Coordinate Metrology IE-SI7O>CM
Familiarization with the philosophy of coordinate measuring technology, the construction of coordinate measuring machines and the place of coordinate measuring technology in quality management systems in the mechanical engineering industry. Acquainting with solutions of measuring machines (classic coordinate measuring machine and measuring arm). Familiarization with the software used in coordinate measuring machines (Calypso, Modus, TouchDMIS). Presentation of the rules of conduct when designing a measurement process for CNC measuring machines.
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
<b>Ocena końcowa</b>
<b>Wymagania wstępne</b>
<b>Literatura podstawowa</b>
<b>Literatura uzupełniająca</b>
<b>Inne informacje</b>
Efekty kształcenia
Has knowledge in mathematics and computer science necessary to:
1) describe and analyse operation of simple mechanical systems as well as basic physical phenomena in them,
2) description and analysis of technological processes,
3) computer aided engineering calculations.
Powiązane efekty kierunkowe:
Metody weryfikacji:
Ocena umiejętności praktycznych
Weryfikacja na podstawie sprawozdania
He/she is able to acquire information from literature, databases and other sources in the field of study; is able to integrate the information obtained, interpret and critically evaluate it.
Powiązane efekty kierunkowe:
Metody weryfikacji:
Weryfikacja na podstawie sprawozdania
Kompetencje społeczne
Understands the need for, and knows the possibilities of, continuing education (second level studies, postgraduate studies, courses) and improving professional, personal and social competences; seeks expert advice when having difficulties in solving a problem independently.
Powiązane efekty kierunkowe:
Metody weryfikacji:
Weryfikacja na podstawie sprawozdania