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Study programmes > All studies > Nursing > (in Polish) Pielęgniarstwo studia licencjackie

(in Polish) Pielęgniarstwo studia licencjackie (PI-SL6P)

(in Polish: Pielęgniarstwo studia licencjackie)
full time, 3 years of studies (6 terms)
Language: Polish

Absolwent kierunku Pielęgniarstwo, studia licencjackie w zakresie wiedzy poznaje:

– szczegółową wiedzę z zakresu pielęgniarstwa,

– ogólną wiedzę z zakresu innych nauk medycznych,

– wiedzę z zakresu świadczenia opieki zdrowotnej oraz zarządzania nią,

– wiedzę w zakresie promocji i edukacji zdrowotnej człowieka poprzez ocenęindywidualnej wiedzy i umiejętności niezbędnych do zachowania i przywracania zdrowia,

– znajomość regulacji prawnych, norm etycznych i deontologii odnoszących się do wykonywania zawodu pielęgniarki;

W zakresie umiejętności potrafi:

– udzielać świadczeń w zakresie promocji zdrowia i profilaktyki chorób;

udzielać pierwszej pomocy i podejmować działania ratownicze w ramach resuscytacji krążeniowo-oddechowej;

 –rozpoznawać problemy zdrowotne i określać priorytety w opiece pielęgniarskiej;

samodzielnieorganizować,planowaćisprawowaćcałościowąizindywidualizowaną opiekępielęgniarskąnadosobąchorą,zniepełnosprawnościąiumierającą, wykorzystując wskazania aktualnej wiedzy medycznej;

– samodzielnieudzielaćświadczeńzapobiegawczych,diagnostycznych,leczniczych i rehabilitacyjnych (w zakresie określonym w przepisach);

 –decydować o rodzaju i zakresie świadczeń opiekuńczo-pielęgnacyjnych;

współpracować z rodziną lub opiekunem pacjenta w realizacji ustalonych celów opieki pielęgniarskiej oraz prowadzonych działań edukacyjnych;

 – przeprowadzaćbadaniepodmiotoweiprzedmiotowewcelupostawieniadiagnozy pielęgniarskiej;

 – wystawiać recepty na leki, środki spożywcze specjalnego przeznaczenia żywieniowego i wyrobymedyczne,niezbędnedokontynuacjileczeniawramachrealizacjizleceń lekarskich;

 –dokonywać analizy jakości opieki pielęgniarskiej;

organizowaćpracęwłasnąipodległegopersoneluorazwspółpracowaćwzespołach opieki zdrowotnej.

W zakresie kompetencji społecznych:

– skutecznie i z empatią porozumiewa się z pacjentem,

– posiada świadomość czynników wpływających na reakcje własne i pacjenta,

– posiada świadomość konieczności permanentnego, ustawicznego kształcenia się.

Absolwent kierunku Pielęgniarstwo może podjąć pracę w publicznych i niepublicznych placówkach służby zdrowia (szpitalach, zakładach opieki zdrowotnej, oddziałach dziennych, zakładach opieki długoterminowej) na stanowisku pielęgniarki/pielęgniarza, w placówkach oświatowych, w formie indywidualnej praktyki pielęgniarskiej.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) licencjat pielęgniarstwa

Access to further studies:

Possibility of application for being registered at the second level studies (master studies) for the same or similar direction as well as for post-diploma studies.

Professional status:

A graduate of first-cycle studies at the faculty of nursing is awarded a Bachelor of Nursing Diploma, entitling them to obtain the licence to practice a profession and is qualified to work in public and non-public healthcare institutions, including hospitals, primary healthcare facilities, nursing and care facilities, palliative and hospice care centres and nursing homes.

Learning outcomes

Pursuant to the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 26 July 2019 on the standards of education preparing for the profession of a doctor, dentist, pharmacist, nurse, midwife, laboratory diagnostician, physiotherapist and paramedic (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2021) sec. 755).\
Pursuant to the Resolution No. 1613/05/VII/2021 of 26 July 2021 of the Senate of the University of Bielsko-Biała [Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna in original language] on the establishment of study programmes in the fields of Nursing conducted at the University of Bielsko-Biała.


