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Study programmes > All studies > Nursing > (in Polish) Pielęgniarstwo studia magisterskie

(in Polish) Pielęgniarstwo studia magisterskie (PI-NM4P)

(in Polish: Pielęgniarstwo studia magisterskie)
part time, 2 years of studies (4 terms)
Language: Polish

Absolwent kierunku Pielęgniarstwo II stopnia posiada:

Wiedzę z zakresu

- zasad i metod monitorowania stanu zdrowia pacjenta oraz realizacji działań promocyjno-profilaktycznych w populacji osób zdrowych;

- standardów realizacji zaawansowanych i samodzielnych świadczeń pielęgniarskich;

- mechanizmów działania produktów leczniczych i zasad ich ordynowania;

- wytycznych terapeutycznych i standardów opieki pielęgniarskiej w chorobach przewlekłych;

- zasad i metod edukacji osób zdrowych i chorych w chorobach przewlekłych;

- roli pielęgniarki w koordynowanej opiece zdrowotnej;

- problematyki zarządzania zespołami pielęgniarskimi i organizacjami opieki zdrowotnej;

- uwarunkowań rozwoju jakości usług zdrowotnych;

- regulacji prawnych dotyczących wykonywania zawodu pielęgniarki i udzielania świadczeń zdrowotnych;

- metodologii badań naukowych i zasad ich prowadzenia;

- wymagań dotyczących przygotowywania publikacji naukowych;

- kierunków rozwoju pielęgniarstwa w Europie i na świecie;

- zasad udzielania świadczeń zdrowotnych w opiece długoterminowej;

- uwarunkowań kulturowych i religijnych sprawowania opieki pielęgniarskiej nad pacjentami różnych narodowości i wyznań;

- metodyki kształcenia zawodowego przeddyplomowego i podyplomowego.

Umiejętności z zakresu

- monitorowania stanu zdrowia dzieci i osób dorosłych, w tym osób starszych, oraz wdrażania działań edukacyjnych i promocyjno-profilaktycznych;

- rozwiązywania problemów zawodowych, szczególnie związanych z podejmowaniem decyzji w sytuacjach trudnych, wynikających ze specyfiki zadań zawodowych i warunków ich realizacji;

- dobierania, zlecania i interpretowania badan diagnostycznych w ramach posiadanych uprawnień;

- opracowywania programów edukacji terapeutycznej pacjenta z chorobą przewlekłą, prowadzenia tej edukacji i dokonywania ewaluacji programu;

- samodzielnego pielęgnowania pacjenta z raną przewlekłą i przetoką;

- koordynowania opieki zdrowotnej nad pacjentem w systemie ochrony zdrowia;

- ordynowania leków, środków specjalnego przeznaczenia żywieniowego i wyrobów medycznych, w tym wystawiania na nie recept lub zleceń;

- udzielania samodzielnych porad zdrowotnych w zakresie posiadanych kompetencji zawodowych;

- tworzenia standardów opieki pielęgniarskiej oraz wdrażania jej do praktyki pielęgniarskiej;

- stosowania odpowiednich przepisów prawa w działalności zawodowej;

- określania zapotrzebowania pacjentów na opiekę pielęgniarską oraz opracowywania założeń pielęgniarskiej polityki kadrowej;

- komunikowania się z pacjentem, uwzględniając uwarunkowania kulturowe i wyznaniowe;

- organizowania i nadzorowania pracę zespołu pielęgniarskiego i personelu pomocniczego;

- prowadzenia badań naukowych i upowszechniania ich wyników;

- wykorzystywania wyników badań naukowych i światowego dorobku pielęgniarstwa dla rozwoju praktyki pielęgniarskiej;

- zapewniania opieki pacjentowi wentylowanemu mechanicznie w warunkach opieki długoterminowej stacjonarnej i domowej;

- stosowania metodyki nauczania oraz ewaluacji w realizacji zadań z zakresu kształcenia zawodowego.

Kompetencje społeczne z zakresu

- dokonywania krytycznej oceny działań własnych i działań współpracowników z poszanowaniem różnic światopoglądowych i kulturowych;

- formułowania opinii dotyczących różnych aspektów działalności zawodowej i zasięgania porad ekspertów w przypadku trudności z samodzielnym rozwiązaniem problemu;

- okazywania dbałości o prestiż związany z wykonywaniem zawodu pielęgniarki i solidarność zawodową;

- rozwiązywania złożonych problemów etycznych związanych z wykonywaniem zawodu pielęgniarki i wskazywania priorytetów w realizacji określonych zadań;

- ponoszenia odpowiedzialności za realizowane świadczenia zdrowotne;

- wykazywania profesjonalnego podejścia do strategii marketingowych przemysłu farmaceutycznego i reklamy jego produktów.

