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Study programmes > First-cycle studies > Emergency medical sevices > (in Polish) Ratownictwo medyczne studia licencjackie

(in Polish) Ratownictwo medyczne studia licencjackie (RM-NL8P)

(in Polish: Ratownictwo medyczne studia licencjackie)
part time, 4 years of studies (8 terms)
Language: Polish

Absolwent kierunku Ratownictwo medyczne, studia licencjackie posiada:

– szczegółową wiedzę z zakresu medycznych czynności ratunkowych wykonywanych w stanach zagrożenia życia u dorosłych i dzieci,

– ogólną wiedzę z zakresu innych nauk medycznych,

– znajomość regulacji prawnych, norm etycznych i deontologii odnoszących się do wykonywania zawodu ratownika medycznego,

– umiejętność korzystania z aktualnej wiedzy dla zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa i wysokiego poziomu opieki,

– umiejętność oceny stanu zdrowia osób w celu wstępnego rozpoznania i zaplanowania postępowania leczniczego,

– zabezpiecza i transportuje osoby w stanie nagłego zagrożenia życia,

– udziela świadczeń w zakresie udzielania pierwszej pomocy, kwalifikowanej pierwszej pomocy,  ratowania życia ludzkiego,

– podejmuje działania zapobiegające zwiększeniu liczby ofiar i degradacji środowiska,

– samodzielnie organizuje i prowadzi zajęcia z zakresu pierwszej pomocy, kwalifikowanej pierwszej pomocy i medycznych czynności

– ratunkowych  zgodnie z zasadami etyki ogólnej oraz poszanowaniem i respektowaniem  praw człowieka,

– organizuje pracę własną, nawiązuje współpracę z Państwową Strażą Pożarną oraz inicjuje i wspiera działania społeczności lokalnej na rzecz zdrowia,

– skutecznie i z empatią porozumiewa się z pacjentem,

– posiada  świadomość konieczności permanentnego, ustawicznego kształcenia się.

Absolwent Ratownictwa medycznego może podjąć pracę w publicznych i niepublicznych placówkach służby zdrowia, w tym  w szpitalnych oddziałach ratunkowych, zespołach ratownictwa medycznego, specjalistycznych służbach ratowniczych oraz ośrodkach nauczających, w Centrum Powiadamiania Ratunkowego szczebla powiatowego i regionalnego, w powiatowych i wojewódzkich zespołach do spraw opracowania regionalnych planów zabezpieczania kryzysowego, w strukturach Krajowego Systemu Ratowniczo-Gaśniczego, w charakterze instruktora pierwszej pomocy i kwalifikowanej pierwszej pomocy w: szkołach, jednostkach straży pożarnej, służbach ratowniczych (Górskie Ochotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe, Wodne Ochotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe, ochotnicze straże pożarne) i zakładach pracy o dużym ryzyku wypadkowości, w służbach zajmujących się bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy w zakładach przemysłowych oraz w charakterze koordynatora medycznego przy zabezpieczeniu imprez masowych.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) licencjat

Access to further studies:

Possibility of application for being registered at the second level studies (master studies) as well as for post-diploma studies.

Professional status:

A graduate of emergency medicine is awarded a Bachelor's Degree Diploma and is qualified to work in public and non-public healthcare institutions, including hospital emergency departments, emergency medical teams, specialist emergency services and teaching centres; in Emergency Notification Centre at the district and regional level; in district and provincial teams for the development of regional crisis protection plans.

Learning outcomes

Pursuant to the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 26 July 2019 on the standards of education preparing for the profession of a doctor, dentist, pharmacist, nurse, midwife, laboratory diagnostician, physiotherapist and paramedic (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2021) sec. 755).
Pursuant to the Resolution No. 1517/05 / VI / 2020 of 26 May 2020 of the Senate of the University of Bielsko-Biała [Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna in original language] on the establishment of study programmes in the fields of Nursing and Emergency Medicine, conducted at the University of Bielsko-Biała.


