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Management (ZA-IB-SM4O)

(in Polish: zarządzanie studia magisterskie, specjalność international business)
full time, 2 years of studies (4 terms)
Language: English

Second-cycle studies - MA in International Business

Why is it worth choosing our specialty?

International Business is the only second-cycle study program in the Podbeskidzie region that is entirely taught in English. IB is distinguished not only by the modern concept of education, but also by the high quality of the program of studies, based on proprietary curricula, consulted with business partners of the field of study, which are international enterprises. International Business also means cultural diversity and the resulting international integration of students. Curricula include subjects in management, economics, law, psychology and political science. As a result, our graduates acquire unique and practical skills and knowledge of the above-mentioned areas which are appreciated by the entrepreneurs. 

What subjects?

The didactic offer of the specialization includes many practical subjects. During the course, students can develop and improve their skills on the basis of solving case studies, engaging discussions, presentations and participation in inspiring lectures. As part of the program, lectures conducted by specialists in a given field and practitioners are organized. During their studies students can participate in study visits to companies operating on an international and cross-border scale.

Is it just science?

In addition to studying, students can participate in the life of the university by taking part in various types of events as well as taking part in scientific conferences and, above all, taking advantage of the wide range of international trips, both for studies and internships. International Business is an excellent platform to establish international contacts and start an international career. In 2018, the International Business specialization received the Extraordinary "European Laurel" Certificate for the implementation of advanced program solutions aimed at internationalization of education and the development of scientific and didactic cooperation with foreign centers.

What to do after graduation?

Graduates of International Business, obtaining a master's degree in management, are prepared to work in enterprises operating on an international and cross-border scale. In 2018, the International Business specialization received the "Studies with the Future" Certificate, which was awarded for the outstanding modern concept of education, the highest quality of programs and compliance with the needs of the labor market.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) magister

Access to further studies:

Application for Doctoral studies (Third cycle) or post-graduate studies

Professional status:

The goals of education on second level of studies are: transfer the konwledge from the area of management and related sciences, achieve qualifications and skills which allow to diagnose, analyze and solving problems of functioning company on various levels of management; critical analysis, interpretation and evaluation aspects which influence on effective realization basic management functions in different companies (economic organizations, administration and public security); analysis creative information resources using; informatics systems using; teams'building and management using effective models of communication, motivation and negotiations. Graduates of the second level of studies have knowledge to evaluate and interpret economic phenomena and laws in organizations and also aspects which influence on management in organizations; use modernmanagement's conceptions to explain phenomena from management. Graduate is ready to use theoretical knowledge to solve practical management problems in companies, security structures and public institutions. He is ready to: undertake specialist positions in management system; management/managers positions in management system; management/ managers positions of medium and high level in public sector, enterprise; also start and run its own business. Graduate can apply management methods in international society, recognizes economic, law, social conditions in the area of international company's management. Moreover graduate is ready to undertake PhD studies and continue lifelong learning education and conduct its own research. Graduate can use traditional, modern and developed management's mechanisms. Graduate can describe, analyze, evaluate and explain management's problems, can apply strategic and procedural management methods and tools in different areas of organization's functioning.