in terms of knowledge, the graduate knows and understands:
W01A the structure of the human body in the topographic approach (upper and lower limbs, chest, abdomen, pelvis, back, neck, head) and functional (osteoarticular system, muscular system, circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, reproductive systems, nervous system, sensory organs, integumentary system);
W02A - neurohormonal regulation of physiological and electrophysiological processes in the body;
W03A participation of organism systems and organs in maintaining its homeostasis;
W04A physiology of individual systems and organs of the body;
W05A basics of regulation systems (homeostasis) and the role of positive and negative feedback;
W06A basic concepts of general pathology and pathology of individual body systems;
W07A selected issues in the field of organ pathology of the circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, endocrine system, metabolic system, genitourinary system and nervous system;
W08A external and internal pathogens, modifiable and non-modifiable;
W09A genetic determinants of human blood types and serological conflict in the Rh system
W10A issues of genetically determined diseases;
W11A structure of chromosomes and molecular basis of mutagenesis;
W12A principles of inheritance of various numbers of traits, inheritance of quantitative traits, independent inheritance of traits and inheritance of non-nuclear genetic information;
W13A physicochemical basics of operation of senses using physical information carriers (sound and electromagnetic waves);
W14A vitamins, amino acids, nucleosides, monosaccharides, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, which are components of macromolecules present in cells, extracellular matrix and body fluids;
W15A regulation mechanisms and biophysical basis of metabolism in the organism;
W16A influence of external factors such as temperature, gravity, pressure, electromagnetic field and ionizing radiation on the organism;
W17A classification of microorganisms taking into account pathogenic microorganisms present in human physiological microbiota;
W18A basic concepts of microbiology and parasitology and methods used in microbiological diagnostics;
W19A particular groups of therapeutic agents, the main mechanisms of their operation and the changes in the body and side effects caused by them;
W20A basic principles of pharmacotherapy;
W21A particular groups of drugs, active substances contained in drugs, application of drugs as well as forms and routes of their administration;
W22A the influence of disease processes on the metabolism and elimination of drugs;
W23A major adverse drug reactions, including drug interactions and procedure for reporting adverse drug reactions;
W24A principles of issuing prescriptions as part of execution of medical orders;
W25A principles of treatment with blood and blood substitutes;
W26A imaging methods and principles of imaging using these methods, and principles of radiological protection.

In terms of skills, the graduate is able to:
U01A use of anatomical names in practice and use the knowledge of the topography of human organs;
U02A associate signs of tissue and organ damage with clinical symptoms of the disease, history and diagnostic test results;
U03A estimate the risk of manifestation of a particular disease based on the principles of inheritance and the influence of environmental factors;
U04A use determinants of genetic diseases in disease prevention;
U05A participate in the selection of diagnostic methods in particular clinical conditions using the knowledge of biochemistry and biophysics;
U06A recognise the most common human parasites on the basis of their structure, life cycles and the symptoms they cause;
U07A estimate the toxicological hazard in specific age groups and in various clinical conditions;
U08A use pharmaceutical guide books and databases regarding medicinal products;
U09A issue prescriptions for medications necessary for the continuation of treatment as part of medical orders
U10A prepare a record of prescription formulas for medicinal substances and foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses prescribed by a physician;
U11A apply the principles of radiation protection.

In terms of knowledge, the graduate knows and understands:
W01B Psychological foundations of human development, correct and disturbed behaviour;
W02B the issues of human - social environment relations and mechanisms of human functioning in difficult situations;
W03B stages of human mental development and regularities occurring at these stages;
W04B the concept of emotions and motivation as well personality disorders;
W05B the essence, structure and phenomena occurring in the process of information transfer and exchange as well as models and styles of interpersonal communication;
W06B anxiety reduction techniques, methods of relaxation and mechanisms of the formation and prevention of burnout syndrome;
W07B the concepts and principles of group, organisation, institution, population, community and ecosystem functioning;
W08B selected areas of cultural and religious diversity;
W09B the scope of social interaction and the process of socialisation as well as the operation of local communities and the ecosystem;
W10B the concepts of deviation and disorders, with particular emphasis on paediatric pathology;
W11B the phenomenon of social, cultural, ethnic and gender discrimination;
W12B basic concepts and issues in the field of pedagogy as an applied science and the process of education perceived as social phenomena (being sick, recovery, hospitalisation, dying);
W13B the issues of the education process in terms of health education;
W14B methodology of health education of children, adolescents and adults;
W15B basic concepts of law and the role of law in the life of society, with particular emphasis on human rights and labour laws;
W16B basic legal regulations in the field of health insurance in the Republic of Poland and other Member States of the European Union and selected trends in healthcare policy in the Republic of Poland and other Member States of the European Union;
W17B legal basis for pursuing the nursing profession, including the rights and obligations of nurses, organisation and tasks of the professional self-government of nurses and midwives as well as the rights and obligations of its members;
W18B rules of criminal, civil, labour and professional liability related to the performance of the profession of a nurse;
W19B human rights, children's rights and patient's rights;
W20B tasks in the field of public health;
W21B cultural, social and economic determinants of public health;
W22B basic concepts of health and disease;
W23B the essence of disease prophylaxis and prevention;
W24B principles of the functioning of the medical services market in Poland and in selected European Union Member States;
W25B specific health hazards in the living, education and work environment;
W26B international statistical classifications, including diseases and health problems (ICD-10), medical procedures (ICD-9), and functioning, disability and health (ICF).