Absolwent studiów drugiego stopnia na kierunku Pielęgniarstwo jest przygotowany do podjęcia studiów doktoranckich.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) magister pielęgniarstwa

Access to further studies:

Application for doctoral school or post-graduate studies.

Professional status:

A graduate of second-cycle studies is qualified to work in public and non-public healthcare institutions, educational institutions, and may run an individual nursing practice. A nurse holding a master's degree in nursing may independently provide preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, nursing and rehabilitation services.

Learning outcomes

Pursuant to the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 26 July 2019 on the standards of education preparing for the profession of a doctor, dentist, pharmacist, nurse, midwife, laboratory diagnostician, physiotherapist and paramedic (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2021) sec. 755).
Pursuant to the Resolution No. 1614/05/VII/2021 of the Senate of the University of Bielsko-Biała [Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna in original language] of 25 May 2021 on the programme of studies with the practical profile in the field of Nursing, conducted at the University of Bielsko-Biała.

A. SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES (health psychology, law in nursing practice, management in nursing, medical teaching, multicultural nursing, the English language)

With regard to knowledge, the graduate knows and understands:
W01A. models and approaches used in health psychology;
W02A. the importance of social and psychological support in health and disease;
W03A. theories of psychological stress, the relationship between stress and health and other psychological determinants of health;
W04A. salutogenetic approach to subjective determinants of optimal health and disease-related pathogenetic approach;
W05A. processes of adaptation to life of a person with a chronic disease and determinants of these processes;
W06A. legal consequences of medical events;
W07A. the essence of medical errors in nursing in the context of failure in therapeutic and nursing activities;
W08A. civil liability insurance system;
W09A. legal conditions for the processing of sensitive data in the health care system;
W10A. qualification levels necessary to provide health services by a nurse in relation to nursing qualification levels;
W11A. management methods in the health care system;
W12A. principles of organisation functioning and building structures;
W13A. the concept of organisational culture and factors determining it;
W14A. decision-making mechanisms in management;
W15A. management styles and the importance of leadership in nursing development;
W16A. rules for the provision of nursing services and the method of their financing;
W17A. the specificity of managerial functions, including the essence of delegating tasks;
W18A. methods of organisational diagnosis, the concept and theory of shift management and the principles of strategic management;
W19A. human resource management issues;
W20A. determinants of professional development of nurses;
W21A. scientific foundations of ergonomics in the work environment;
W22A. quality management models and strategies;
W23A. basic concepts in the field of medical didactics;
W24A. rules of preparation for teaching activities;
W25A. teaching methods and teaching aids used in undergraduate and postgraduate education;
W26A. the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms;
W27A. Madeleine Leininger's transcultural nursing theory;
W28A. cultural determinants of care provision, including health behaviours and treatment approaches;
W29A. cultural and religious differences in human perception and intercultural communication.

With regard to skills the graduate is able to:
U01A. indicate the role of social and psychological support in caring for a healthy and sick person;
U02A. indicate methods of coping with stress;
U03A. assess events in the professional practice of nurses in the context of compliance with the law and the possibilities and methods of redress, as well as indicate options for solving a given problem;
U04A. qualify a given professional situation with regard to civil, criminal and professional law;
U05A. analyse the causes of medical errors and propose preventive actions;
U06A. analyse the structure of professional tasks of nurses in the context of their qualifications;
U07A apply the methods of strategic analysis necessary for the functioning of entities performing medical activities;
U08A. organise and supervise the work of nursing teams;
U09A. use various methods of making professional and managerial decisions;
U10A. plan human resources using various methods, organise recruitment of employees and implement the process of professional adaptation;
U11A. develop their own professional development plan and that for subordinate nursing staff;
U12A. prepare job descriptions for nurses and scopes of duties, rights and responsibilities;
U13A. develop staff work schedules based on the assessment of the need for nursing care;
U14A. supervise the quality of nursing care in entities performing medical activity, including preparing this entity for external quality assessment;
U15A. select appropriate means and methods of teaching in didactic activity;
U16A. verify the achieved learning outcomes and organise the vocational education process;
U17A. use at work the diversity of interpersonal communication resulting from cultural, ethnic, religious and social conditions;
U18A. apply in practice the assumptions of Madeleine Leininger's transcultural nursing theory;
U19A. recognise cultural nutritional and transfusion conditions;
U20A. take into account religious and cultural conditions of patients' needs in healthcare;
U21A. communicate in English at the B2 + level of the European Language Education System.

