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automatics and robotics (AR-SI7O)

(in Polish: automatyka i robotyka studia inżynierskie)
full time, 3,5 years of studies (7 terms)
Language: Polish

Opis kierunku

Dla kogo kierunek AUTOMATYKA I ROBOTYKA?

Dla wytrwałych, pilnych uczniów o różnorodnych i szerokich zainteresowaniach. Jeżeli pasjonują Cię zarówno zagadnienia związane z techniką, programowaniem, fizyką, posiadasz umysł ścisły i jesteś w stanie poświęcić wiele trudu na naukę, która opłaci się jednak solidnym wykształceniem z gwarancją zdobycia pracy w rozmaitych firmach o różnorodnych profilach (jak produkcja przemysłowa, energetyka, przemysł budowlany i maszynowy, a również biura projektowe i naukowo-badawcze), wybierz nasz kierunek. Aplikuj na Automatykę i Robotykę, jeśli wiążesz przyszłość z pracą z nowoczesnymi technologiami oraz matematyka, fizyka lub informatyka to przedmioty, które zdajesz na egzaminie maturalnym.

Na studiach I stopnia zdobędziesz wiedzę i umiejętności z zakresu techniki cyfrowej i analogowej stosowanej w systemach regulacji, algorytmów regulacji automatycznej oraz systemów czasu rzeczywistego i robotyki. Nauczysz się programowania komputerów i sterowników PLC oraz łączenia ich z różnorodnymi urządzeniami pomiarowymi i wykonawczymi.


Automatyka przemysłowa i systemy informatyczno-pomiarowe

Będziesz zajmować się projektowaniem i wdrażaniem systemów pomiarowych w układach automatyki. Zdobędziesz wiedzę i umiejętności z zakresu zastosowania nowoczesnych systemów informatycznych w automatyce oraz projektowania układów mikroprocesorowych.

Mechatronika i robotyka

Interesuje Cię programowanie robotów? To specjalność dla Ciebie. Zdobędziesz wiedzę i praktyczne umiejętności z zakresu metod diagnostyki, projektowania oraz symulacji systemów automatyki, w tym zrobotyzowanych stanowisk pracy. Nauczysz się programować przemysłowe sterowniki PLC. Poznasz systemy wizualizacji automatyki HMI i SCADA.

Sterowanie w pojazdach samochodowych

Nauczysz się metod projektowania układów automatyki w pojazdach samochodowych oraz sposobów ich obsługi diagnozowania. Poznasz nowoczesne rozwiązania dedykowane dla branży automotive w zakresie automatyki. Poznasz systemy sterowania w pojazdach.

Kariera zawodowa

Nasi absolwenci znajdują pracę na stanowiskach:

  • programista CNC
  • automatyk
  • programista robotów
  • programista PLC
  • inżynier utrzymania ruchu
  • inżynier serwisu
  • R&D (badania i rozwój)
  • dyrektor techniczny
  • programista obrabiarek CNC
  • programista mikrokontrolerów

Dlaczego warto studiować na kierunku automatyka i robotyka? Przekonaj się sam.

Terminy rekrutacji

Terminy rekrutacji na studia stacjonarne oraz niestacjonarne, rozpoczynające się od semestru zimowego roku akademickiego 2024/2025 dla:

  • obywateli polskich dostępne są TUTAJ
  • cudzoziemców dostępne są TUTAJ

Wymagane dokumenty w przypadku zakwalifikowania na studia

Kandydaci na I rok studiów pierwszego stopnia, jednolitych studiów magisterskich są do złożenia następujących dokumentów:

  1. kopii świadectwa dojrzałości albo świadectwa dojrzałości i zaświadczenia o wynikach egzaminu maturalnego z poszczególnych przedmiotów poświadczonych przez uczelnię - w przypadku kandydata na studia pierwszego stopnia lub jednolite studia magisterskie;
  2. ankiety osobowej kandydata oraz podania (formularze ankiety oraz podania możliwe do pobrania po dokonaniu elektronicznej rejestracji kandydata);
  3. oświadczenia o wyrażeniu zgody na przetwarzanie danych osobowych przez Uniwersytet Bielsko-Bialski;
  4. karty wpisu na listę studentów - do pobrania w systemie elektronicznej rejestracji kandydata;
  5. fotografii o wymiarach 35 x 45 mm, bez nakrycia głowy, w stroju galowym na jasnym tle (zgodnie z wymogami jak przy dowodzie osobistym) oraz fotografii w wersji elektronicznej, wykonanej według podanych wcześniej wymagań, wprowadzone do systemu elektronicznej rejestracji przez kandydata;
  6. potwierdzenia uiszczenia opłaty za legitymację studencką.

