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mechanical engineering (MB-NI8O)

(in Polish: mechanika i budowa maszyn studia inżynierskie)
part time, 4 years of studies (8 terms)
Language: Polish

Opis kierunku


W szybko rozwijającym się świecie, w którym na co dzień posługujemy się wieloma urządzeniami mechanicznymi, które ułatwiają nam życie, projektanci i specjaliści od ich budowy są jednymi z najbardziej pożądanych zawodów na rynku. Nasz kierunek da Ci szansę na różnorodne możliwości po ukończeniu studiów.
Wybierając mechanikę i budowę maszyn możesz realizować się w trzech specjalnościach: projektując, wytwarzając i kontrolując wyroby z wykorzystaniem najnowocześniejszych inżynierskich systemów komputerowych CAD/CAE/CAM/CAQ, zajmując się zagadnieniami związanymi z budową i eksploatacją samochodów i silników lub eksploatacją i rzeczoznawstwem samochodowym.

Na studiach I stopnia Zdobędziesz wiedzę i umiejętności z zakresu mechaniki stosowanej, podstaw konstrukcji maszyn, materiałoznawstwa, wytrzymałości materiałów, technik wytwarzania oraz oprogramowania inżynierskiego.

Zajęcia na studiach niestacjonarnych wieczorowych odbywają się formie zjazdów co tydzień w piątki po 16:00 i soboty cały dzień. W semestrze jest 15 zjazdów.


Pojazdy samochodowe

Pasjonują Cię samochody i pojazdy? Podczas studiów poznasz ich budowę, zaprojektujesz i zamodelujesz ich elementy i podzespoły oraz zapoznasz się z zagadnieniami dotyczącymi eksploatacji pojazdów. Poznasz również nowoczesne rozwiązania w zakresie ich napędów ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem jednostek niskoemisyjnych.

Komputerowo wspomagane konstruowanie i wytwarzanie (CAD/CAM)

Poznasz tajniki projektowania i modelowania części maszyn, narzędzi i procesów wytwarzania w oparciu o najnowsze oprogramowanie wspomagające inżyniera w tym zakresie. Nauczysz się również programować obrabiarki CNC i roboty oraz dowiesz się jak zdobytą wiedzę i umiejętności wykorzystać w praktyce.

Projektowanie i technologie druku 3D

Jeżeli interesuje Cię druk 3D i chciałbyś wykorzystać jego możliwości - to jest kierunek dla Ciebie! Nauczysz się przygotowywać modele przestrzenne z wykorzystaniem nowoczesnego oprogramowania. Poznasz również budowę i zasady eksploatacji urządzeń wykorzystywanych w druku 3D, pracujących w różnych technologiach mających zastosowanie np. w Przemyśle 4.0.

Kariera zawodowa

Nasi absolwenci znajdują pracę na stanowiskach:

  • specjalista ds. dokumentacji technicznej,
  • konstruktor,
  • konstruktor CAD,
  • rzeczoznawca samochodowy,
  • technolog CAM,
  • inżynier serwisu,
  • R&D (badania i rozwój),
  • dyrektor techniczny,
  • programista obrabiarek CNC.

Dlaczego warto studiować na kierunku budowa maszyn i informatyka? Przekonaj się sam.

Terminy rekrutacji

Terminy rekrutacji na studia stacjonarne oraz niestacjonarne, rozpoczynające się od semestru zimowego roku akademickiego 2024/2025 dla:

  • obywateli polskich dostępne są TUTAJ
  • cudzoziemców dostępne są TUTAJ


Wysokość opłat za usługi edukacyjne na studiach pierwszego stopnia, jednolitych studiach magisterskich i studiach drugiego stopnia - rok akademicki 2024/2025.