In terms of knowledge, the graduate knows and understands:
W01A anatomical terminology;
W02A the structure of the human body with regard to topography and function;
W03A anatomical basis of physical examination;
W04A basic cell structures and their functional specialisations;
W05A physiology of organs and body systems;
W06A mechanisms of regulation of organs and body systems and relations between them;
W07A vital functions in an adult and a child;
W08A respiratory and circulatory processes and neurophysiological processes;
W09A neurohormonal regulation of physiological and electrophysiological processes;
W10A mechanism of hormones action and consequences of disturbed hormonal regulation;
W11A changes in the functioning of the organism as a whole when its homeostasis is disturbed, as well as the specification and importance of water, electrolyte and acid-base balance in maintaining organism homeostasis;
W12A the role of the kidneys in maintaining homeostasis;
W13A the structure and functions of the digestive system, enzymes involved in digestion and basic disorders of digestive enzymes and the effects of these disorders;
W14A physical and chemical basis of the functioning of the sense organs;
W15A blood components, blood and blood substitutes and blood products;
W16A genetic conditions of blood groups and serological conflict in the Rh system;
W17A basic concepts of microbiology and parasitology;
W18A structure of genetic material;
W19A epidemiology of viral and bacterial infections, and fungal and parasitic infections;
W20A principles of anti-epidemic management;
W21A genetic mechanisms of acquisition of drug resistance by microorganisms and neoplastic cells;
W22A invasive forms or stages of selected parasitic fungi, protozoa, helminths and arthropods;
W23A principles of functioning of the host-parasite relationship and basic symptoms of disease caused by parasites;
W24A symptoms of iatrogenic infections, pathways of spread and pathogens causing changes in particular organs;
W25A principles of disinfection, sterilisation and antiseptic treatment;
W26A basics of microbiological and parasitological diagnostics;
W27A basis of development and mechanisms of immune system functioning, including specific and non-specific mechanisms of humoral and cell-mediated immunity;
W28A natural and artificial sources of ionizing radiation and its interaction with matter;
W29A the laws of physics that affect fluid flow, as well as factors that affect vascular resistance to blood flow;
W30A the structure of the organism in terms of biochemistry and basic changes undergoing the organism in health and disease;
W31A the structure and mechanisms of synthesis and functions of proteins, lipids and polysaccharides as well as interactions of macromolecules in cellular and extracellular structures;
W32A acid-base balance and the mechanism of action of buffers and their importance in systemic homeostasis;
W33A basic catabolic and anabolic pathways and methods of their regulation;
W34A basic principles of pharmacotherapy;
W35A the origin, types and routes of administration of drugs, the mechanism and effects of their action, and the processes the drugs undergo in the body and their interactions;
W36A the issues of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of selected drugs used in emergency health conditions;
W37A particular groups of drugs, the main mechanisms of their action in the body and side effects;
W38A the effect of pharmacological treatment on the physiological and biochemical processes undergoing in individual organs;
W39A types of drugs that can be self-administered by a paramedic and their detailed pharmacological characteristics;
W40A basics of pharmacotherapy in pregnant women and the elderly in a life-threatening condition;
W41A differences in pharmacotherapy in adults and children in terms of paramedic activities;
W42A the effect of disease processes on drug metabolism and elimination;
W43A problems in the field of toxicology, side effects of drugs, drug poisoning – the basics;
W44A symptoms of the most common acute poisonings, including alcohol, narcotic drugs and other psychoactive substances, heavy metals and selected groups of drugs;
W45A basic principles of diagnostic procedures in poisoning;
W46A pathophysiology of organs and body systems;
W47A detailed principles of the diagnosis and treatment of shock and its types;
W48A basic concepts of general pathology relating to retrograde changes, progressive changes and inflammations;
W49A selected issues in the field of organ pathology of the nervous, digestive and genitourinary systems;
W50A principles of ergonomics and hygiene of work with a computer;
W51A basic IT tools and biostatic methods used in medicine, including medical databases and spreadsheets;
W52A basic methods of statistical analysis used in population and diagnostic studies;
W53A the possibilities of modern telemedicine as a tool supporting the work of a paramedic.