Kandydaci składają skompletowane dokumenty w teczce.

Dodatkowe informacje

 Plan studiów (w ujęciu przedmiotowym)

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) inżynier

Access to further studies:

Possibility of application for being registered at the second level studies (master studies) for the same or similar direction as well as for post-diploma studies.

Learning outcomes

We have more than one version of this field. Click below and select the version you want to see:

Specification of the learning outcomes for the direction of study: „Automatics and Robotics”, B.Sc. level, general academic profile:

• in respect to knowledge, a faculty graduate:

- has knowledge of mathematics within the range covering: algebra, analysis, probabilistics as well as components of discrete and applied mathematics, including: the mathematical and numerical methods necessary for:
a) description and analysis of electric circuits, mechanic and electronic systems as wellas analogue and digital mechatronic systems, and also - of basic physical phenomena occurring in the above listed systems;
b) description and analysis of operation of components and systems of automation, among them: systems containing the programmable units;
c) description and analysis of algorithms of signal processing;
d) synthesis of components, units and systems of automation,
- has knowledge of physics within the range covering: mechanics, thermodynamics, optics, electricity and magnetism, solid body physics, including: the knowledge necessary for understanding of basic physical phenomena occurring in components and systems of automation and auxiliary subsystems,
- has well-grounded knowledge within the range of methodology and techniques of programing,
- has detailed knowledge within the range of architecture and software of automation systems (languages of high and low levels),
- has elementary knowledge within the range of architecture of industrial systems and networks, necessary for installing, operation and maintenance of computer tools used for simulation and design of components, units and systems of automation,
- has well-grounded knowledge within the range of robotics and dynamics of manipulators,
- has basic knowledge within the range of fundamentals of control and automation,
- has well-grounded and theoretical-based knowledge within the range of the operational rules of components of automatics (among them: analogue and digital gauges) and simple automation systems,
- has well-grounded knowledge within the range of theory of electric circuits as well as theory of signals and methods of signal processing,
- has basic knowledge within the range of metrology; knows and understands the measurements methods of fundamental quantities which characterize mechanical, thermal and electric components and systems; knows the calculation methods and computer tools necessary for an analysis of experimental results, and also knows the methods of building mathematical models based on the afore mentioned results,
- knows and understands the processes of design and manufacturing of simple automation devices,
- knows and understands the methodology of design of automation systems, analogue and digital electronic sub-system of automation systems, as well as methods and techniques utilized to design, including the methods of artificial intelligence; knows the languages of description of hardware and computer tools for design and simulation of systems and units,
- knows the current state and the newest development trends of automation and robotics,
- has elementary knowledge on the life cycle of units and systems of automation,
- has basic knowledge necessary for understanding non-technological limitations of engineer activities; knows the basic rules of WHS (workplace health and safety) which are obligatory in industry,
- has elementary knowledge within the range of protection of intellectual property and patent law,
- has elementary knowledge within the range of management, including quality management and running an enterprise,
- knows the general rules of establishing and development of different types of entrepreneurship,
- has well-grounded knowledge within the range of description of static and dynamic properties of mechatronic components and systems, among them – in particular – knowledge dedicated to: transfer of heat through different media, fluid mechanics, systems of pneumatics and hydraulics, dynamics of heat, mechanical and electric objects (devices or systems), , dynamics of heating machinery and electric, hydraulic and pneumatic motors,
- has knowledge within the range of design of mechanisms and machines, and also methods of analysis of their kinematic and dynamic properties,

• in respect to skills:

