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Management (ZA-NL7O)

(in Polish: zarządzanie studia licencjackie)
part time, 3,5 years of studies (7 terms)
Language: English, Polish
No description for the programme.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) licencjat

Access to further studies:

Application for complementary Master's studies (Second cycle) or post-graduate studies.

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes in the field of Management, first-cycle studies, education profile: general academic:
• In the area of knowledge, a graduate:
- has a basic knowledge of the place and importance of management sciences in the social sciences system;
- has a basic set of concepts in the field of management sciences and economics, deepened in the area of specialization;
- has basic knowledge of classic and modern management concepts and their development directions,
- has a basic knowledge of the types of structures, organizations and institutions functioning in the socio-economic system;
- has a basic knowledge of the relations and ties between: structures, organizations and institutions of social and economic life on a national, international and intercultural scale;
- has a basic knowledge of various subjects of social and economic life and their structure and management systems, goals, formal basis, organization and functioning;
- has basic knowledge about man as a subject of management and participant in social activity and economic, knows the basic social phenomena, functioning and behavior of people in the organization;
- has a basic knowledge of the methodology of management sciences, research problems, methods, techniques and tools of research, analysis and presentation of research results;
- knows the basic methods and tools of management, including the use of mathematical and IT methods;
- has elementary knowledge of the norms and rules organizing economic life, knows and understands the basic elements of civil and commercial law, concepts and principles in the field of intellectual protection and copyright;
- has a basic knowledge of the principles and ethical and social norms in the functioning of the economy organization, their sources and regularities governing them;
- has knowledge about the processes of changes taking place in organizations and the economy as well as about the elements, causes, course, scale and consequences of these changes, as well as modern approaches to organization and management developing along with them;
- knows the principles of creating and developing entrepreneurship;
- knows the area of management being the subject of the selected area of specialization and the conditions of its functioning;
- has knowledge of selected, specific (area) related management concepts with the area of specialization;
- knows the basic tools, methods and techniques used in the selected area of specialization;
- has a basic knowledge of the prospects and directions of development of a selected area of specialization;
• In the area of abilities, a graduate:
- can observe and describe socio-economic phenomena and their relations with management and other areas of human activity;
- is able to correctly use the basic concepts of management sciences and economic sciences, as well as to freely apply professional terminology in speech and in writing using various communication channels;
- is able to use theoretical knowledge in the field of management and related disciplines in order to analyze and describe processes and phenomena in management;
- is able to search for and use the data of public statistics and national accounting in the description of economic phenomena;
- is able to properly analyze the causes and course of specific processes and phenomena in management;
- can forecast economic and social processes and phenomena with the use of standard management methods and tools;
- is able to analyze solutions to specific problems in the field of management and suggest related solutions;
- is able to assess the usefulness of typical methods, procedures and techniques for the implementation of specific tasks related to various spheres of economic and social activity;
- correctly uses the selected legal, ethical and professional standards in management practice;
- has basic research skills allowing for the analysis of research examples as well as constructing and conducting own simple research; is able to formulate conclusions, develop and present the results and indicate further research directions;
- is able to use basic statistical tools in the analysis of problems and results of research in the field of management and is able to correctly interpret their results;
- is able to use modern technologies and innovations in scientific work and professional activity;
- is able to develop simple plans in selected areas of management. e.g. business plan, promotion plan, employment plan;
- can plan and manage simple projects;
- behaves in a professional manner, observes the principles of professional ethics, respects the diversity of views;
- can analyze and diagnose simple management problems related to the selected area of specialization;
- can select and apply techniques and management methods to solve specific problems in a selected area of specialization;
- can collect and use information necessary for professional functioning in the selected area of specialization;
- can propose solutions to management problems in a selected area of specialization;
- can use the documentation used in the selected area of specialization, independently develop simple documents;
- has the ability to prepare written works on selected issues in the field of management and related fields with the use of basic theoretical approaches and various sources;
- has the ability to prepare oral presentations on selected issues in the field of management and related fields, using basic theoretical approaches and various sources;
- has the ability to argue, present his own ideas, projects, solutions;
- uses the acquired knowledge to solve dilemmas of professional work;
- has a good command of English in the field of management at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) of the European System for the Description of Languages;
• In the area of social competences, a graduate:
- understands the need for lifelong learning; can systematically supplement and improve their knowledge; understands the need to raise personal and professional qualifications;
- can work in a team, carry out team tasks and bear responsibility for them, can organize team work and/or perform various roles in the team;
- is able to organize their own work and that of others;
- correctly identifies and resolves professional dilemmas;
- is able to participate in the preparation of economic projects that take into account economic, legal, social and environmental aspects;
- can think and act in an entrepreneurial way;
The study program was defined by Resolution No. 1469/09/VI/2019 of September 6, 2019

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.ubb.edu.pl/