Wymagane dokumenty w przypadku zakwalifikowania na studia

Kandydaci na I rok studiów pierwszego stopnia, jednolitych studiów magisterskich są do złożenia następujących dokumentów:

  1. kopii świadectwa dojrzałości albo świadectwa dojrzałości i zaświadczenia o wynikach egzaminu maturalnego z poszczególnych przedmiotów poświadczonych przez uczelnię - w przypadku kandydata na studia pierwszego stopnia lub jednolite studia magisterskie;
  2. ankiety osobowej kandydata oraz podania (formularze ankiety oraz podania możliwe do pobrania po dokonaniu elektronicznej rejestracji kandydata);
  3. oświadczenia o wyrażeniu zgody na przetwarzanie danych osobowych przez Uniwersytet Bielsko-Bialski;
  4. karty wpisu na listę studentów - do pobrania w systemie elektronicznej rejestracji kandydata;
  5. fotografii o wymiarach 35 x 45 mm, bez nakrycia głowy, w stroju galowym na jasnym tle (zgodnie z wymogami jak przy dowodzie osobistym) oraz fotografii w wersji elektronicznej, wykonanej według podanych wcześniej wymagań, wprowadzone do systemu elektronicznej rejestracji przez kandydata;
  6. potwierdzenia uiszczenia opłaty za legitymację studencką.

Kandydaci składają skompletowane dokumenty w teczce.

Dodatkowe informacje

 Plan studiów (w ujęciu przedmiotowym)

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) inżynier

Access to further studies:

Possibility of application for being registered at the second level studies (master studies) for the same or similar direction as well as for post-diploma studies.

Learning outcomes

We have more than one version of this field. Click below and select the version you want to see:

Specification of the learning outcomes for the direction of study: „ Mechanical Engineering”,B.Sc. level, general academic profile:

• in respect to knowledge, a faculty graduate:

has knowledge with the range of mathematics and informatics necessary for:
(1) description and analysis of performance of simple mechanical systems, and also basic physical
phenomena occurring in these systems,
(2) description and analysis of technological processes,
(3) computer aid for engineer calculations,
- has basic knowledge within the range of modern physics, especially the knowledge necessary for understanding physical phenomena needed for description of mechanical problems and technological processes,
- has well-grounded and theoretical-based knowledge needed for solving of technical problems based upon the laws of mechanics,
- has well-grounded and theoretical-based knowledge needed for performance of strength analysis of machine elements,
- has well-grounded and theoretical-based knowledge needed for representing and dimensioning of machine elements; design and performance of strength calculations of mechanical systems using machine computer-aided design software,
- has basic knowledge concerning the cycle of life of technical devices, objects and systems needed for planning and supervision of operational tasks aiming for assurance of reliable utilization of machines, devices and vehicles,
- has well-grounded and theoretical-based knowledge within the range of materials utilized in machine industry needed for choice of engineer materials and their thermal and thermal-chemical treatment,
- has well-grounded and theoretical-based knowledge needed for usage of manufacturing technology aiming for determination of shape, structure and properties of products,
- has well-grounded and theoretical-based knowledge needed for application of thermodynamics for description of physical phenomena and mathematical modeling of heat exchange in design problems and technological processes,
- has well-grounded and theoretical-based knowledge needed for usage of measurement devices, perform shop measurements and perform statistical evaluation of measurement errors,
- has elementary knowledge needed for analysis of drive electric systems and control systems of machines,
- has elementary knowledge needed for usage of automation elements and automatic control systems in technical objects,
- has elementary knowledge within the range of organization and management, especially concerning quality management and running enterprises,
- has elementary knowledge necessary for taking into account non-technological aspects – among them: ecological and related to environment protection, economic and legal – by formulating and solving the tasks enclosing design of mechanical systems and technological processes,
- has elementary knowledge within the range of intellectual property protection and patent law,
- knows general rules of establishing and development of forms of individual entrepreneurship,
- has detailed knowledge within the range of design, investigations and operating of machines or vehicles as well as technical expertise in case of studying an adequate specialization,
- has detailed knowledge within the range of CAD/CAM systems in case of studying an adequate specialization,
- has basic knowledge within the range of methodology and techniques of programming (optimization) needed for synthesis of simple elements and mechanical systems as well as technological processes in case of studying an adequate specialization,
- has detailed knowledge within the range of modern methods of manufacturing in case of studying an adequate specialization,
- has basic knowledge on development trends within the field relevant to the studied direction,

