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Study programmes > All studies > Analytics and business communication > (in Polish) analityka i komunikacja w biznesie studia licencjackie

(in Polish) analityka i komunikacja w biznesie studia licencjackie (AK-NL6P)

(in Polish: analityka i komunikacja w biznesie studia licencjackie)
part time, 3 years of studies (6 terms)
Language: English, Polish

Study only in Polish.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) licencjat

Access to further studies:

Application for complementary Master's studies (Second cycle) or post-graduate studies

Professional status:

Graduates of the first cycle studies, through a unique combination of subjects traditionally assigned to various scientific disciplines (economics and sociology), have knowledge and a number of practical skills related to the broadly understood analysis of socio-economic phenomena. The graduate has knowledge and practical skills in the field of: risk analysis, financial analysis, public opinion analysis, statistical data processing, or the use of computer programs in business. A graduate can diagnose communication processes that take place in various contexts, being also able to construct an effective communication policy in organizations of various types. Graduates during the course and internships foreseen for the major are prepared to work in the following positions: specialist analyst in the public and private sector, consultant supporting management levels, as well as communication specialist (Internet communication specialist, PR department, marketing and advertising department, development). The possessed knowledge and skills also enable their employment in many freelance professions, such as journalism, election campaigns, etc. Moreover, the graduate is prepared to undertake second-cycle studies and continue their lifelong education in order to adapt themselves to the changing requirements of the labor market.

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes in the field of Analytics and Business Communication, first-cycle studies; education profile: practical
In the field of knowledge, the graduate:
- has basic knowledge of sociology and economics;
- has knowledge about the place of sociology and economics in the system of sciences and their relations to other disciplines;
- has basic knowledge of social, economic and legal structures and institutions, as well as different political elements and their components;
- has basic knowledge of the relationship between social structures;
- has knowledge of the processes that take place in social structures and institutions;
- knows the types of social connections from the point of view of the field of study;
- knows the regularities governing social connections in the field of sociology and economics;
- has knowledge about man as a social entity responsible for the creation of social structures, institutions, processes in the field of communication and economic activity;
- has knowledge of the psychological aspects of human relations with the environment;
- has basic knowledge of the tools applied for the analyzes of the basic socio-economic relations between institutions in contemporary societies;
- has knowledge of historical and contemporary categories used to describe social and economic structures, institutions, organizations;
- has knowledge of the existence of various quantitative methods in sociology and economics;
- has knowledge of the functioning of qualitative methods in sociology and economics;
- has knowledge of the principles of statistical analysis;
- has knowledge of the basic principles of scientific research, including these concerning data acquisition techniques, suitable for both sociology and economics;
- has basic knowledge of the legal rules governing business activities;
- has basic knowledge of the norms and rules that organize selected social structures and institutions;
- has basic knowledge of the socio-cultural conditions of business activities;
- has knowledge about the processes of changes taking place in structures, social and economic institutions and their evolution;;
- knows and understands the basic concepts and principles of intellectual property and copyright protection;
- knows the general principles of running various forms of entrepreneurship, including these concerning social entrepreneurship and/or using knowledge in the field of sociology and economics;
In the field of skills, the graduate:
- is able to present the results of analyzes in the form of summaries and reports;
- is able to use theoretical knowledge useful to describe and analyze in practice the social and economic (i.e., cultural, political, legal, economic) processes and phenomena specific to the studied field of study;
- can use the data of public statistics to analyze the causes and/or the course of selected social processes and phenomena;
- is able to design an effective model and/or form of communication;
- can forecast the practical effects of specific processes or social phenomena, including these of cultural and/or political nature, using standard methods and tools appropriate for sociology and economics;
- uses selected norms and legal, professional, and/or ethical rules correctly;
- in order to solve a specific task in the field of sociology and economics;
- has the ability to use the acquired knowledge in practice, taking into account the skills acquired during the graduate’s professional practice;
- has the ability to present and/or analyze solutions to specific problems, that refer to the norms and/or rules functioning in various institutions;
- has the ability to generate alternative solutions to communication problems and/or business activities;
- has the ability to understand and analyze various social and/or economic phenomena;
- with the help of basic theoretical approaches, as well as using various available sources, the graduate is able to prepare typical written works in Polish and /or in a foreign language in the field of sociology and economics, as well as specific issues;
- is able to prepare a presentation on specific issues, in Polish as well as in a foreign language, in the field of disciplines relevant to the field of study, with the use of basic theoretical approaches, as well as various sources;
- has language skills in the disciplines appropriate for the field of study, consistent with the requirements specified for level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference to Languages (CEFR);
In the field of social competences, the graduate:
- understands the need for lifelong education;
- is able to interact in a group, while taking different roles in it;
- is able to work in a group, while taking into account ethical principles related to the work currently performed;
- is able to properly define the priorities to achieve a specific goal;
- correctly resolves dilemmas related to the analysis of the phenomena characteristic for the area of economics and communication related to the profession;
- knows how to participate in the preparation of social and political, economic, and/or civic projects, taking into account different legal, economic and political aspects;
- is able to complete and improve acquired knowledge and/or skills;
- is able to creatively prepare and successfully implement various socio-economic projects;
- shows initiative and entrepreneurship.
The study program was defined by Resolution No. 1469/09/VI/2019 of September 6, 2019

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.ubb.edu.pl/