B. ADVANCED NURSING PRACTICE (pharmacology and prescription of medicinal products; epidemiological nursing; endoscopy; counseling in nursing; coordinated health care; health promotion and preventive services; care and therapeutic education in chronic diseases, including: circulatory failure and arrhythmias, hypertension, respiratory failure, renal replacement therapy, diabetes, neoplastic disease, chronic wounds and fistulas, pain, nutritional treatment, continuous oxygen therapy and mechanical ventilation, nervous system disorders, mental health disorders).

With regard to knowledge, the graduate knows and understands:
W01B. mechanisms of action of medicinal products and their transformation in the organism depending on age and health problems;
W02B. legal regulations related to the reimbursement of drugs, medical devices and foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses;
W03B. rules for prescribing medicinal products containing certain active substances, with the exception of drugs containing very potent substances, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, and certain medical devices, including prescribing or ordering them;
W04B. symptoms and side effects of drugs containing certain active substances;
W05B. assumptions of organisation and epidemiological supervision in health care institutions;
W06B. conditions for the occurrence, control and prevention of hospital-acquired infections in various hospital departments, taking into account ethological factors, including alert pathogens;
W07B. principles of planning, developing, implementing and supervising preventive and anti-epidemic activities;
W08B. the organisation and operation of the endoscopic laboratory and the principles of performing endoscopic procedures;
W09B. diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities of endoscopy in the field of gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, urology, gynaecology, ENT, anaesthesiology and orthopaedics;
W10B. rules for keeping medical records in the endoscopic laboratory;
W11B. theoretical assumptions of counselling at work based on legal regulations and the transtheoretical model (stages of change) developed by Prochaska and DiClemente;
W12B. predictors of healthy and sick people functioning, including chronic disease;
W13B. methods of assessing the patient's health in nursing counselling;
W14B. principles of therapeutic management in the case of the most common health problems;
W15B. rules for selecting diagnostic tests and interpreting their results within the extent of the possessed professional qualifications;
W16B. models of integrated care functioning in the Republic of Poland and selected countries;
W17B. legal regulations in the field of health care coordination over the recipient in the health care system; W18B. principles of coordinating health programmes and the process of organising and providing health services in various areas of the health care system;
W19B. principles of functioning of interdisciplinary teams in health care;
W20B. assumptions and principles of developing standards of nursing practice, taking into account the practice based on evidence-based medicine and evidence-based nursing practice;
W21B. assumptions and principles of creating and evaluating health programmes and methods of therapeutic education;
W22B. the scope of prophylaxis and prevention of infectious diseases, social diseases and diseases of affluence;
W23B. procedure and scope of the routine health check for a child and an adult;
W24B. preventive examinations and preventive programmes financed from public funds by the National Health Fund;
W25B. principles of diagnostic and therapeutic management and care for patients with arterial hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, chronic circulatory failure and modern technologies used in the therapy and monitoring of patients with cardiovascular diseases;
W26B. pathomechanism, symptoms, diagnostics and nursing procedures in chronic respiratory failure;
W27B. a spirometry test technique;
W28B. standards of specialist nursing care for a patient in the course of renal replacement therapy in intermittent and continuous techniques (Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy, CRRT);
W29B. principles of operation of dialysis stations and renal replacement therapy (continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis CAPD, ambulatory peritoneal dialysis ADO, hemodialysis, hyperalimentation);
W30B. causes and principles of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and care for patients with organ failure;
W31B. principles of patient care before and after organ transplantation;
W32B. principles and methods of therapeutic education of the patient, his/her family and caregiver in the field of self-observation and self-care in diabetes, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; W33B. pathomechanism of diabetes, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as well as complications and principles of coordination of activities related to therapeutic education;
W34B. neoplastic etiopathogenesis, epidemiology and prophylaxis of neoplastic diseases;
W35B. principles of treatment and care of a cancer patient, including personalised therapy;
W36B. principles and methods of nursing a patient after radiotherapy and chemotherapy;
W37B. methods of recognising the patient's reaction to the disease and oncological treatment;
W38B. chronic wound assessment methods and their classification;
W39B. modern methods of therapy and the role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and negative pressure therapy in the treatment of the most common chronic wounds, in particular venous ulcers, ischaemic ulcers, bedsores, frostbite, diabetic foot syndrome;
W40B. principles of selecting dressings in the treatment of chronic wounds;
W41B. principles of preparing the patient and his/her family for the prevention of wounds and their complications;
W42B. principles of assessing the functioning of intestinal and urinary fistulas and their complications;
W43B. rules for preparing a patient with an intestinal and urinary fistula and his/her family for self-observation and self-care as well as rules for the selection of stoma equipment and its reimbursement; W44B. methods of pain assessment in various clinical and pharmacological situations as well as non-pharmacological methods of its treatment;
W45B. principles of cooperation with the nutrition team in planning and implementing methods, techniques and types of enteral and parenteral nutrition as part of the prevention of complications;
W46B. principles of applying modern methods of oxygen therapy, monitoring the condition of a patient treated with oxygen and oxygen toxicity;
W47B. indications and principles of using invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation and possible complications of its application;
W48B. the impact of a chronic disease on human psychophysical functioning and shaping interpersonal bonds;
W49B. causes, symptoms and course of depression, anxiety disorders and addictions;
W50B. principles of nursing care for a patient with mental disorders, including depression and anxiety disorders, and nursing care for an addicted patient;
W51B. the scope of help and support as part of the services offered to people with mental health problems and their families or carers;
W52B. principles of nursing care for a patient with nervous system disorders, including degenerative diseases.

