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Study programmes > All studies > Environmental protection and management > environmental protection and management

environmental protection and management (OS-SI7O)

(in Polish: Ochrona środowiska studia inżynierskie)
full time, 3,5 years of studies (7 terms)
Language: Polish

Dla kogo ochrona środowiska?

Dla osób, dla których środowisko w którym żyjemy i ekologia mają duże znaczenie. Jeśli interesują Cię przedmioty z dziedziny nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych, a nawet społecznych i prawnych oraz nie jesteś obojętny na kwestie związane z ekologią, jest to kierunek dla Ciebie. Studiując ochronę środowiska zdobędziesz wiedzę, która umożliwi Ci pracę w jednostkach badawczych, instytucjach i organizacjach chroniących środowisko i dbających o zasoby naturalne. 

Opis kierunku

Studia I stopnia (profil ogólnoakademicki):

– specjalność: agroturystyka i rolnictwo ekologiczne, 

– specjalność: ekspertyzy środowiskowe. 

 Agroturystyka i rolnictwo ekologiczne 
Wyniki badań społecznych wskazują na rosnącą świadomość ekologiczną i przekonanie społeczeństwa, że ochrona środowiska może mieć pozytywny wpływ na rozwój gospodarczy, zwłaszcza w obszarach o atrakcyjnych walorach turystyczno-krajoznawczych. Dla wielu z nas przyroda jest wartością samą w sobie, należy ją chronić i należy o nią dbać.
Ekspertyzy środowiskowe 
Studiując na specjalności ekspertyzy środowiskowe nabędziesz umiejętności w zakresie profesjonalnego przygotowania różnego typu opracowań środowiskowych, które są obecnie ustawowo wymagane od inwestorów i jednostek samorzadu terytorialnego np. raport oddziaływania na środowisko, waloryzacja przyrodnicza, program ochrony środowiska, plan gospodarki odpadami, operat wodno-prawny. Zdobędziesz również wiedzę w zaresie metod kontroli i monitorowania stanu środowiska, prowadzenia prac laboratoryjnych i badań terenowych w zakresie analiz środowiskowych, analizy procesów zachodzących w przyrodzie i wpływu człowieka na środowisko. 

Jako absolwent kierunku ochrona środowiska będziesz przygotowany do

– świadczenia usług eksperckich w zakresie ochrony środowiska
– pracy w laboratoriach analiz środowiskowych
– założenia własnej działalności gospodarczej, związanej z rolnictwem ekologicznym i agroturystyką
– pracy w jednostkach samorządu terytorialnego i organizacjach zajmujących się ochroną środowiska

Dlaczego warto studiować ochronę środowiska? Zobacz sam


Rekrutacja - krok po kroku - jak zapisać się na studia


Informacje dla cudzoziemców: krok po kroku - jak zapisać się na studia

Terminy rekrutacji - rok akademicki 2024/2025


Terminy rekrutacji na studia wyższe podejmowane przez cudzoziemców, na zasadach innych niż obowiązujące obywateli polskich, rozpoczynające się od semestru zimowego: https://rekrutacja.ubb.edu.pl/terminy-rekrutacji-dla-cudzoziemcow

Przedmioty będące podstawą kwalifikacji kandydatów


Zasady przyjęć - wskaźnik rekrutacji


Informacja dla cudzoziemców: zasady przyjęcia na studia cudzoziemców

Opłata rekrutacyjna

Zgodnie z § 38 rozporządzenia Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z dnia 27 września 2018 r. w sprawie studiów (Dz. U. 2023, poz. 2787) opłata za przeprowadzenie rekrutacji na studia wynosi 85 zł
Indywidualne konto do wpłaty opłaty za postępowanie związane z przyjęciem na studia, po dokonaniu zgłoszenia rekrutacyjnego w Internetowej Rekrutacji Kandydatów, jest wskazane w zakładce: Moje konto/ Płatności.
Tytuł przelewu: Opłata rekrutacyjna oraz imię i nazwisko kandydata.