- is able to extract information from references, data bases and other sources; is able to aggregate the achieved information, interpret them and draw conclusions as well as formulate and support opinions,
- is able to work alone and on a team; is able to estimate time needed for performance of a given task; is able to prepare and keep the work schedule which assure meeting the deadlines,
- is able to prepare documentation concerning accomplishing of an engineer task and prepare a report enclosing the description of results of the performed task,
- is able to prepare and present a short presentation dedicated to the results of performed engineer task,
- speaks English on a level allowing to communicate as well as to read and to understand e.g. catalogue specifications, application information, operational instructions of informatics devices and tools (software) and similar documents,
- has a self-learning ability, e.g. aiming for improvement of own professional competence,
- is able to apply the learned analytical, numerical, simulation as well as experimental methods for analysis and evaluation of operation of components and systems of automation,
- is able to perform an analysis of signals and simple systems of signal processing in the time and frequency domains, applying analogue and digital techniques and adequate hardware and software tools,
- is able to compare the design solutions of components an system of automation taking into account the assumed usage and economic criteria (consumed energy and power, operating speed, cost etc.),
- is able to use the properly chosen software environments, simulators and computer aided design tools for simulation, design and verification of components and systems of automation,
- is able to apply the properly chosen methods and devices allowing for measurements of the basic quantities characteristic for components and systems of automation,
- is able to plan and carry out an experiment as well as perform measurements of static and dynamic characteristics, is able to present the obtained results in the digital and graphic forms, make their interpretation and draw proper conclusions,
- is able to design the process of testing of automation components, analogue and digital systems and — in case of detecting errors — to make an adequate diagnostics,
- is able to formulate a specification of simple automation systems on a level of performed functions, and also applying the languages of device description,
- is able to design automation components, analogue and digital units and systems, taking into account the assumed functional and economic criteria, applying proper methods, techniques and tools,
- is able to design simple automation units and systems dedicated to versatile application, among them simple systems of digital signal processing,
- is able to use the catalogue specification forms and operational instructions aiming for choice of proper components of the designed automation system,
- is able to design a simple printed circuit, applying the special professional software,
- is able to plan the process of manufacturing of a simple automation device; is able to make an introductory evaluation of the costs,
- is able to calculate the kinematic parameters of mechanisms and to analyse their dynamical properties; is able to build, launch and test the designed unit or simple system of automation, to configure an industrial robot to perform particular technological task,
- is able to configure the communication devices in local (wire based and radio) tele-information networks,
- is able to formulate an algorithm, knows how to write a computer software by means of high and low level algorithmic languages as well as write a software controlling the systems of automation and to write a program for microcontrollers and microprocessors controlling the electronic system,
- is able to — formulating and solving the tasks enclosing design of components, devices and system of automation — realize their non-technical aspects, among them – related to environment, economy and law,
- respects the WHS (workplace health and safety) rules,
- is able to evaluate a usefulness of standard methods and tools dedicated to solving the simple engineers tasks, typical for automation as well as to choose and apply proper methods and tools,
- is able to build the mathematical models for chosen mechanical, electrical, thermal, hydraulic and pneumatic objects,
- is able to describe the motion of a particular kinematical structure, among other, the motion of links of manipulators and industrial robots; is able also to design and perform a computer simulation (by means of adequate tools) of an operation of a unit or a course of a technological process,

• in respect to social competences:

- understands the need and knows the possibilities of long-life learning (studies of second and third levels, post-diploma degree programs and courses) — aiming for improvement professional, personal and social competences,
- is aware of and understands the non-technological aspects and consequences of activity of an automation engineer, among them – human influence on environment as well as the related decision making responsibility,
- is aware of importance of professional activities, obedience of professional ethics and standards as well as shows respect for the diversity of opinions and cultures,
- is aware of responsibility of own work role and shows eagerness for keeping the team-work rules as well as is aware of taking responsibility for the commonly performed tasks,
- is able to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner,
- is aware of social role of a graduate of a university of technology, especially understands a need of formulating and passing to society — among other via a mass media — information and opinions concerning the achievements related to electronics and other aspects of activities of automation engineer; tries to pass these information and opinions in a commonly understandable manner.

The Learning Outcomes for the B.Sc. level of studies of the general academic profile within the field of Technical Sciences for the direction of studies „Automation and Robotics” were approved by the Resolution no 817/07/IV/2012 issued by the Senate of the University of Bielsko-Biala dated at 4th JULY 2012 entitled: “On the approval of the Learning Outcomes for the study programmes taught at the Faculty of Machine Building and Computer Science”.
The study programme was determined via the Resolution no 1451/7/2017/2018 of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Machine Building and Computer Science dated at 10th April 2018.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.ubb.edu.pl/