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes in the field of Management, the second cycle studies, of the general academic profile:
Within the range of knowledge:
- A student has complex knowledge about the character of management science and their place in the scientific system;
- A student has a wide range of concepts from the scientific discipline, referring to management and economics, expanded in the area of specialization;
- A student has complex knowledge about classical and contemporary ideas of management and the way they develop;
- A student has complex knowledge about the kinds of structures, organizations and institutions, which function in a social-economic system;
- A student has complex knowledge about relationships and connections between structures, organizations and institutions of social-economic life, nationally, internationally and between cultures;
- A student has orderly knowledge about the structure, functions, aims, and formal basis of an organization and functioning of the present economy, which is based on knowledge;
- A student has orderly knowledge about a man as a subject of management and a participant of social and economic activity; he knows elementary social phenomena and the way people act and behave in an organization;
- A student has complex knowledge referring to the methodology of management science, research problems, methods, techniques and research tools, together with analysis and presenting research results;
- A student knows methods and tools of management including the usage of advanced quantitative methods;
- A student has complex knowledge about norms and rules organizing economic life, he knows and understands basic elements of civil law, commercial law , ideas and rules connected with intellectual property protection and copyright and the necessity of managing intellectual property resources;
- A student has elementary knowledge about ethical and social norms and rules used in functioning the organization, the manager and the economy; their sources and regularities which govern them;
- A student has complex knowledge about the processes of changes that happen in an organization and the economy and also about the elements, causes, course, range and consequences of these changes, together with new attitudes towards organizations and management;
- A student knows the rules of establishing and developing entrepreneurship;
- A student knows perfectly well the field of management, being the subject of a chosen specialization and the conditions of its functioning;
- A student has complex knowledge about the chosen, detailed (field related ) concepts of management, referring to specialization;
- A student knows the tools, methods and techniques used in a chosen field of specialization;
- A student has complex knowledge about perspectives and trends of development of a chosen field of specialization;
Within the range of skills:
- A student can observe, describe and interpret social-economic phenomena and their connections with management and other fields of human activity;
- A student can properly use terms referring to management and economic science, he can freely use professional terminology, both in speech and writing, using different communication channels;
- A student can use theoretical knowledge about management and disciplines related to it, to describe and analyze the causes, courses of processes and phenomena in management;
- A student can search and use data of public statistics and national accountancy, to describe economic situations;
- A student can properly analyze causes and the course of certain processes and phenomena in management, he can formulate simple research hypothesis and verify them;
- A student can predict processes and social-economic phenomena in management , using advanced methods and tools;
- A student can suggest original solutions of certain problems related to management, together with ways and procedures of implementing them;
- A student can use methods and tools of analyzing and optimizing to improve processes in an organization;
- He can properly use legal, ethical and professional norms in management practice, he has high skills referring to the chosen kind of standard;
- A student has advanced research skills, he uses several methods and techniques of social tests, he constructs research tools, works out and presents research results with conclusions, which result from them;
- A student can use quantitative methods and statistical procedures to analyze problems and results referring to management. He can also interpret their results properly;
- A student can use modern technologies and innovations, both in scientific and professional work;
- A student can properly set targets, build strategies, tactical and operational plans, programmes and policies;
- A student can identify, describe and shape processes, taking place in organizations;
- A student behaves in a professional way, follows the rules of professional ethics, respects different opinions;
- A student can analyze and diagnose complex management problems, related to the chosen field of specialization, can come up with conclusions resulting from these analysis;
- A student can choose means and methods of action in order to complete professional tasks, which appear in the chosen area of specialization, in an effective way;
- A student can collect and use information, indispensable to exist professionally and to solve problems in the chosen area of specialization;
- A student can create and suggest original solutions of management problems in the chosen area of specialization, using appropriate methods and tools;
- A student can use documentation typical for the chosen area of specialization , he can also work out complex documentation himself;
- A student has advanced skills for preparing written works about chosen management issues and related disciplines, using many theoretical approaches and different sources;
- A student is skillful in preparing speeches about chosen management issues and related disciplines, using basic theoretical approaches and different sources;
- A student has advanced skills of arguing, presenting his own ideas, projects and solutions;
- A student uses gained knowledge to solve dilemmas in professional work, He can take decisions using appropriate tools;
- A student uses English related to management in B2+ level of the Common European Framework and another foreign language in A1 level of the Common European Framework;
Within the range of social competencies:
- A student understands the necessity of self-improvement and life-long learning, he can improve his knowledge, personal, professional, interpersonal and social qualifications;
- A student can work in a team, realize group tasks and feels responsible for them. He can organize team work and can play different roles in a team;
- A student can organize his own work and the work of others, he can see priorities in tasks and can choose those which are most important, taking set goals into consideration;
- A student can identify and solve professional dilemmas properly;
- A student can participate in preparing economic projects, including economic, legal, social and environmental aspects and can predict results of his activity;
- A student can think and act in an entrepreneurial way and can use acquired innovative awareness.
The study program was defined by Resolution No. 1469/09/VI/2019 of September 6, 2019

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.ubb.edu.pl/