Welcome to ECTS Catalogue!
What can you find on this page? Information on didactics, graduate studies, course stuctures... read more
Did you know:
There are only main subjects on the list; there are no specialities nor specializations, but these can be easily found in the search box.
First-cycle studies
- (in Polish) Eksploatacja pojazdów
- (in Polish) Komunikacja internetowa
- (in Polish) Turystyka
- (in Polish) Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi
- Analytics and business communication
- Automatics and robotics
- Circular economy
- Civil engineering
- Computer science
- Emergency medical sevices
- English philology
- Environmental engineering
- Environmental protection and management
- Management
- Management and production engineering
- Material engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Nursing
- Pedagogy
- Philology
- Polish philology
- Sociology
- Spanish philology
- Transport