With regard to skills the graduate is able to:
U01B. select and prepare a record of prescription forms of drugs containing specific active substances, based on the targeted assessment of the patient's condition;
U02B. interpret pharmaceutical characteristics of medicinal products;
U03B. prescribe medicines, foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses and medical devices and issue prescriptions or orders for them;
U04B. select and order foodstuffs for special nutritional purposes and medical devices depending on the patient's needs;
U05B. apply the principles of preventing and combating hospital-acquired infections and epidemiological supervision in various health care institutions;
U06B. plan and conduct staff education in the field of preventing and combating infections and infectious diseases;
U07B. use quality indicators of nursing care management in epidemiological surveillance;
U08B. teach the patient and his/her family to proceed before the planned and after the endoscopic diagnosis and therapy process;
U09B. participate in the process of endoscopic diagnostics and therapy;
U10B. keep medical records in the endoscopic laboratory;
U11B. diagnose health risks of a patient with a chronic disease;
U12B. assess the patient's adaptation to a chronic disease;
U13B. provide advice to people at risk of addiction and addicts, using the transtheoretical model (stages of change) by Prochaska and DiClemente;
U14B. prepare educational materials for the patient and his/her family as part of health counselling;
U15B. use technological resources for the needs of health counselling;
U16B. select and apply methods of assessing the patient's health condition as part of providing nursing advice;
U17B. choose and order diagnostic tests within the scope of their professional qualifications;
U18B. implement therapeutic action depending on the assessment of the patient's condition within the scope of their professional qualifications;
U19B. coordinate the implementation of health services for patients with chronic diseases;
U20B. develop a diagnosis of health needs and plan for the organisation of care and treatment at the organisational and inter-institutional level;
U21B. plan and coordinate the process of providing health services, taking into account the criteria of quality and effectiveness;
U22B. adapt the available health promotion and health education programmes to the identified health needs;
U23B. implement health promotion programmes for patients and their families;
U24B. use selected methods of health education;
U25B. carry out activities in the field of prophylaxis and prevention of infectious diseases, social diseases and diseases of affluence;
U26B. respond to specific health threats in the environment of residence, education and work;
U27B. prepare a patient with arterial hypertension, chronic circulatory failure and cardiac arrhythmias for self-observation and self-care;
U28B. plan and conduct therapeutic education of the patient, his/her family and caregiver in the field of self-observation and self-care in arterial hypertension, in chronic circulatory failure and in heart rhythm disturbances;
U29B. use modern information technologies to monitor patients with cardiovascular diseases;
U30B. perform spirometry tests and interpret their results;
U31B. provide specialist nursing care for the patient in the course of renal replacement therapy in intermittent and continuous techniques (Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy, CRRT);
U32B. plan and conduct therapeutic education of the patient, his/her family and caregiver in the field of self-observation and self-care during dialysis and haemodialysis;
U33B. plan and provide nursing care for a patient with organ failure, before and after organ transplantation; U34B. apply current knowledge to ensure a high level of therapeutic education for diabetic patients, their families and caregivers;
U35B. plan and coordinate care for a diabetic patient;
U36B. motivate the diabetic patient to cope with the disease and to cooperate in the treatment process; U37B. plan care for patients with selected neoplastic diseases treated systemically;
U38B. use methods and measures to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy;
U39B. recognise the patient's psychological situation and their reactions to the disease and the treatment process, as well as provide them with motivational and educational support;
U40B. assess and classify chronic wounds;
U41B. select dressings taking into account the type and condition of the wound;
U42B. prepare the patient and his/her family for wound prevention, self-monitoring and care;
U43B. use modern techniques for the care of intestinal and urinary fistulas;
U44B. prepare the patient with a stoma for self-care and provide advice on the selection of stoma equipment;
U45B. assess the pain intensity according to the pain intensity measurement scale, taking into account the patient's age and clinical condition;
U46B. select and use methods of pharmacological pain treatment and use methods of non-pharmacological pain treatment depending on the patient's clinical condition;
U47B. monitor the effectiveness of analgesic treatment;
U48B. educate the patient on self-control and self-care in pain therapy;
U49B. use standardised tools in assessing the nutritional status of the patient;
U50B. monitor the general condition of the patient during nutritional treatment;
U51B. perform enteral nutrition using a variety of techniques, including peristaltic pump and parenteral nutrition via the central and peripheral veins;
U52B. prepare equipment and devices for the implementation of invasive mechanical ventilation, including testing the apparatus;
U53B. operate the ventilator in non-invasive ventilation mode;
U54B. prepare and use equipment for non-invasive ventilation;
U55B. provide a mechanically ventilated patient in an invasive manner with comprehensive nursing care;
U56B. communicate with a mechanically ventilated patient using alternative communication methods;
U57B. assess the health needs of a patient with mental disorders, including depression and anxiety disorders and the health needs of an addicted patient, and plan health interventions;
U58B. analyse and adapt to the patient's needs available mental health promotion programmes;
U59B. recognise the life situation of the patient in order to prevent his/her social isolation;
U60B. conduct psychoeducation of a patient with mental disorders, including depression and anxiety disorders, as well as psychoeducation of an addicted patient and his/her family (caregiver), as well as use social skills training as a form of psychiatric rehabilitation;
U61B. provide advanced nursing care for a patient with nervous system disorders, including degenerative diseases.

C. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING (research in nursing, medical statistics, scientific information, evidence-based nursing practice, nursing in an international perspective, diploma seminar).

With regard to knowledge, the graduate knows and understands:
W01C. directions, scope and type of research in nursing;
W02C. good practice rules in scientific research;
W03C. research methods and techniques used in nursing research;
W04C. principles of preparing databases for statistical analyses;
W05C. IT tools, statistical tests and rules for the development of research results;
W06C. sources of scientific medical information;
W07C. methods of retrieving scientific information in databases;
W08C. the principles of evidence-based practice in medicine and evidence based nursing practice;
W09C. systems of undergraduate and postgraduate education for nurses in selected Member States of the European Union;
W10C. the procedure for the recognition of professional qualifications of nurses in the Republic of Poland and other European Union Member States;
W11C. nursing care systems and contemporary directions for the development of nursing care;
W12C. principles of access of citizens of the European Union Member States to health services in the light of the European Union law;
W13C. the role and priorities of the health policy of the World Health Organisation and of the European Commission.

With regard to skills the graduate is able to:
U01C. indicate the directions and scope of scientific research in nursing;
U02C. plan a research study and discuss its purpose and expected results;
U03C. conduct a scientific research, present and interpret its results and relate them to the current state of knowledge;
U04C. prepare databases for statistical calculations;
U05C. apply parametric and non-parametric tests for dependent and independent variables;
U06C. use specialised domestic and foreign scientific literature, scientific databases as well as information and data provided by international organisations and nursing associations;
U07C. prepare recommendations for nursing care based on scientific evidence.

In terms of social competences, the graduate is ready to:
K01 critically evaluate their own actions and the actions of colleagues, respecting worldview and cultural differences;
K02 formulate opinions on various aspects of professional activity and to seek expert advice in case of difficulty with solving a problem on his own;
K03 show care for the prestige associated with practicing the profession of a nurse and professional solidarity;
K04 solve complex ethical problems related to the practice of the nursing profession and to indicate priorities in the implementation of specific tasks;
K05 take responsibility for the provided health services;
K06 demonstrate a professional approach to the marketing strategies of the pharmaceutical industry and the advertising of its products.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.ubb.edu.pl/