In terms of skills, the graduate is able to
U01A locate individual areas of the body and organs placed in them and determine the location of organs in relation to each other;
U02A show differences in body structure and organ function in adult and child;
U03A assess the functions of organs and body systems;
U04A recognise the pathophysiological foundations of cardiovascular failure;
U05A recognise digestive disorders, taking into account the role of enzymes, including basic disorders of digestive enzymes and to identify the effects of these disorders;
U06A recognise renal dysfunction and its impact on organism homeostasis;
U07A recognise viral and bacterial infections, as well as fungal and parasitic infections, taking into account the geographical range of their occurrence;
U08A use knowledge of the laws of physics to determine the influence of external factors such as temperature, acceleration, pressure, electromagnetic field and ionising radiation on the body;
U09A apply the principles of radiological protection;
U10A calculate the molarity and percentage concentrations of compounds and concentrations of substances in iso-osmotic single- and multi-component solutions;
U11A predict the direction of biochemical processes depending on the energy level of cells;
U12A use selected basic laboratory techniques;
U13A perform basic pharmacokinetic calculations;
U14A apply epidemiological procedures appropriate to the situation;
U15A select drugs in the appropriate doses in order to correct pathological phenomena in the body and individual organs;
U16A to use pharmaceutical guides and databases on medicinal products;
U17A associate pathological changes found on physical examination with changes taking place at the cellular level;
U18A recognise disorders of respiration, circulation and functions of other body systems and organs;
U19A select the appropriate statistical test, perform basic statistical analysis and use the appropriate methods of presenting the results.


In terms of knowledge, the graduate knows and understands:

W01B selected theories and methods of reality modelling from the perspective of sociology, applicable in emergency medical services;
W02B issues related to the functioning of the entities connected with the healthcare system and the problems of evaluation and control in healthcare;
W03B the social dimension of health and disease, the influence of the social environment (family, social networks) and socio-cultural diversity on health;
W04B the role of social stress in health-related and self-destructive behaviours;
W05B forms of violence, models explaining violence in the family and in selected institutions as well as social determinants of various forms of violence;
W06B social attitudes towards the importance of health, disease, disability and old age, social consequences of disease and disability as well as socio-cultural barriers and the concept of health-related quality of life;
W07B the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication in the process of communicating with patients and the concept of trust in interaction with the patient;
W08B psychosocial consequences of hospitalisation and chronic disease;
W09B the social role of a paramedic;
W10B basic psychological mechanisms of human functioning in health and disease;
W11B the role of the family in the treatment process;
W12B the role of stress in the etiopathogenesis and course of diseases and mechanisms of coping with stress;
W13B principles of motivating patients to pro-health behaviour and informing about unfavourable prognosis;
W14B main concepts, theories, ethical principles serving as a general framework for the proper interpretation and analysis of moral and medical issues;
W15B basic issues concerning world health problems;
W16B principles of managing entities involved in the healthcare system;
W17B legal, organisational and ethical conditions for performing the profession of a paramedic, taking into account the place of employment and the function performed;
W18B basic concepts of the theory of knowledge and logic;
W19B principles of communication in situations typical for the profession of a paramedic;
W20B the concepts of emotions, motivation and personality, personality disorders, the essence and structure of phenomena occurring in the process of transfer and exchange of information, as well as models and styles of interpersonal communication;
W21B issues related to post-traumatic stress disorder, physiological and emotional, cognitive and interpersonal reactions, as well as mechanisms of human functioning in difficult situations;
W22B anxiety reduction techniques and methods of relaxation, as well as mechanisms of the formation and symptoms of the burnout syndrome and methods of preventing this syndrome;
W23B legal, organisational, ethical and social aspects related to the transplantation of tissues, cells and organs;
W24B legal provisions relating to emergency medical services, including the principles of civil, criminal and professional liability of a paramedic;
W25B the structure and organisation of the National Emergency Medical Services;
W26B the concept of health and its determinants as well as civilisation and occupational diseases;
W27B health effects caused by the action of harmful physical, chemical and biological factors on the body, including the rules of paramedic's own safety;
W28B basic issues concerning the economics of health and financial management in the healthcare system;
W29B principles of health promotion and disease prevention;
W30B issues of food and nutrition, environmental hygiene, occupational hygiene, hygiene of children and adolescents and legal regulations in this regard;
W31B epidemiology of infectious diseases and legal regulations in this area;
W32B basic epidemiological concepts and basic methods of epidemiological research;
W33B basic issues in the field of ergonomics, including the principles of ergonomic work organisation;
W34B basics of ecology and environmental protection, types of pollution and methods of environmental protection;
W35B the issues of handling crisis interventions and the principles and methods of coping with stress while performing the profession of a paramedic;
W36B prophylaxis of anti-health behaviours manifested in the form of the use of narcotic drugs or psychoactive substances, consumption of alcohol and smoking, and prevention of diseases of civilisation and mental diseases;
W37B the influence of environmental factors on human and social health, state health policy, health programmes and health threats, taking into account variables such as age, place of residence, study or work;
W38B tasks of sanitary and epidemiological supervision and the State Sanitary Inspection;
W39B basic regulations concerning the organisation and financing of the healthcare system and national health insurance;
W40B methods of health promotion, with particular emphasis on health education;
W41B principles of quality management and methods of quality assurance;
W42B methods of increasing physical fitness;
W43B types of terrorism threats and principles of counteracting terrorist and bioterrorist attacks, as well as legal conditions of crisis management.