In terms of skills, the graduate is able to:
U01B recognise normal, disturbed and pathological behaviour;
U02B to evaluate the influence of illness and hospitalisation on the physical and mental condition of a person;
U03B assess human functioning in difficult situations (stress, frustration, conflict, trauma, mourning) and present elementary forms of psychological help;
U04B identify errors and barriers in the communication process;
U05B use verbal and non-verbal communication techniques in nursing care;
U06B create the conditions for proper communication with the patient and members of the care team;
U07B identify and apply appropriate anxiety reduction techniques and relaxation methods;
U08B use mechanisms to prevent burnout;
U09B propose measures to prevent discrimination and racism as well as deviations and pathologies among children and adolescents;
U10B identify educational needs in groups of recipients of nursing services;
U11B develop educational programmes in the field of pro-health activities for various groups of recipients;
U12B apply the provisions of law regarding the professional practice of a nurse;
U13B assess global health care trends in the light of the latest epidemiological and demographic data;
U14B analyse and evaluate the functioning of various healthcare systems and identify sources of their financing;
U15B use international statistical classifications, including diseases and health problems (ICD-10), medical procedures (ICD-9) and functioning, disability and health (ICF);
U16B analyse medical literature in English;
U17B communicate in English at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

In terms of knowledge, the graduate knows and understands:
W01C determinants of nursing development in the context of the transformation of nursing care and the professionalisation of modern nursing;
W02C the concept of nurturing, including supporting, helping and accompanying;
W03C professional functions and tasks of a nurse and the role of the patient in the process of provision of nursing care;
W04C the process of nursing (its essence, stages, principles) and primary nursing (its essence, differences) and the impact of traditional nursing on the functioning of nursing practice;
W05C classifications of nursing diagnoses and practices;
W06C the essence of nursing care based on selected theoretical assumptions (Florence Nightingale, Virginia Henderson, Dorothea Orem, Callista Roy, Betty Neuman);
W07C the essence, purpose, indications, contraindications, complications, applicable rules and techniques for performing basic nursing, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation activities;
W08C tasks of a nurse in caring for a patient who is healthy, threatened with disease, sick and whose prognosis is poor;
W09C the scope and nature of nursing care in selected patient conditions, clinical situations, self-care deficit, disturbed comfort, disturbed psychomotor sphere;
W10C the scope of nursing care and nursing interventions in selected nursing diagnoses;
W11C participation of a nurse in an interdisciplinary team in the process of health promotion, prophylaxis, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation;
W12C the subject of general and professional ethics;
W13C the essence of making ethical decisions and solving moral dilemmas in the work of a nurse;
W14C the issues of normative ethics, including axiology, moral duties and skills important in the work of a nurse;
W15C code of professional ethics for nurses and midwives;
W16C principles of health promotion and health prophylaxis;
W17C principles of designing health promotion programmes;
W18C local, national and global health promotion strategies;
W19C organisation and functioning of primary health care in the Republic of Poland and other countries, taking into account the tasks of a nurse and other employees of the healthcare system;
W20C conditions and financing principles for nursing services provision in primary health care;
W21C methods of assessment of the teaching and upbringing environment in respect of recognising health problems of children and adolescents;
W22C the body's need for nutrients;
W23C principles of nutrition of healthy and sick people of various ages as well as enteral and parenteral nutrition;
W24C principles of dietary treatment and complications of a diet therapy;
W25C - types and application of foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses;
W26C the concept of a workplace, job description, powers and responsibilities;
W27C legal provisions regarding working time, shift work, work schedule and workload applicable to nursing positions;
W28C basic methods of nursing care organisation and their importance for the quality of this care;
W29C stages of planning nurse’s own work and the work of subordinate staff;
W30C career planning opportunities and determinants of nurse’s own professional development;
W31C the issues of quality in health care;
W32C the concept and principles of taking medical history and its documentation;
W33C methods and techniques of comprehensive physical examination;
W34C the importance of the results of history-taking and physical examination in assessing the patient's health condition for the needs of nursing care;
W35C methods of conducting a physical examination with the use of ICT systems or communication systems;
W36C the concept of infections associated with the provision of health services, including nosocomial infections, including the sources and reservoir of microorganisms in the community and hospital environment, including the routes of their spread;
W37C ways to control the spread, prevent and combat nosocomial infections;
W38C mechanism and procedures in blood infection, systemic infection, nosocomial pneumonia, urinary tract infection and surgical site infection;
W39C principles of the construction and operation of the Medical Information System (MIS), subject-related teleinformation systems and medical registers, as well as the principles of their interoperability;
W40C methods, tools and techniques of data retrieval;
W41C basics of sign language, dactylographic and ideographic signs, to the extent necessary to collect information about the patient's health;
W42C principles for communicating with a deaf patient;
W43C teamwork priorities and factors influencing the effectiveness of the team’s work;
W44C the importance of team members' motivation for the quality and efficiency of work;
W45C the role of leadership and management styles in teamwork and their advantages and disadvantages;
W46C team decision making process;
W47C methods of self-assessment of teamwork
W48C factors disrupting teamwork and methods of solving conflicts in a team.

