Courses at
Institute of Engineering Sciences
- Civil engineering economics BB-BO-SI7O>EKONBUD
- Civil engineering economics BB-NI8O>EKONBUD
- Civil engineering economics BB-BO-NI8O>EKONBUD
- Civil engineering production organization BB-BO-SI7O>ORGPRBUD
- Civil engineering production organization BB-NI8O>ORGPRBUD
- Civil engineering production organization BB-BO-NI8O>ORGPRBUD
- Civilization threats and sustainable development OS-NI8O>ZAGRCYW
- Civilization threats and sustainable development OS-SI7O>ZAGRCYW
- Civilizations and Inventions W2-K22>CIVINV
- Composite materials IM-MA-SI7O>MATKOMP
- Composite materials IM-PO-SI7O>MATKOMP
- Computer methods in water and wastewater treatment IS-ZW-NM4O>METKOMWIS
- Computer methods in water and wastewater treatment IS-ZW-SM3O>METKOMWIS
- Computer modeling of materials IM-IM-NM4O>KOMPMM
- Computer modeling of materials IM-IM-SM3O>KOMPMM
- Concrete structures 1 BB-BO-NI8O>KONSBET1
- Concrete structures 1 BB-BO-SI7O>KONSBET1
- Concrete structures 2 BB-BO-SI7O>KONSBET2
- Concrete structures 2 BB-NI8O>KONSBET2
- Concrete structures 2 BB-BO-NI8O>KONSBET2
- Concrete technology BB-BO-NI8O>TECHBET
- Concrete technology BB-BO-SI7O>TECHBET
- Conditions for Sustainable Development IS-IK-SI7O>UWARZRROZ
- Construction Chemicals BB-BO-SI7O>CHEMBUD
- Construction Chemicals BB-NI8O>CHEMBUD
- Construction in landslide areas - facultative course 2 BB-KB-NM4O>BT-PO2
- Construction in landslide areas - facultative course 2 BB-KB-SM3O>BT-POB2
- Construction materials BB-BO-NI8O>MATBUD2
- Construction materials 1 BB-BO-SI7O>MATBUD1
- Construction materials 1 BB-KA-SI7O>MATBUD1
- Construction materials 1 BB-NI8O>MATBUD1
- Construction materials 2 BB-BO-SI7O>MATBUD2
- Construction of Passive Buildings BB-KA-SI7O>BP-POB1
- Construction of Passive Buildings BB-NI8O>BP-OB1
- Construction of Passive Buildings - facultative course BB-BO-SI7O>BP-POB1
- Construction of Passive Buildings - facultative course 1 BB-BO-NI8O>BP-OB1
- Construction practice BB-BO-NI8O>PRAKTBUD
- Construction practice BB-BO-SI7O>PRAKTBUD
- Construction work technology BB-BO-NI8O>TECHRBUD
- Construction work technology BB-BO-SI7O>TECHRBUD
- Corrosion materials IM-IM-SM3O>KORMAT
- Cultural heritage in architecture - a humanistic and social subject 1 BB-KB-NM4O>DZ-PHS1
- Cultural heritage in architecture - a humanistic and social subject 1 BB-KB-SM3O>DZ-PHS1
- Descriptive geometry BB-BO-SI7O>GEOMWYK
- Descriptive geometry BB-KA-SI7O>GEOMWYK
- Descriptive geometry BB-NI8O>GEOMWYK
- Descriptive geometry IM-NI8O>GEOMWYK
- Descriptive geometry IM-SI7O>GEOMWYK
- Descriptive geometry IS-NI8O>GEOMWYK
- Descriptive geometry IS-SI7O>GEOMWYK
- Design of flexible materials IM-IM-NM4O>PROJMATEL
- Design of flexible materials IM-IM-SM3O>PROJMATEL
- Design thinking IM-PO-SI7O>DESIGNT
- Diploma Seminar BB-KA-SI7O>SDYPLOM
- Diploma Seminar BB-KB-NM4O>SDYPLOM
- Diploma Seminar BB-KB-SM3O>SDYPLOM
- Diploma Seminar BB-NI8O>SDYPLOM
- Diploma Seminar IM-PO-SI7O>SDYPLOM
- Diploma Seminar IS-IW-NI8O>SDYPLOM
- Diploma Seminar IS-IW-SI7O>SDYPLOM
- Diploma Seminar IS-ZW-NM4O>SDYPLOM
- Diploma Seminar IS-ZW-SM3O>SDYPLOM
- Diploma Seminar OS-ES-SI7O>SDYPLOM
- Diploma Seminar BB-BO-SI7O>SDYPLOM
- Diploma Seminar BB-BO-NI8O>SDYPLOM
- Diploma Seminar 1 IM-IM-SM3O>SEMD1
- Diploma Seminar 2 IM-IM-SM3O>SEMD2
- Ecological Material Technologies IS-IK-SI7O>EKOLTECHM
- Ecological Material Technologies IS-IW-SI7O>EKOLTECHM
- Ecological Material Technologies IS-IW-NI8O>EKOLTECHM
- Economic instruments in environmental protection OS-AR-SI7O>INSTREKOS
- Economic instruments in environmental protection OS-ES-SI7O>INSTREKOS
- Ecotoxicology IS-NI8O>EKTOKSYK
- Ecotoxicology IS-SI7O>EKTOKSYK
- Ecotoxicology IS-IW-NI8O>EKTOKSYK
- Effective communication - a humanistic and social subject 1 BB-KB-NM4O>SK-PHS1
- Effective communication - a humanistic and social subject 1 BB-KB-SM3O>SK-PHS1
- Effective learning methods - a humanistic and social subject 1 OGWDZ-NI>PHS1D
- Effective learning methods - a humanistic and social subject 1 OGWDZ-SI>PHS1D
- Elements of bridge structures BB-KB-NM4O>ELKONMOST
- Elements of bridge structures BB-KB-SM3O>ELKONMOST
- Elements of law and intellectual property protection BB-KB-NM4O>ELPRAIOWI
- Elements of law and intellectual property protection IS-ZW-NM4O>ELPRAIOWI
- Elements of law and intellectual property protection IS-ZW-SM3O>ELPRAIOWI
- Elements of law and intellectual property protection IM-IM-SM3O>ELPRAIOWI
- Elements of law and intellectual property protection BB-KB-SM3O>ELPRAIOWI
- Elements of solid state physics IM-NI8O>ELEMFIZCS
- Elements of solid state physics IM-SI7O>ELEMFIZCS
- Energetic efficiency IS-IW-SI7O>EFENERG
- Energy auditing in civil engineering BB-KA-SI7O>AUDITING
- Energy auditing in civil engineering BB-NI8O>AUDITING
- Energy auditing in civil engineering BB-BO-SI7O>AUDITING
- Energy auditing in civil engineering BB-BO-NI8O>AUDITING
- Energy efficiency in industry IM-IM-SM3O>EFEKTENWP
- Engineering calculations BB-BO-NI8O>OBLINZ
- Engineering calculations BB-BO-SI7O>OBLINZ
- Engineering calculations BB-NI8O>OBLINZ
- Engineering graphics with elements of CAD IM-SI7O>GRAINZCAD
- Engineering graphics with elements of CAD IS-NI8O>GRAINZCAD
- Engineering graphics with elements of CAD OS-NI8O>GRAINZCAD