In terms of skills, the graduate is able to:
U01B implement epidemiological procedures appropriate to the situation;
U02B identify situations that require consultation with a representative of another medical profession or a medical coordinator;
U03B take care of his/her own safety, the safety of patients, the surroundings and the environment, while observing the principles of occupational health and safety as well as regulations and rules governing the behaviour in the event of various types of threats;
U04B provide information about the basic procedures and activities concerning the patient and information about his health;
U05B observe ethical principles when performing professional activities;
U06B respect patient's rights;
U07B take into account the patient's expectations resulting from socio-cultural conditions during medical rescue operations;
U08B adhere to the principles of sanitary and epidemiological safety and the prevention of infectious and non-communicable diseases;
U09B identify risk factors for the occurrence of violence, recognise violence and respond to it appropriately;
U10B make - in the basic scope - psychological motivating and supportive interventions;
U11B communicate with colleagues in the team, providing them with feedback and support;
U12B improve their qualifications and impart knowledge to others;
U13B prevent post-traumatic stress disorder after traumatic events, including debriefing the team;
U14B cope with stress when practicing the profession of a paramedic;
U15B evaluate human functioning in difficult situations (stress, conflict, frustration);
U16B communicate with the patient in one of the foreign languages at B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;
U17B assess the exposure to harmful substances in the human environment and apply the principles of ergonomic monitoring;
U18B apply measures to protect the environment;
U19B define the mutual relations between man and the environment;
U20B perform activities in the field of emergency medical services and provide health services in compliance with the legal regulations regarding the performance of the profession of a paramedic.


