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english philology (FL-FA-SL6O)

(in Polish: filologia angielska studia licencjackie)
full time, 3 years of studies (6 terms)
Language: English, Polish
No description for the programme.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) licencjat

Access to further studies:

Possibility of application for being registered at the second level studies (master studies) for the same or similar direction as well as for post-diploma studies.

Learning outcomes

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Learning outcomes in the field of philology, specialization: English philology, specialization: literary and cultural, in first-cycle studies, general academic profile:

In the field of knowledge the graduate:
– has basic knowledge of literature in a given cultural area in terms of its history, while taking into account periodization and main literary trends;
– has basic knowledge of the main theories and literary research, including basic terminology;
– knows the basic issues, theoretical positions and the most important concepts in the field of translation;
– has a basic knowledge of selected historical, philosophical and linguistic issues in the intercultural dimension;
– knows and understands the basic methodologies necessary to describe, analyze and interpret a literary text;
– has a basic knowledge of the historical development of the specialization language and understands its connections with historical processes in the corresponding language group;
– knows the basic schools, trends, terminology and research goals of applied linguistics;
– has a basic knowledge of the main trends in the development of contemporary literature in selected language areas, about the work of selected authors and their place in world literature;
– has basic knowledge of the system, structure and functions of the language (or languages) taught within the specialization;
– has knowledge of the norms and grammar rules of the specialization language, has mastered the vocabulary sufficient for communication at the A1 – B2 level;
– has basic knowledge of the specialization chosen within the field of study, its theoretical foundations, terminology, methodology and applications;
– has basic knowledge of the theory, methodology and terminology of linguistics and other related disciplines;
– knows and understands a wide range of concepts and issues in the field of studies selected in the field of study, taking into account the related legal issues with the use of traditional and multimedia tools;
– has knowledge of the norms, lexis, grammar and phonetic rules of other languages provided for in the study program;
– knows the basic principles of preparation, analysis and interpretation of utility and academic texts in the field of study;
– knows the basic issues of translation theory relating to the translation of utility and specialized texts;
– knows the translation strategies that enable solving translation problems at various stages of the interpretation and translation of utility and specialist texts from the language of the specialization into Polish and from Polish into the language of the specialization;
– has a basic knowledge of the influence of intercultural differences on the work of a translator;
– has a basic knowledge of the issues of the standard and text editing (including computer text) in Polish and in the language of the specialty;
– knows the vocabulary and concepts typical of a business language and knows the basic economic concepts in the language of the specialization and their equivalents in Polish.

In the field of skills the graduate:
– has language skills appropriate for the field of study in the specialization in accordance with the requirements specified by the Common European Framework for Reference of Languages;
– can successfully apply all language skills (reading, listening, speaking, writing) at A1-B2 level; understands the importance of the main threads of the message contained in longer oral and written statements and is able to formulate coherent and clear oral or written statements;
– uses the second and subsequent languages to the extent provided by the specialization and major of studies;
– can recognize and evaluate the basic literary, philosophical and historical-cultural processes and phenomena on the basis of the acquired knowledge and with the use of standard methods and/or tools used in literary studies and/or interdisciplinary research;
– is able to correctly recognize and present the main directions of the historical development of literature in selected language areas in written and oral statements, the work of selected authors and its place in world literature;
– can recognize and evaluate the basic processes and linguistic phenomena on the basis of the acquired knowledge with the application of standard methods and/or tools used in linguistic research and/or interdisciplinary research;
– uses the main theories in the field of literary studies in accordance with the research paradigms of the field of study and with the use of appropriate terminology;
– uses their knowledge of the history of literature in the description and critical analysis of literary phenomena;
– uses the main theories of linguistics in accordance with the research paradigms of the field of study and with the use of appropriate terminology;
– is able to prepare, formulate and write academic works in the field of literary studies and/ or linguistics in the field of study, with an appropriate structure, composition, construction and argumentation;
– is able to independently, analytically and critically interpret literary texts and cultural phenomena typical for the field of research, also using self-acquired knowledge selected from traditional and multimedia sources of information;
– has the ability to prepare oral presentations in the main language and in Polish with the use of basic theoretical approaches as well as traditional and multimedia sources of information;
– is able to use the basic knowledge of the selected specialization within the field of study to efficiently carry out the various forms of research and practical tasks required for this specialization;
– can translate orally and in writing various types of texts from the language of the specialization into Polish and from Polish into the language of the specialization;
– has the basic ability to make a critical comparative analysis of the original and the translation;
– is able to use the theoretical knowledge related to various issues of translation studies and textual linguistics in order to analyze specific linguistic phenomena;
– can correctly use the possibilities offered by the translator with various computer-based translation tools;
– can communicate using the language of business in the language of the specialization and can translate texts and oral statements using business terminology and basic economic knowledge.

In the field of social competences the graduate:
– is aware of the level of his/her knowledge and skills, understands the need for continuous improvement, continuity of communication practice in the field of study, sets the directions of their own development and education in an interdisciplinary dimension;
– appreciates the literary and cultural heritage of the selected language area; is interested in current events in the field of literature and culture, and is aware of the place and role of the specific language in the contemporary world;
– understands the issue of responsibility for reliable knowledge transfer and related ethical issues, understands the importance of respect for intellectual property and related legal aspects, and sees and formulates moral problems;
– is able to work in a group, assuming various roles in carrying out joint projects and conducting discussions, and effectively organizes his/her own work as well as the work of others; is able to critically assess its priorities and the level of advancement;
– is able to apply the rules of courtesy and etiquette applicable in the area of the language;
– is aware of the level of their knowledge and skills in the field of practice and translation theory;
– understands the essence of the professional and ethical dimension of the work of a translator;
– is able to use his/her knowledge and skills in social and professional situations.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.ubb.edu.pl/