Courses at
Institute of Engineering Sciences
- (in Polish) Prawo kontraktowe BB-KB-NM4O>PRAWKONTR
- (in Polish) Prawo kontraktowe BB-KB-SM3O>PRAWKONTR
- (in Polish) Ergonomia w kształtowaniu warunków pracy IS-NI8O>ERGIBHP
- (in Polish) Tworzenie i rozwój form przedsiębiorczości OS-AR-SI7O>TWIROZFP
- (in Polish) Tworzenie i rozwój form przedsiębiorczości OS-ES-SI7O>TWIROZFP
- (in Polish) Analiza statystyczna danych środowiskowych OS-SI7O>ANLSTATDS
- (in Polish) Wybrane zagadnienia z fizyki EP-SI7P>WZzF
- (in Polish) Wybrane zagadnienia z fizyki EP-NI8P>WZzF
- (in Polish) Biomimetics IE-SI7O>Biomi
- (in Polish) EU Environmental Management IE-SI7O>EUEM
- (in Polish) Fundamentals of Physics IE-SI7O>FoP
- (in Polish) Design Thinking IE-SI7O>DT
- (in Polish) Industrial Waste Management IE-SI7O>IWM
- (in Polish) Renewable Energy Technologies IE-SI7O>RET
- (in Polish) Advanced Concrete Structures 1 W2-K24>ACONST1LEC
- (in Polish) Concrete Structures 2 W2-K24>CONST2LEC
- (in Polish) Concrete Structures 2 (project) W2-K24>CONST2PR
- (in Polish) Construction on landslide areas W2-K24>CONSTLC
- (in Polish) Construction on landslide areas (project) W2-K24>CONSTPR
- (in Polish) Real Estate Appraisal W2-K24>REALLC
- (in Polish) Real Estate Appraisal (project) W2-K24>REALPR
- (in Polish) Renovation of buildings (laboratory) W2-K24>RENBULB
- (in Polish) Renovation of buildings W2-K24>RENBULC
- (in Polish) Special Structures W2-K24>SPSTRLEC
- (in Polish) Special Structures (project) W2-K24>SPSTRPR
- Accountancy in environment protection IS-IW-NI8O>RACHEKWIS
- Accountancy in environment protection IS-IW-SI7O>RACHEKWIS
- Acoustic tests of materials IM-IM-SM3O>AKUBM
- Adhesive connections engineering IM-IM-SM3O>INZPA
- Administrative decisions in the field of environmental protection OS-ES-SI7O>DECADMWOS
- Advanced concrete structures 1 BB-KA-SM3O>ZKONBET1
- Advanced concrete structures 1 BB-KB-NM4O>ZKONBET1
- Advanced concrete structures 1 BB-KB-SM3O>ZKONBET1
- Advanced concrete structures 2 BB-KB-NM4O>ZKONBET2
- Advanced concrete structures 2 BB-KB-SM3O>ZKONBET2
- Advanced metal structures 1 BB-KA-SM3O>ZKONMET1
- Advanced metal structures 1 BB-KB-NM4O>ZKONMET1
- Advanced metal structures 1 BB-KB-SM3O>ZKONMET1
- Advanced metal structures 2 BB-KB-NM4O>ZKONMET2
- Advanced metal structures 2 BB-KB-SM3O>ZKONMET2
- Agricultural pollution OS-ES-SI7O>ZANIEROL
- Alternative Energy Sources IS-ZW-NM4O>ALTERNZE
- Alternative Energy Sources IS-ZW-SM3O>ALTERNZE
- Anthropology and human ecology W2-K22>AHECO
- Applied ecology W2-K22>AECO
- Architecture of large-size facilities - a humanistic and social subject 2 BB-KB-NM4O>AO-PHS2
- Architecture of large-size facilities - a humanistic and social subject 2 BB-KB-SM3O>AO-PHS2
- Atmosphere Protection IS-IW-NI8O>OCHRPOW
- Atmosphere Protection IS-SI7O>OCHRPOW
- Atmosphere Protection OS-ES-SI7O>OCHRPOW
- Atmosphere Protection IS-IW-SI7O>OCHRPOW
- Basic ecology W2-K22>BECO
- Basics of Management and project management IM-PO-SI7O>PZARZPROJ
- Basics of aesthetics and design - a humanistic and social subject 2 OGWDZ-NI>PHS2A
- Basics of aesthetics and design - a humanistic and social subject 2 OGWDZ-SI>PHS2A
- Basics of aesthetics and design - a humanistic and social subject 3 OGWDZ-NI>PHS3A
- Basics of aesthetics and design - a humanistic and social subject 3 OGWDZ-SI>PHS3A
- Basics of architectural engineering IS-IW-NI8O>PODSTBUD
- Basics of architectural engineering IS-IW-NI8O>PODSTBUDO
- Basics of architectural engineering IS-SI7O>PODSTBUD
- Basics of construction drainage and melioration - facultative course BB-BO-SI7O>PMOB-POB1
- Basics of drainage and construction drainage - facultative course BB-NI8O>PM-OB1
- Basics of drainage and construction drainage - facultative course 1 BB-BO-NI8O>PM-OB1
- Basics of materials engineering IM-SI7O>PODSTNOMAT
- Basics of metrology IM-SI7O>PODSTMETR
- Biocenology IS-NI8O>BIOCENOL
- Biocenology IS-SI7O>BIOCENOL
- Biocenology OS-AR-SI7O>BIOCEN
- Biocenology OS-ES-SI7O>BIOCEN
- Biochemistry OS-SI7O>BIOCHEM
- Bioenergy Technologies OS-ES-SI7O>TECHBIOE
- Biological Monitoring and Bioindycation OS-AR-SI7O>MONITBIO
- Biological Monitoring and Bioindycation OS-ES-SI7O>MONITBIO
- Biology IS-NI8O>BIOLOG
- Biology IS-SI7O>BIOLOG
- Biology 1 OS-NI8O>BIOLOG1
- Biology 1 OS-SI7O>BIOLOG1
- Biology 2 OS-NI8O>BIOLOG2
- Biology 2 OS-SI7O>BIOLOG2
- Biomimetics IM-IM-NM4O>BIOMIMET
- Biomimetics IM-IM-SM3O>BIOMIMET
- Biopolimers IM-PO-SI7O>BIOPOLIM
- Bioremediation and Phytoremediation OS-ES-SI7O>BIOREMED
- Building Information Modeling (BIM) BB-KB-NM4O>BIM
- Building Information Modeling (BIM) BB-KB-SM3O>BIM
- Building Installations BB-BO-SI7O>INSTBUD
- Building Installations BB-NI8O>INSTBUD
- Building Installations BB-BO-NI8O>INSTBUD
- Building Law BB-BO-NI8O>PRAWBUD
- Building Law BB-BO-SI7O>PRAWBUD
- Building physics BB-BO-NI8O>FIZBUD
- Building physics BB-BO-SI7O>FIZBUD
- Calculation methods BB-BO-NI8O>METOBLI
- Calculation methods BB-BO-SI7O>METOBLI
- Ceramic Materials IM-SI7O>MATCERAM
- Ceramic materials and technologies IM-SI7O>MATITECHCER
- Ceramic processes IM-MA-SI7O>PROCERAM
- Ceramic processes IM-PO-SI7O>PROCERAM