In terms of knowledge, the graduate knows and understands:
W01C rules of procedure in the case of most common diseases in children, taking into account the differences depending on age;
W02C basic developmental norms of physical examination of a child;
W03C selected diseases of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system and digestive system as well as neurological diseases in children;
W04C the most common childhood infectious diseases;
W05C morphological and physiological differences of individual organs and systems of the organism in the developmental age;
W06C the physiology and pathophysiology of the neonatal period;
W07C selected birth defects and genetically inherited diseases;
W08C problems resulting from disability and chronic diseases;
W09C general symptomatology of mental disorders and the principles of their classification according to the main classification systems;
W10C symptoms of the most common mental illnesses, principles of their diagnosis and therapeutic management;
W11C the specificity of mental disorders in children, adolescents and the elderly;
W12C legal regulations concerning mental health protection, with particular emphasis on the principles of admission to a psychiatric hospital;
W13C types of direct coercive measures and rules of their application in the healthcare system;
W14C environmental and epidemiological conditions of the most common cancers;
W15C causes, symptoms, principles of diagnosis and therapeutic management of the most common problems of palliative medicine;
W16C principles of emergency procedures in the case of a terminally ill patient;
W17C mechanisms leading to sudden threats to health and life;
W18C mechanisms of action of basic groups of drugs and drugs administered independently by a paramedic;
W19C methods of pain reduction, with particular emphasis on pharmacotherapy in children;
W20C pain assessment scales and the possibility of implementing analgesic treatment by a paramedic;
W21C decontamination principles;
W22C medical simulation techniques in non-surgical fields of medicine;
W23C emergency conditions in neoplastic and hematologic diseases, disorders of the coagulation system, intravascular coagulation syndrome and acute leukaemia, and the principles of pre-hospital management in these conditions;
W24C rules of subjective examination to the extent necessary to conduct medical rescue operations;
W25C principles of physical examination to the extent necessary to conduct medical rescue operations and provide health services other than medical rescue operations;
W26C causes and types of chest pain and its diagnosis;
W27C problems of acute coronary syndrome, myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension, aortic dissection, circulatory failure, acute limb ischemia, pulmonary oedema and pulmonary embolism;
W28C problems of acute respiratory failure;
W29C causes, symptoms, principles of diagnosis and therapeutic management in acute respiratory distress syndrome, exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, acute inflammation of the airways and pneumothorax;
W30C causes, symptoms and procedures in acute renal failure;
W31C selected diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
W32C metabolic coma and emergencies in endocrinology;
W33C methods of nutritional status assessment;
W34C causes, symptoms, principles of diagnosis and prophylactic treatment of the most common bacterial, viral, parasitic and fungal diseases, including pneumococcal and meningococcal infections, viral hepatitis, acquired immune deficiency AIDS, sepsis and nosocomial infections;
W35C drugs applied in emergency medical, neurological and psychiatric diseases;
W36C causes, symptoms, principles of diagnosis and therapeutic management of the most common diseases of the nervous system;
W37C causes, symptoms, principles of diagnosis and therapeutic management of headaches and vascular diseases of the brain, in particular stroke and epilepsy;
W38C causes, symptoms, principles of diagnosis and therapeutic management of infections of the nervous system, in particular meningitis;
W39C causes, symptoms, principles of diagnosis and therapeutic management of dementia;
W40C types of imaging tests and radiological image of basic diseases;
W41C chain of survival principles;
W42C principles of providing first aid to non-traumatic patients;
W43C principles of evacuation of vehicle casualties;
W44C principles of providing first aid to accident victims;
W45C principles and technique of applying dressings;
W46C principles of preparation for medical procedures in life-threatening conditions;
W47C principles of management of a patient with an inserted external catheter;
W48C principles of performing a bronchial tree toilet in an intubated patient;
W49C principles of toilet in a patient with a tracheostomy tube and principles of tracheostomy care;
W50C techniques of medical procedures performed independently by a paramedic;
W51C principles of asepsis and antisepsis;
W52C principles of securing biological material for testing;
W53C - principles of assessing the patient's condition in order to determine the procedure and proceed to or withdraw from medical emergency activities, including in the case of diagnosing death;
W54C indications for placing the patient in a position appropriate to his/her condition or sustained injuries;
W55C causes and symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest;
W56C principles of basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation and advanced cardiovascular life support in adults and children;
