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Study programmes > All studies > Philology > english philology

english philology (FL-FA-NM4O)

(in Polish: filologia angielska studia magisterskie)
part time, 2 years of studies (4 terms)
Language: English, Polish
No description for the programme.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) magister

Access to further studies:

Application for doctoral school or post-graduate studies.

Learning outcomes

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Learning outcomes: faculty: English Philology; teaching specialisation; second cycle studies, the profile of education: general academic education.

In the field of knowledge the graduate:
– knows the methodologies used in the field of literary comparative studies in the historical and contemporary approach used in each of them;
– has in-depth knowledge of the main theories in contemporary literary studies and knows the in-depth terminology used in various critical literary discourses;
– has in-depth knowledge of theoretical positions, methodology, as well as linguistic and translation studies terminology;
– has in-depth knowledge of the main trends in the development of contemporary literature and literary phenomena, as well as the works of selected authors and the socio-(inter) cultural-historical contexts of their work;
– knows and understands the methodologies necessary to describe, analyze and interpret a literary text;
– has in-depth knowledge of the system, structure and functions of the language (or languages) studied within the specialization;
– has knowledge of the norms and grammar rules of the specialization language and the whole language course; has mastered the vocabulary enabling communication at the B2-C1 level;
– has in-depth knowledge of the specialization selected within the field of study, its theoretical foundations, terminology, methodology and applications;
– knows and understands the concepts and issues in the field of intellectual property protection;
– has in-depth knowledge of the place and importance of literary criticism and the forms of discourse that set the directions of its development;
– knows the norms, lexis, grammar and phonetic rules of other languages provided for in the study program;
– has in-depth knowledge of the issues, theoretical positions and selected concepts in translation studies;
– knows at an advanced level the principles of preparation, analysis and interpretation of utility and academic texts in the field of study;
– has knowledge about human development and the processes of its upbringing and education, including their philosophical, socio-cultural, psychological, biological and medical foundations in relation to the relevant educational stages;
– has knowledge of the structure and functions of the education system – goals, legal bases, ethical principles, principles of occupational health and safety, organization and functioning of educational institutions, educational and care-taking environments, as well as their specificity and processes taking place in them;
– has knowledge of the specificity of the forms of functioning of children and adolescents in the context of developmental regularities and abnormalities, including students with special educational needs, particularly gifted students and students with developmental disorders;
– has knowledge of the processes of assimilation, learning and teaching of English, including the methodology of teaching English. English for schools and educational institutions;
– has knowledge of designing and conducting pedagogical research and diagnostic tests in pedagogical practice;

In the field of skills the graduate:
– is able to use different registers of the main language in speech and writing in order to formulate coherent and transparent statements, as well as explain his/her position on the issues under discussion;
– can use all language skills (reading, listening, speaking, writing) at the B2-C1 level; understands the importance of the main threads of the message contained in longer oral and written statements and is able to formulate coherent and clear oral or written statements;
– is able to communicate in the second and subsequent languages to the extent provided for by the major and specialization of studies;
– is able to apply the methodology and theory of comparative literary studies in order to perform a comparative analysis of various literary texts in their cultural contexts;
– can recognize and characterize various trends and processes in the literature of selected linguistic areas and the works of selected authors;
– uses a wide range of theories in the field of translation studies in accordance with the research paradigms of the field of study;
– correctly uses literary and/or linguistic terminology in written and oral statements; is able to assign it to specific critical-literary discourses in accordance with the requirements of the course;
– is able to prepare, formulate and write academic articles in the field of literary studies and/or linguistics with the appropriate structure, composition, construction and argumentation in the field of study;
– is able to in-depth, independently, analytically and critically interpret literary texts and cultural phenomena typical for the field of research, using also self-acquired knowledge selected from traditional and multimedia sources of information;
– is able to use in-depth knowledge of the selected specialization within the field of study to efficiently carry out various research and practical tasks required for the specialization;
– is able to recognize and evaluate various linguistic processes and phenomena using theoretical knowledge and tools used in linguistic research and/or in translation studies;
– recognizes and is able to characterize the principles and concepts of intellectual property protection;
– is able to assess the usefulness of typical methods, procedures and good practices for the implementation of didactic, educational and care-taking tasks related to the appropriate educational stages; is able to select and use available materials, means and methods of work in order to design and effectively implement pedagogical activities (didactic, educational and caring) );
– can use theoretical knowledge in the field of pedagogy, psychology as well as didactics and detailed methodology in order to diagnose, analyze and forecast pedagogical situations, interpret the motives and behavior patterns of participants in these situations and select strategies for implementing practical activities at individual educational stages;
– is able to work with students, individualize tasks and adapt methods and content to the needs and abilities of students (including students with special educational needs) using the principles and ethical standards in their activities;
– can manage the processes of education and upbringing; has the ability to work with a group of learners (educational teams, class teams), cooperation with other teachers, educators and parents of students;
– has research skills enabling him/her to participate in the construction of simple pedagogical research, recognition of the situation of students with special educational needs, development of observation results and drawing conclusions.

In the field of social competences the graduate:
– has a deepened awareness of the level of his/her knowledge and skills, understands the need for continuous improvement, continuity of communication practice in the field of study; knows how to set the directions of his/her own development and education in an inter-disciplinary dimension;
– fully appreciates the literary and cultural heritage of the given language area; is interested in current events in the field of literature and culture; is aware of the place and role of the specific language in the contemporary world;
– has an advanced understanding of the issue of responsibility for a reliable transfer of knowledge and related ethical issues; understands the importance of respect for intellectual property and related legal aspects; is able to behold and (re)formulate moral problems;
– is able to work in a group; fully consciously assumes different roles in carrying out joint projects and conducting discussions; effectively organizes his/her own work and this of others and is able to critically assess its priorities and the degree of advancement;
– is able to apply various rules of courtesy and etiquette in the main (study) language;
– understands the need for continuous professional training and personal development in the context of changes in the world and science;
– is aware of the importance of professionalism, reflection on ethical issues and compliance with the rules of professional ethics, as well as the existence of an ethical dimension in the diagnosis and assessment of students;
– is aware of the need to conduct individualized pedagogical activities (of didactic, educational and/or care-taking form) in relation to other students, students with special educational needs included.

Resolution No. 1477/09/VI/2019 of the Senate of the University of the University of Bielsko-Biala of 24th September 2019, on the establishment of study programs in the field of Philology, specialization: english philology, second-cycle studies with a general academic profile.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.ubb.edu.pl/