In terms of skills, the graduate is able to:
U01C use the selected nursing method in the care of the patient;
U02C collect information using the method of interview, observation, measurements, physical examination, analysis of documentation in order to recognise the patient's health condition and formulate a nursing diagnosis;
U03C establish goals and draw up a plan of nursing care and implement it together with the patient and his/her family;
U04C monitor the patient's health during his/her stay in hospital or other organisational units of the healthcare system;
U05C conduct ongoing and final assessment of the patient's health and nursing activities;
U06C perform diagnostic tests for the determination of ketone bodies and glucose in blood and urine, blood cholesterol and other strip tests;
U07C conduct, document and evaluate the patient's fluid balance;
U08C measure body temperature, heart rate, respiration, arterial blood pressure, central venous pressure, peripheral pressure, saturation, peak expiratory flow and anthropometric measurements (measurement of body weight, height, BMI, adipose tissue distribution indices: WHR, WHtR, adipometry);
U09C collect material for laboratory and microbiological tests and assist a doctor in diagnostic tests
U10C apply anti-inflammatory treatments;
U11C store and prepare drugs in accordance with applicable standards;
U12C administer drugs to the patient in various ways, in accordance with the written order of the doctor or in accordance with the possessed competences and calculate doses of drugs;
U13C give vaccinations against influenza, hepatitis and tetanus;
U14C perform irrigation of the oral cavity, throat, eye and ear, perform lavage of the stomach, bladder, intestinal fistula and irrigation of wounds;
U15C insert and remove a catheter from peripheral veins, perform intravenous drip infusions and monitor and care for site where the peripheral IV line, central line and vascular port are inserted;
U16C use the available methods of feeding the patient (orally, through a gastric tube, nutritional fistulas);
U17C move and position the patient using various techniques and methods;
U18C perform breathing gymnastics and postural drainage, airway mucus removal and inhalation;
U19C perform rubbing, tapping, active and passive exercises;
U20C perform hygienic procedures;
U21C take care of the skin and its products and mucous membranes with the use of pharmacological agents and medical materials, including therapeutic baths;
U22C assess the risk of pressure ulcer development and apply preventive measures;
U23C perform rectal procedures;
U24C insert a catheter to the bladder, monitor diuresis and remove the catheter
U25C insert a gastric tube and monitor and remove the tube;
U26C keep and use medical records;
U27C solve ethical and moral dilemmas in nursing practice;
U28C assess the health potential of the patient and his family with the use of scales, grids and measurements;
U29C recognise the determinants of the patient's health behaviour and risk factors in lifestyle-related diseases;
U30C select methods and forms of disease prophylaxis and prevention and shape health behaviours of various social groups;
U31C teach the patient self-control of his/her health;
U32C develop and implement individual health promotion programmes for patients, families and social groups;
U33C provide health services in the field of primary health care;
U34C assess the living, teaching, upbringing and work environment in terms of recognising health problems;
U35C assess the nutritional status of the organism with the use of anthropometric, biochemical and personal examination methods, and provide nutritional counselling;
U36C apply therapeutic diets in selected diseases;
U37C select foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses and issue prescriptions for them as part of execution of medical orders and provide information on how to use such foodstuffs;
U38C make decisions regarding the selection of working methods and cooperation in a team;
U39C monitor risks in the work of a nurse and factors contributing to the occurrence of occupational diseases and accidents at work;
U40C participate in the development of nursing practice standards and procedures and monitor the quality of nursing care;
U41C supervise and evaluate the work of subordinate personnel;
U42C plan his/her own professional development and develop active job search skills;
U43C take medical history of the patient, analyse and interpret its results;
U44C recognise and interpret basic differences in the examination of a child and an adult, including the elderly;
U45C use physical examination techniques to evaluate the physiological and pathological functions of the skin, senses, head, chest, mammary glands, abdominal cavity, genitalia, cardiovascular, respiratory, peripheral cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and nervous systems and document the results of physical examination and use them to assess the patient's health;
U46C take a comprehensive medical history and conduct physical examination of the patient, document the results of the examination and analyse them for the needs of nursing care;
U47C conduct a physical examination using ICT systems or communication systems;
U48C implement the standards of conduct preventing nosocomial infections;
U49C use measures to protect themselves, patients and colleagues against infections;
U50C interpret and apply the functional assumptions of the information system with the use of advanced methods and information technologies in the provision and contracting of health services
U51C use medical records in practice and comply with the principles of security and confidentiality of medical information as well as the law on intellectual property protection;
U52C use signs of sign language and other methods and means of communication in caring for a patient with hearing impairment;
U53C analyse the benefits of teamwork;
U54C use selected models of organising his/her own work and work of the team;
U55C indicate ways to solve problems of team members;
U56C plan the work of the team and motivate team members to work;
U57C identify factors that disrupt the work of the team and indicate ways to increase efficiency in teamwork.

