics IE-SI7O>ItR
- (in Polish) CAE Systems IE-SI7O>CAESys
- (in Polish) Materials Science IE-SI7O>MatScie
- (in Polish) Operational Research and Optimization IE-SI7O>ORaO
- (in Polish) Virtual Prototyping IE-SI7O>VP
- (in Polish) Modelling of Mechatronic Systems IE-SI7O>ModOMechSys
- (in Polish) Numerical Methods for Engineers IE-SI7O>NMfE
- (in Polish) PLC Controllers and Systems IE-SI7O>PLCCaS
- (in Polish) Parallel and Distributed Computing IE-SI7O>PaDC
- (in Polish) Reverse Engineering IE-SI7O>RE
- (in Polish) Robot Programming IE-SI7O>RP
- (in Polish) Monitoring w przemyśle AR-MR-NI8O>MWP-2
- (in Polish) Komputerowe wspomaganie konstruowania MB-KW-NI8O>KomWsK
- (in Polish) Komputerowe wspomaganie syntezy układów automatyki (różnica programowa) ME-SM3O>Kwsua-RP
- (in Polish) Sterowanie sekwencyjne (różninca programowa) ME-SM3O>SS-RP
- (in Polish) Systemy czasu rzeczywistego (różnica programowa) ME-SM3O>SCR-RP
- !!!!!! MB-PT-NI8O>KSPTiZF
- Advanced CAD systems MB-KW-NI8O>ZaSysCAD
- Advanced CAD systems MB-KW-SI7O>ZaSysCAD
- Advanced methods in strenngths of materials MB-NM3O>ZMWM
- Advanced methods in strenngths of materials MB-SM3O>ZMWM
- Advanced programming methods of controllers ME-SM-NM3O>ZaMetPrSt
- Advanced programming methods of controllers ME-SM-SM3O>ZaMetPrSt
- Application of additive methods in medicine MB-PT-SI7O>ZMAwM
- Application of computer methods in mechanics AR-AP-SI7O>ZTKWM
- Application of computer methods in mechanics AR-NI8O>ZTKWM
- Artificial and ceramic materials MB-NI8O>TwSziMaCer
- Artificial and ceramic materials MB-SI7O>TwSziMaCer
- Automation, control and operation of technical devices IS-ZW-NM4O>AUTSTERUT
- Automation, control and operation of technical devices IS-ZW-SM3O>AUTSTERUT
- BSc-thesis AR-MR-NI8O>PDINZ
- BSc-thesis MB-BB-SI7O>PracaDyp
- BSc-thesis MB-KW-NI8O>PracaDyp
- BSc-thesis MB-KW-NM3O>PracaDyp
- BSc-thesis MB-KW-SI7O>PracaDyp
- BSc-thesis MB-PT-NI8O>PracaDyp
- CAD documentation management MB-PT-NM3O>ZDCAD
- CAD documentation management MB-PT-SM3O>ZDCAD
- Computer aided design MB-KW-NI8O>KomWsKon
- Computer aided design MB-KW-SI7O>KomWsKon
- Computer aided engineering calculations MB-PT-NI8O>KomWsOI
- Computer aided engineering calculations MB-PT-NM3O>KWOI
- Computer aided engineering calculations MB-PT-SI7O>KomWsOI
- Computer aided engineering calculations MB-PT-SM3O>KWOI
- Computer aided synthesis of control systems AR-NI8O>KWSUA
- Computer aided synthesis of control systems AR-SI7O>KWSUA
- Computer aided synthesis of control systems ME-NM3O>KWSUA-RP
- Computer simulations of technological processes of 3D printing MB-PT-SI7O>KSPTD3D
- Computer-aided modeling of mechatronic systems MB-NM3O>ModKUM
- Computer-aided modeling of mechatronic systems MB-SM3O>ModKUM
- Computer-aided modeling of mechatronic systems ME-NM3O>ModKUM
- Computer-aided modeling of mechatronic systems ME-SM3O>ModKUM
- Computer-aided modeling of mechatronic systems MB-SM3O>ModKUM2
- Control of continuous processes AR-NI8O>SPC
- Control of continuous processes AR-SI7O>SPC
- Control systems design and integration ME-SM-NM3O>PiISS
- Control systems design and integration ME-SM-SM3O>PiISS