W57C indications for suctioning the airways and techniques of its performance;
W58C indications for mechanical and manual restoration of airway patency and techniques of their performance;
W59C indications for passive oxygen therapy or ventilation with air or oxygen, manually or mechanically - with the use of a respirator and techniques of their performance;
W60C indications for endotracheal intubation in direct oral laryngoscopy without the use of muscle relaxants and indications for mechanical ventilation and techniques of their performance;
W61C indications for manual, automated and semi-automatic defibrillation and techniques of its performance;
W62C indications for cannulation of the peripheral veins of the upper and lower extremities and the external jugular vein, as well as the technique of its performance;
W63C principles of monitoring the functions of the respiratory system and the circulatory system using non-invasive methods;
W64C principles of performing intraosseous access with an IO access device;
W65C indications for administering drugs by intravenous route, including vascular ports, intramuscular, subcutaneous, endotracheal, oral, rectal, inhalation and intraosseous administration, and techniques of such administration;
W66C selected scales of coma assessment, as well as trauma and prognostic scales;
W67C causes, symptoms, principles of diagnosis and therapeutic management in the most common diseases requiring surgical intervention, taking into account the specificity of childhood diseases;
W68C selected issues in the field of paediatric traumatology;
W69C indications for the use of intensive care and principles of its application;
W70C symptoms and types of pneumothorax;
W71C symptoms of pleural haematoma, flaccid chest and rib fractures;
W72C technique of determining the concentration of critical parameters;
W73C medical procedures used by a paramedic, in particular treating wounds and burns, stopping haemorrhages, immobilising fractures, dislocations and sprains, and immobilising the spine, with particular emphasis on the cervical segment, as well as administering medications;
W74C principles of taking precautionary measures to reduce the effects of an event on health;
W75C principles of primary and secondary pre-hospital medical segregation and hospital segregation;
W76C techniques of preparing a patient for transport and medical care during transport;
W77C techniques of emergency childbirth in places other than hospital;
W78C pre-hospital procedures in medical emergencies in adults and children;
W79C types of invasive therapy used in pre-hospital procedures;
W80C types of invasive therapy used in ED;
W81C Oncologic emergencies and pre-hospital procedures and procedures used in a hospital Emergency Department in the case of such threats;
W82C principles of transportation of injured patients;
W83C specialist procedures in emergencies of internal origin, in particular: electrostimulation, cardioversion, primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP), dialysis, artificial ventilation and forms of extracorporeal circulation;
W84C indications for hyperbaric treatment;
W85C environmental threats;
W86C - types of disasters, medical procedures and rescue actions taken in the case of multiple and mass incidents and disasters, as well as incidents involving chemical, biological, radiation or nuclear hazards;
W87C ethical aspects of rescue procedures in multiple and mass incidents and disasters;
W88C application of medical simulation in teaching procedure procedures;
W89C acid-base and water-electrolyte imbalances and the principles of pre-hospital procedures and procedures applied at the Hospital Emergency Department in the case of such disorders;
W90C principles of prophylactic treatment of infections in the Hospital Emergency Department;
W91C principles of monitoring the patient's condition in the Hospital Emergency Department;
W92C specialised procedures in emergencies of traumatic origin used as part of pre-hospital procedures and procedures applied at the Hospital Emergency Department;
W93C - types of injuries, their definitions and principles of qualifying patients to a trauma centre and a trauma centre for children;
W94C principles of functioning of a trauma centre and a trauma centre for children;
W95C pre-hospital and HED procedures in the case of craniocerebral injuries, injuries to the spine and spinal cord, limbs, abdominal cavity, chest and in the case of shock;
W96C electrical cardioversion and external electrostimulation procedure;
W97C principles of bladder catheterisation;
W98C gastric tube insertion and gastric lavage procedure;
W99C selected ophthalmological emergencies and pre-hospital procedures applied in this regard;
W100C selected ENT emergencies and pre-hospital procedures in this regard;
W101C health emergency in gynaecology and obstetrics;
W102C principles of operation of the system of the National Emergency Medical Services;
W103C the role and importance of the Aviation Rescue Service in the system of the National Emergency Medical Services;
W104C principles for suspecting and recognising brain death;
W105C basic imaging techniques;
W106C indications, contraindications and preparing patients for particular types of imaging tests and contraindications for using contrast media;
W107C mechanisms, goals and principles of treatment of addiction to psychoactive substances;
W108C basic issues in the field of forensics.