In terms of knowledge, the graduate knows and understands:
W01D risk factors and health hazards in patients of different ages;
W02D etiopathogenesis, clinical symptoms, course, treatment, prognosis and principles of nursing care for patients in selected diseases;
W03D principles of diagnosing and planning patient care in general, surgical, obstetric and gynaecological, paediatric, geriatric, neurological, psychiatric nursing, intensive care, palliative care and long-term care;
W04D types of diagnostic tests and principles of ordering them;
W05D principles of preparing patients of different ages and health condition for tests and diagnostic procedures, as well as principles of care during and after such tests and procedures are performed;
W06D properties of drug groups and their effects on the patient’s systems and organs in various diseases depending on age and health condition, including side effects, interactions with other drugs and administration routes;
W07D nursing standards and procedures used in the care of patients of different age and health condition;
W08D patient reactions to disease, admission to hospital and hospitalisation;
W09D biological, psychological, social and economic aging process;
W10D principles of organisation of specialist care (geriatric, intensive care, neurological, psychiatric, paediatric, internist, surgical, palliative and long-term care and care in the operating theatre);
W11D etiopathogenesis of the most common geriatric diseases;
W12D tools and scales of support evaluation for elderly people and their families and the principles of their activation;
W13D pathophysiology, clinical symptoms, course, treatment and prognosis of diseases of the developmental age: respiratory system, circulatory system, nervous system, urinary tract, digestive system as well as endocrine, metabolic, allergic and blood diseases;
W14D pathophysiology, clinical symptoms of diseases and life-threatening conditions of a newborn, including premature babies, and the basis of nursing care in this regard;
W15D the aim and principles of preconception care and the principles of planning care for a pregnant woman;
W16D periods of physiological delivery and principles of care for a woman during the postpartum period;
W17D etiopathogenesis of gynaecological diseases;
W18D methods, techniques and tools for assessing the state of awareness and consciousness;
W19D etiopathogenesis and clinical symptoms of basic mental disorders;
W20D principles to be followed when using direct coercion;
W21D possibilities of application of psychotherapy in patients with mental disorders;
W22D principles of patient nutrition, including dietary treatment, pre- and postoperative indications according to the protocol of comprehensive perioperative care for the improvement of treatment results (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery, ERAS);
W23D factors increasing perioperative risk;
W24D principles of patient preparation for emergency and elective surgery in one-day surgery and principles of patient care after surgery in order to prevent early and late complications;
W25D principles of caring for a patient with intestinal and urinary fistula;
W26D basic directions of medical and vocational rehabilitation;
W27D the course and methods of rehabilitation in various diseases;
W28D standards and procedures for emergency and life-saving procedures;
W29D principles of patient observation after surgery, including basic and extended monitoring;
W30D methods of anaesthesia and principles of patient care after administration of anaesthesia;
W31D pathophysiology and clinical symptoms of life-threatening diseases (respiratory failure, circulatory failure, nervous system failure, shock, sepsis);
W32D methods and scales of assessing pain, sedation, sleep disorders and delirious states in patients in life-threatening health condition;
W33D methods and techniques of communicating with a patient unable to establish and maintain effective communication due to health condition or applied treatment;
W34D principles of prevention of complications related to the use of invasive diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in critically ill patients;
W35D first aid principles and resuscitation algorithms for Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS);
W36D principles of the organisation and operation of the National Emergency Medical Services;
W37D medical support procedures in mass incidents, disasters and other special situations;
W38D subject, purpose, research area and paradigms of nursing;
W39D methods and techniques of conducting scientific research;
W40D principles of ethics in conducting scientific research and basic legal regulations in the field of copyright and intellectual property protection law.

