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pedagogy (PD-SM4P)

(in Polish: pedagogika studia magisterskie)
full time, 2 years of studies (4 terms)
Language: Polish

Dla kogo kierunek pedagogika?

Dla osób odpowiedzialnych, opiekuńczych i wytrwałych, które chcą wykonywać pożyteczny społecznie i pomocny zawód. Jeżeli edukowanie, pomoc oraz udzielanie wsparcia innym osobom, dzieciom, młodzieży i dorosłym,wyjątkowo Cię interesuje, ten kierunek będzie dla Ciebie. Wybierając jedną z oferowanych specjalności, zdobędziesz wiedzę oraz umiejętności, które umożliwią Ci pracę z dziećmi w przedszkolu i klasach początkowych szkoły podstawowej lubz dziećmi, młodzieżą i dorosłymi w placówkach opiekuńczo-wychowawczych, resocjalizacyjnych oraz terapeutycznych Polecamy wybór pedagogiki osobom, których interesują zagadnienia związane z kształceniem, wychowaniem i opieką oraz wspieraniem rozwoju człowieka zagrożonego trudnościami edukacyjnymi i życiowymi.


Resocjalizacja i socjoterapia

Studia kierowane do absolwentów studiów pierwszego stopnia w zakresie pedagogiki resocjalizacyjnej, którzy pragną uzyskać tytuł magistra i dodatkowe kwalifikacje do pracy jako specjaliści w zakresie socjoterapii. Celem studiów jest wyposażenie studenta w wiedzę psychologiczno-pedagogiczną i kompetencje pozwalające podejmować efektywne działania diagnostyczne, opiekuńczo-wychowawcze w obszarze profilaktyki, resocjalizacji i socjoterapii. Studenci nabywają kwalifikacje diagnostyczne oraz metodyczne do pracy z osobami nieprzystosowanymi społecznie i z zaburzeniami zachowania (osobami w trudnych życiowych sytuacjach).

Kryteria kwalifikacji na studia drugiego stopnia

Szczegółowe kryteria rekrutacji na I rok studiów drugiego stopnia na kierunku: pedagogika – profil praktyczny (4 semestry). Na I rok studiów mogą ubiegać się: 

   2. na specjalnośćresocjalizacja i socjoterapia: 

a)absolwenci szkół wyższych publicznych i niepublicznych z dyplomem ukończenia studiów pierwszego stopnia na kierunku pedagogika specjalność resocjalizacja i socjoterapia; 

b)absolwenci szkół wyższych publicznych i niepublicznych z dyplomem ukończenia studiów pierwszego stopnia (licencjackich) oraz studiów drugiego stopnia (magisterskich) na kierunku pedagogika, których studia obejmowały co najmniej jedną z poniższych specjalności: 

    • resocjalizacja z terapią,
    • resocjalizacja i profilaktyka społeczna,
    • resocjalizacja inkluzyjna,
    • resocjalizacja,
    • resocjalizacja i pomoc postpenitencjarna,
    • resocjalizacja i bezpieczeństwo publiczne,
    • resocjalizacja z profilaktyką społeczną,
    • socjoterapia i resocjalizacja,
    • diagnoza i terapia w resocjalizacji,
    • resocjalizacja i patologie społeczne.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) magister

Access to further studies:

Application for doctoral school or post-graduate studies.

Learning outcomes

We have more than one version of this field. Click below and select the version you want to see:

Learning outcomes in the field of pedagogy, second–cycle studies, education profile: practical:

In the field of knowledge, the graduate:
– has in-depth and structured knowledge of pedagogy and pedagogical sub–disciplines and/or related disciplines, including their terminology, theories and methods, oriented to practical application;
– has in-depth and expanded knowledge of the position of pedagogy in the system of sciences and its subject, and methodological connections with sub-disciplines and other disciplines of sciences;
– has in-depth and detailed knowledge of upbringing and education, contemporary pedagogical trends and systems, including other countries, and understands their historical, cultural and interdisciplinary connections with other sciences;
– has in-depth and detailed knowledge of research orientations, strategies and methods of applied research in the social sciences and humanities; knows the positions and methodological approaches; understands the postulate of multi–paradigmatic research in pedagogy;
– has extended and detailed knowledge of human development in the social, psychological and biological aspects, oriented towards practical application;
– has in-depth knowledge of various types of social structures and ties as well as the regularities that govern them and the relationships between them, important from the point of view of educational processes and practical application;
– has extended and structured knowledge of communication processes and their regularity and disturbances, relating it to selected areas of pedagogical activity, oriented to practical application;
– has in-depth and detailed knowledge of the theory of education and other educational processes, including their psychological, social and philosophical conditions; understands the essence of their functionality and dysfunctionality, harmony and disharmony, norms and pathology, oriented to practical application;
– has in-depth and structured knowledge of various educational environments, their specificity, processes and regularities that take place in them, as well as detailed knowledge of the participants of educational, educational, caring, cultural, aid and therapeutic activities, oriented to practical application;
– has extended and detailed knowledge of designing and conducting diagnostic tests in pedagogical practice, in relation to the relevant educational stages, when taking into account special educational and development needs, oriented to practical application;
– has detailed knowledge of educational law, structures and functions of educational institutions, including the goals and organization of educational, care, assistance and diagnostic and therapeutic activities, oriented to practical application;
– has detailed knowledge of voice emission, oriented to practical application;
– has detailed knowledge of occupational health and safety, including the principles of first aid and the legal responsibility of the guardian-educator, practical-oriented;
– has an ordered knowledge of the principles and ethical and moral norms that should be followed by a teacher, an educator and a therapist, when being oriented to practical application;
– has detailed knowledge of music and art necessary to work with the students in the field of specialization, oriented to practical application;
– has extended and detailed knowledge of a given specialization, its theoretical foundations and detailed methodologies, when taking into account the specificity of education at a given stage of education, oriented to practical application;