In terms of skills, the graduate is able to:
U01C evaluate the patient's condition in order to determine the method of emergency treatment;
U02C place a patient in a position suitable for imaging test;
U03C deal with a child based on the knowledge of the symptomatology of the most common childhood diseases;
U04C conduct physical examination of the patient;
U05C adapt the procedure to the child's age;
U06C assess the condition of a newborn infant according to the APGAR score;
U07C carry out history-taking with an adult patient to the extent necessary to undertake medical emergency activities;
U08C assess the patient's state of consciousness;
U09C place the patient in the position suitable for the particular type of disease or injury;
U10C to conduct physical examination of an adult patient to the extent necessary to determine his/her condition;
U11C monitor respiratory function, including pulse oximetry, capnometry and capnography;
U12C interpret the test results of a patient with chronic respiratory failure;
U13C perform the electrocardiogram and interpret it in a basic range;
U14C monitor cardiovascular function by non-invasive methods;
U15C evaluate and describe the somatic and mental state of the patient;
U16C analyse possible side effects of particular drugs and their interactions;
U17C assess the patient's neurological status;
U18C monitor the patient's condition by non-invasive methods;
U19C keep medical records in the scope of performed activities, including in the case of the patient's death, stillbirth and withdrawal from performing medical emergency activities;
U20C administer medications and fluids to the patient;
U21C determine glucose concentration with a glucometer;
U22C insert a gastric tube;
U23C insert a catheter into the urinary bladder;
U24C assist in preparing for organ transplantation;
U25C identify the situation of exposure to harmful and dangerous factors at the scene of the incident;
U26C prepare the patient for transport;
U27C identify mistakes and omissions in paramedic practice;
U28C monitor the patient's condition during medical activities and transportation;
U29C apply analgesic treatment;
U30C assess the severity of pain according to the known scales;
U31C recognise the life-threatening condition in a patient after organ transplantation;
U32C monitor vital signs of the patient during the diagnostic examination;
U33C interpret the results of basic toxicological tests;
U34C recognise toxidromes;
U35C evaluate the indications for transportation a patient to a toxicology, hyperbaric, replantation and invasive cardiology centre and burn centre, trauma centre or paediatric trauma centre;
U36C estimate the toxicological hazard in specific age groups and in various clinical conditions;
U37C associate tissue and organ damage with clinical symptoms of the disease;
U38C conduct basic and advanced life support in adults, children, infants and newborns, taking into account the correct use of devices supporting resuscitation (chest compression devices, ventilator);
U39C restore airway patency by manual methods;
U40C mechanically clear airways using supraglottic airway devices;
U41C perform endotracheal intubation in direct and indirect laryngoscopy;
U42C perform conicopuncture;
U43C implement oxygen therapy depending on the patient's needs and support breathing;
U44C follow the principles of asepsis and antisepsis, treat a simple wound, put on and change a sterile surgical dressing;
U45C perform mechanical ventilation using a bag valve mask and transport ventilator;
U46C perform electrical defibrillation using a manual and automated defibrillator;
U47C perform cardioversion and external electrostimulation of the heart;
U48C assess sudden neurological threats in a patient;
U49C perform intraosseous access using a ready to use device;
U50C draw blood and preserve material for laboratory, microbiological and toxicological tests;
U51C stop external haemorrhages and immobilise limbs after injury;
U52C stabilise and immobilise the spine;
U53C implement appropriate procedure in a life-threatening pneumothorax;
U54C use injury severity score;
U55C take emergency delivery out of hospital;
U56C decide not to undertake CPR or withdraw from its performance;
U57C recognise final signs of death;
U58C perform primary and secondary pre-hospital medical segregation and hospital segregation;
U59C work as a team, providing help in difficult field conditions, day and night, and in conditions requiring considerable physical and mental strain;
U60C dress external bleeding;
U61C transport the patient in pre-hospital, intra-hospital and inter-hospital conditions;
U62C identify mistakes and omissions in paramedic practice;
U63C identify the risks of craniocerebral, thoracic, abdominal injuries, injuries to the limbs, spine, spinal cord and pelvis, and implement emergency procedures in the event of such injuries;
U64C identify indications for transportation to a trauma centre or children's trauma centre and report the presence of eligibility criteria to the head of the trauma team or the head of the paediatric trauma team;
U65C perform medical procedures under the supervision or order of a physician;
U66C adapt emergency procedures to the patient's condition;
U67C monitor the patient's condition during imaging tests.

In the field of social competences, the graduate is ready to
K01 listen actively, establish interpersonal contacts and communicate with a patient effectively and empathetically;
K02 perceive factors influencing his/her own and the patient's reactions;
K03 independently pursue the profession in accordance with the principles of general and professional ethics as well as a holistic and individualised approach to the patient, taking into account respect for the patient’s rights;
K04 organise his/her own work and cooperation in a team of specialists, including representatives of other medical professions, also in a multicultural and multinational environment;
K05 perceive and recognise his/her own limitations, making self-assessment of deficits and educational needs;
K06 be guided by the patient’s welfare.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.ubb.edu.pl/