In terms of skills, the graduate is able to:
U01D gather information, formulate a nursing diagnosis, set goals and plan for nursing care, implement nursing interventions, and evaluate nursing care;
U02D provide counselling in respect of self-care for patients of different age and health condition regarding malformations, diseases and addictions;
U03D prevent complications occurring in the course of diseases;
U04D organise isolation of patients with infectious disease in public places and at home;
U05D assess the psychophysical development of a child, perform screening tests and detect developmental disorders;
U06D select the technique and methods of wound care, including applying dressings;
U07D select methods and means of wound care based on their classification;
U08D recognise complications after specialist diagnostic tests and surgeries;
U09D administer oxygen to the patient on an as needed basis and monitor his/her condition during oxygen therapy;
U10D perform electrocardiography and recognise life-threatening disorders;
U11D modify the fixed dose of rapid-acting and short-acting insulin;
U12D prepare the patient physically and mentally for diagnostic tests;
U13D issue referrals for specific diagnostic tests;
U14D prepare a record of prescription formulas for medicinal substances as part of continuing treatment;
U15D document the patient's health situation, the dynamics of its changes and the provided nursing care, including IT tools for data collection;
U16D teach the patient and his/her caregiver how to select and use health care and rehabilitation equipment and medical devices;
U17D provide enteral nutrition (through a feeding tube and nutritional fistula) and parenteral nutrition in adults and children;
U18D recognise complications of pharmacological, dietary, rehabilitation, therapeutic and nursing treatment;
U19D care for a patient with an intestinal fistula as well as an endotracheal and tracheotomy tube;
U20D hold a therapeutic conversation;
U21D conduct bedside rehabilitation and activation with the use of elements of occupational therapy;
U22D provide information to members of the therapeutic team about the patient's health;
U23D assist the doctor during diagnostic tests;
U24D assess the level of pain, the patient's response to pain and its intensity, and apply pharmacological and non-pharmacological analgesia;
U25D follow the procedure applicable to the body of a deceased patient;
U26D prepare and administer drugs to patients in various ways, either independently or as ordered by a physician.
U27D provide first aid in life-threatening conditions;
U28D temporarily immobilise bone fractures, dislocations and sprains and prepare the patient for transportation;
U29D stop bleeding and haemorrhages on an as needed basis;
U30D perform basic life support procedures in adults and children and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) and manual airway clearance and mechanical airway clearance with the use of available supraglottic devices;
U31D critically analyse published research results;
U32D conduct qualitative research using research tools.

In the field of social competences, the graduate is ready to:
K01 be guided by the wellness of the patient, respect the dignity and autonomy of people entrusted to his/her care, show understanding for worldview and cultural differences and show empathy in the relationship with the patient and his family;
K02 respect the rights of the patient;
K03 independently and reliably perform the profession in accordance with the principles of ethics, including observance of moral values and obligations required in patient care;
K04 take responsibility for the performed professional activities;
K05 consult experts in case of difficulties with solving the problem on his/her own;
K06 anticipate and take into account factors influencing his/her own and the patient's reactions;
K07 perceive and recognise his/her own limitations in the field of knowledge, skills and social competences, and make self-assessment of deficits and educational needs.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.ubb.edu.pl/