In the field of skills, the graduate:
– has in-depth skills of observing and interpreting social phenomena as well as patterns and motives of human behavior, including the analysis of their connections with various areas of pedagogical activity;
– is able to apply theoretical knowledge in the field of pedagogy, pedagogical sub-disciplines and related sciences in order to analyze and interpret complex educational, upbringing, care-taking, aid and therapeutic problems, as well as diagnose and design practical activities;
– can use in-depth and detailed theoretical knowledge in the field of pedagogy and pedagogical sub-disciplines, related disciplines and detailed methodologies in accordance with the requirements set for a specific area and level of education in order to analyze and interpret, forecast and design activities in relation to didactic, educational and care–taking situations, when taking into account various pedagogical areas;
– is able to express himself in an orderly, coherent and precise manner in speech and writing and has the ability to construct extensive oral and written justifications/ documentation on topics related to various pedagogical issues with the use of various theoretical approaches based on theoretical knowledge in the field of pedagogy, pedagogical subdisciplines and related sciences;
– has in-depth skills to present his/her own ideas, suggestions and doubts and to support them with extensive arguments, using the achievements of pedagogy, pedagogical sub-disciplines and related sciences;
– has developed research skills based on the assumptions of the methodology of pedagogical research, allowing for the analysis, planning, construction and independent conduct of pedagogical research, as well as the development, presentation and interpretation of research results within the selected sub–discipline of pedagogy;
– has in-depth skills of observing, analyzing, diagnosing and rational assessment, generating solutions to complex pedagogical problems, forecasting and designing complex educational situations related to various spheres of practical pedagogical activity;
– is able to choose and apply appropriate methods of conduct typical for a given pedagogical activity, taking into account methods, means, procedures and good practices in order to effectively perform professional tasks related to the field of study;
– is able to organize work in a team and properly fulfill any of the described roles as well as set and adopt common goals of activities; can assume the role of a team leader;
– follows the principles and ethical standards in the course of pedagogical activities, beholds and analyzes ethical problems and anticipates the consequences of specific activities undertaken in pedagogical work;
– has developed skills in the field of music and art necessary in pedagogical work;
– has developed correct habits of using the voice apparatus;
– applies safety rules and is able to provide first aid;
– is able to use the legal acts and legal provisions necessary in future teaching;
– has language skills appropriate to the field of study, in accordance with the requirements specified for level B2+ of the CEFR (Common European Framework for Reference of Languages);
– has skills in the field of physical education and health education necessary within the specialization in the field of study;

In the fields of social competences, the graduate:
– has deep awareness of the level of his/her knowledge and skills, is able to independently and critically expand them to an interdisciplinary dimension, understands the need for continuous personal development and is able to inspire the learning process of other people;
– understands the sense, value and need to undertake pedagogical activities in the social environment; actively and persistently designs and implements individual and group professional challenges using the knowledge of pedagogical sciences in practice;
– is aware of moral problems and ethical dilemmas related to pedagogical work, independently searches for optimal solutions, in accordance with the principles of ethics in relation to educational practice;
– is fully aware of the need to conduct individualized pedagogical activities tailored to the needs and development possibilities of the child / student / charge;
– is theoretically and practically prepared to actively participate in groups, organizations and institutions implementing pedagogical activities, can perform specific roles in them and take actions to improve the quality of school work;
– prepares responsibly for pedagogical work, is able to design and perform pedagogical activities by himself, and is able to properly define priorities for the implementation of tasks defined by himself or others;
– is able to communicate efficiently using various communication channels and techniques, using specialized language and communicate in a precise manner with specialists and people from outside the group of specialists.

Resolution No. 1052/02/V/2015 of the Senate University of Bielsko-Biala of 16 February 2015 on the adoption of learning outcomes for second-cycle studies with a practical profile in the field of pedagogy at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and subsequent amendments.
Resolution No. 1179/06/V/2016 of Senate University of the Bielsko-Biala of 16th June 2016 on the adaptation of learning outcomes for second-cycle studies with a practical profile in the field of pedagogy at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Resolution No. 172 of 10 July 2018 of the Council of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of the Bielsko-Biala on the approval of full-time second-cycle study programs for the field of pedagogy.

A graduate of the resocjalization specialization has pedagogical preparation and has completed education in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 17 January 2012 on the standards of education preparing for the profession of teacher (Journal of Laws of 6 February 2012).

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.ubb.edu.pl/