Wymagane dokumenty do Komisji Rekrutacyjnej - po zaklasyfikowaniu kandydata na studia


Uwaga: Opłatę za legitymacje należy dokonać na inny nr konta.

nr konta 02 12404142 11110000 48278261

w tytule przelewu należy wpisać: „Opłata za Elektroniczną Legitymację Studencką

Skompletowane dokumenty należy składaćw białej wiązanej teczce.

Informacja dla cudzoziemców: wymagane dokumenty studia I stopnia (inżynierskie)

Cudzoziemcy - opłaty na studiach stacjonarnych w języku polskim



Program studiów (do wglądu)

Program studiów dla specjalności: agroturystyka i rolnictwo ekologiczne

Program studiów dla specjalności: ekspertyzy środowiskowe 

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) inżynier

Access to further studies:

Possibility to apply for admission to second-cycle studies of the same or a related field and to postgraduate studies.

Professional status:

The graduate has general knowledge in the field of exact sciences - mathematics and natural sciences, has knowledge about the components of the natural environment and the interdependencies between them. He knows the forms of impact of the human population on the environment as well as the degree and scale of anthropogenic threats and changes in the biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere. He knows the basic methods of controlling and monitoring the state of the environment. Has knowledge of instruments, methods of environmental protection and techniques of its renovation. He knows the basic technological issues important for environmental protection. He knows the basic legal and economic issues in environmental protection. The graduate has the ability to conduct simple laboratory work and field research in the field of environmental analyzes under the supervision of a tutor. He can make a standard analysis of the processes taking place in nature and human impact on the environment. He can take standard actions with the use of appropriate procedures, methods and techniques, solving problems in the field of environmental protection.