• in respect to skills:
a) general skills (not related to the field of engineering education):
– is able to retrieve the information from the references, data bases and other sources, also in English or other foreign language recognized as a language of international communication within the range of the studied field; is able to aggregate the obtained information, make its interpretation and critic evaluation, and also draw conclusions as well as formulate and fully support an opinion,
– has an ability to self-education – among other, aiming for improvement of professional competences,
– is able to utilize versatile techniques for communication in the technical environment, also in English or other foreign language recognized as a language of international communication,
– is able to prepare in Polish or foreign language well-documented technical report within the range of mechanics, machine building and operating,
– is able to prepare and present a short oral presentation concerning the problems related to mechanics and machine building, also in English or other foreign language recognized as a language of international communication,
– is able to work individually or on a team; is able to evaluate the time needed for performance of the given task; is able to elaborate and perform the working timetable assuring keeping the deadlines,
– has the language skills within the range of the studied field fulfilling the requirements determined for the level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFRL), is able to use professional language within the range relevant to the field of study,

b) basic engineering skills:
- is able to use information-communication techniques adequate for performance of typical engineering tasks,
- is able to use standards and catalogues aiming for choice of proper components of a designed system,
- is able to plan and perform an expertise of mechanical systems and technological processes, among them: measurements and computer simulations as well as interpret the obtained results and drawn conclusions,
- is able to formulate an algorithm and use proper informatics tools (environments) for writing computer programs aided the engineering works,
- is able to formulate and solve engineering tasks by means of analytical, simulation and experimental methods,
- is able to realize the system and non-technological aspects when formulates and solves the engineering tasks,
- has a background necessary for work in industrial environment and knows the workplace health and safety rules (WHS/OHS),
- is able to perform an introductory economic analysis of the undertaken engineering tasks,

c) skills connected directly with solving the engineering tasks:
– is able to perform critical analysis of functional rules and to evaluate – especially from the point of view of the direction studied – existing technical solutions, in particular objects, systems and mechanical processes,
– is able to make an identification and formulate specification of simple engineering tasks having practical meaning, typical for the studied engineer field of knowledge,
– is able to assess the usefulness of routine methods and tools adequate for solving a simple engineer task having practical meaning, typical for the studied engineer field of knowledge
as well as apply the proper method and tools,
– is able to utilize the known methods and mathematical models for an analysis and evaluation of performance of mechanical elements and systems as well as technological processes typical for the studied engineer field of knowledge,
– is able to design and perform, at least partly, mechanical elements and simple devices, objects, systems and processes – typical for the studied field/branch of engineering using proper methods, techniques and tools,
– is able to design the process of manufacturing of machine elements and assembling of mechanical systems,
– is able to design the process of operating of machines and devices, especially typical for the studied field aiming for assurance of reliable work and operation,
– is able to prepare the calculations models of simple mechanical systems and perform their analysis,
– is able to plan an implementation process (from idea to prototype testing) for a simple mechanical device, taking into account system approach as well as cost evaluation respecting additionally the non-technical aspects,
– is able to use the CAD tools for analysis, simulation and design of mechanical elements and systems or technological processes in case of studying the relevant specialization,
– is able to perform reconstruction of typical car accidents (traffic collisions) and price the damages in case of studying the relevant specialization;

• in respect to social competences:
– understands a need and knows possibilities of long-life learning (studies of second and third levels, post diploma studies, courses) — improvement of professional, personal and social competences, is able to inspire and organize a learning process for other persons,
– is conscious of as well as understands an importance of non-technical aspects and consequences of activities of mechanical engineer – among other, their influence on environment as well as connected responsibility for the decisions made,
– is able to work and cooperate in a team, playing different roles, is conscious of responsibility for own work and is eager to respect the rules of team work and bearing the responsibility for commonly performed tasks,
– is able to properly formulate the priorities adequate for performance of the goals established by herself/himself or other persons,
– correctly identifies and solves dilemmas connected with the practiced profession,
– is able to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner,
– is conscious of social role of a graduate of an university of technology, especially – understands a need of publication of information and opinions corresponding to the achievements in the field: ‘machine building and operating’ and other aspects of engineer activities; takes efforts aiming for passing this information and opinions in the commonly understood way.

The Learning Outcomes for the B.Sc. level of studies of the general academic profile within the field of Technical Sciences for the direction of studies: „Mechanics and Machine Building” were approved by the Resolution no 817/07/IV/2012 issued by the Senate of the University of Bielsko-Biała dated at 4-th JULY 2012 entitled: “On the approval of the Learning Outcomes for the study programmes taught at the faculty of Machine Building and Computer Science”.
The study programme was determined via the Resolution no 1339/9/2016/2017 of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Machine Building and Computer Science dated at 9-th May 2017 r.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.ubb.edu.pl/