Learning outcomes

"Learning outcomes for the field of environmental protection, conducted at first-cycle studies with a general academic education profile, in accordance with the resolution of the Senate of the University of Bielsko-Biała No. 1047/01/V/2015 of 27 January 2015 on changes in the learning outcomes in the field of environmental protection, first-cycle studies, general academic profile at the Faculty of Materials and Environmental Sciences. Learning outcomes are knowledge, skills and social competences acquired in the learning process.
• In the field of knowledge, the graduate knows and understands:
- has knowledge of mathematics and statistics at a level that allows to describe and interpret phenomena occurring in the natural environment and allows understanding and applying environmental protection technologies.
- knows the basic physical quantities and defines the basic physical phenomena and processes occurring in the environment.
- knows the properties of elements, selected chemical compounds (inorganic and organic) and states of matter, as well as the basic types of chemical reactions and the principles of chemical calculations. It recognizes and explains basic physicochemical phenomena and processes.
- lists and classifies the most important organic compounds found in nature and knows their properties and biological functions; describes basic biochemical processes, including metabolic pathways.
- distinguishes and describes the basic levels of biological organization. He knows the most important biological processes and characterizes the basic systematic groups of organisms and knows the principles of their classification.
- characterizes selected groups of microorganisms occurring in the environment, including pathogenic microorganisms, and knows the basic processes of microbial metabolism and the possibilities of their use.
- has basic knowledge of the structure of the Earth and describes the most important geological, hydrogeological and geomorphological processes, including anthropogenic transformations of the lithosphere.
- knows the composition and most important features of the atmosphere and hydrosphere. It describes and interprets climatological, meteorological and hydrological phenomena and processes in connection with the state of the natural environment, including the most important climatological factors and weather phenomena as well as the water cycle in nature.
- knows the basic factors and processes of soil formation and describes the most important properties of soils and their basic functional and ecological functions. He knows the basics of systematics and valorization of soils. It describes the most important causes of soil degradation and how to protect them.
- knows the scope and basic principles of ecology and methods of ecological research, describes the factors determining the distribution of organisms on Earth, lists and characterizes the most important properties of the structure and principles of functioning of populations, biocenosis and ecosystems.
- knows and understands the dangers in the modern world. It characterizes the main motives, goals and directions of nature protection and describes the basic methods of protecting living natural resources. He knows the strategy of nature protection in Poland and the European Union. It defines and explains the concept of sustainable development and gives examples of the application of the principles of sustainable development in the economy.
- has basic knowledge in the field of process engineering, knows the basics of industrial technologies and analyses selected technologies that are burdensome for the environment.
- has basic knowledge of environmental technologies (water and wastewater, waste management and air protection) and bioenergy technologies.
- has basic knowledge of the principles and techniques of environmental renewal: reclamation, remediation and restoration.
- has basic knowledge in the field of information technologies allowing to describe and interpret phenomena and processes occurring in the environment.
- has basic knowledge of environmental protection instruments, including environmental monitoring.
- knows and describes the most important economic mechanisms in the field of environmental protection (in Poland and in the world). He has basic knowledge in the creation and development of forms of individual entrepreneurship.
- knows the basics of environmental law in Poland and the European Union. Knows the principles of legal liability in the field of environmental protection.
- has detailed, specialist knowledge of selected issues in the field of nature protection and environmental protection and sustainable use of nature resources.
- has basic knowledge of the protection of intellectual property. Knows the basic principles of occupational health and safety and ergonomics.
• In terms of skills, the graduate is able to:
- apply simple mathematical and statistical tools to interpret the results and assess their reliability.
- take measurements or determine basic physical and physicochemical quantities and assess their reliability.
- can receive and identify simple chemical compounds and perform chemical calculations. He uses basic biochemistry techniques. Has the ability to handle chemicals safely.
- uses basic methods of laboratory and field work in the field of biology, microbiology, ecology and soil science.
- determines the basic meteorological and hydrological characteristics using simple measurement techniques. It interprets meteorological and hydrological data and performs hydrological documentation.
- identify and assess threats to the lithosphere, terrestrial habitats and natural waters caused by human activities and be able to identify the necessary measures for their passive and active protection.
- uses basic thematic maps and technical drawings and can interpret them correctly. He independently constructs simplified cartographic studies and simple technical drawings.
- uses basic information technologies to obtain and process information from various sources, including the Geographical Information System (GIS).
- plans simple environmental monitoring systems. It interprets the results obtained as part of the monitoring and assesses the need to take corrective action.
- uses flowsheets and performs simple designs for individual unit processes. Selects the devices included in the installation. Carries out material and energy balances of simple industrial processes.
- makes a natural and economic assessment of the usefulness of renewable energy sources, especially biomass, in the economy and agriculture. Determines the calorific value of selected types of biomass.
- makes rational planning of environmental restoration projects taking into account natural needs and economic constraints. Makes an optimal choice of methods and techniques for environmental renewal.
- is able to assess the impact of selected projects on the environment and assess planned projects in terms of their compliance with the principles of sustainable and sustainable development. He is able to use in this area the specialist knowledge gained during classes as part of specialty modules.
- is able to plan and organize individual and team work and interact with other people as part of team work (also of an interdisciplinary nature).
- applies and interprets legal provisions in solving environmental protection problems. He uses appropriate terminology. Can plan and take actions that require decisions by environmental authorities. Is able to link legal regulations functioning at different levels of administration.
- obtains information from various sources (literature, databases, the Internet, etc.). Can evaluate, interpret and integrate the information obtained, as well as draw conclusions and formulate and justify their own opinions.
- is able to prepare a written work and an oral presentation on issues in the field of environmental protection, using various sources and using modern presentation techniques.
- has language skills in the fields of study and scientific disciplines specific to the field of study under study, in accordance with the requirements laid down for level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
- is able to independently plan and implement lifelong learning.
• In the field of social competences, the graduate is ready to:
- is ready to critically evaluate the knowledge possessed and the content received and understands the need to constantly update knowledge in the field of environmental protection; in case of difficulties with solving the problem on its own, it is ready to consult experts.
- is responsible for the safety of his own and others' work; knows how to act in states of danger.
- appropriately defines the priorities for the implementation of a task specified by it or others.
- correctly identifies and resolves dilemmas related to the exercise of the profession, including the issue of compliance with the rules of professional ethics and requiring it from others and caring for the achievements and traditions of the profession.
- is aware of the importance and understands the non-technical aspects of engineering activities, including their impact on the environment and related responsibility for the decisions made. It is ready to initiate activities for the public interest in this area.
- can think and act in an entrepreneurial way."

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.ubb.edu.pl/