civil engineering (BB-NM4O)(in Polish: Budownictwo studia magisterskie) | |
second-cycle part time, 2 years of studies (4 terms) Language: Polish | Jump to: Opis ogólnyDla kogo budownictwo? Dla osób, które chcą konkretną wiedzę, konkretny „fach”, konkretne pieniądze. Na tym kierunku zdobędziesz wiedzę i umiejętności budowlane z zakresu nie tylko budownictwa ogólnego, ale również wiedzę z zakresu najnowszych trendów w budownictwie: – in tech najnowsze technologie w budownictwie. Jako jedyny wydział w Polsce prowadzimy specjalność Konstrukcje aluminiowo-szklane wspólnie z firmą ALUPROF S.A., – be smart inteligentne rozwiązania w budownictwie informatyka, grafika inżynierska, BIM, CD CAM, – go green odnawialne źródła energii w budownictwie, fotowoltaika, budowa zgodnie z naturą, budynek efektywny energetycznie, – no waste wszystko o zrównoważonym budownictwie, efektywne systemy, instalacje, urządzenia, nowoczesne materiały budowlane, rewitalizacja obiektów zabytkowych. Opis kierunku Studia II stopnia (profil ogólnoakademicki): – specjalność: konstrukcje budowlane i inżynierskie. Absolwenci kierunku budownictwo mogą ubiegać się o stosowne uprawnienia do projektowania i kierowania robotami, umożliwiające im wykonywanie samodzielnych funkcji technicznych w budownictwie. Są oni przygotowani do pracy w przedsiębiorstwach wykonawczych i kierowania wszystkich typów obiektów budowlanych, biurach projektowych realizujących inwestycje z zakresu budownictwa i współudziału w projektowaniu obiektów użyteczności publicznej, przemysłowych i komunikacyjnych, wytwórniach materiałów budowlanych, nadzorze budowlanym, przemyśle materiałów budowlanych, jednostkach administracji państwowej i samorządowej związanych z budownictwem oraz placówkach naukowo-badawczych. Zajęcia na studiach niestacjonarnych odbywają się w formie zjazdów (w soboty i niedziele). Absolwenci posiadają wiedzę z zakresu
Perspektywy zatrudnienia Absolwenci kierunku Budownictwo mają wiele możliwości zatrudnienia:
Budownictwo to pewna i ciekawa przyszłość. Dlaczego warto studiować budownictwo? Zobacz sam
Szczegółowe kryteria kwalifikacji kandydatów na studia II stopnia Rekrutacja - krok po kroku - jak zapisać się na studia Informacja dla cudzoziemców: krok po kroku - jak zapisać się na studia Terminy rekrutacji - rok akademicki 2024/2025 Terminy rekrutacji na studia wyższe podejmowane przez cudzoziemców, na zasadach innych niż obowiązujące obywateli polskich, rozpoczynające się od semestru zimowego: Zasady przyjęć - wskaźnik rekrutacji Nie jest przewidziane wprowadzenie dodatkowego kryterium kwalifikacji na studia, w formie rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej. Informacja dla cudzoziemców:zasady przyjęcia na studia cudzoziemców Opłata rekrutacyjna Zgodnie z § 38 rozporządzenia Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z dnia 27 września 2018 r. w sprawie studiów (Dz. U. 2023, poz. 2787) opłata za przeprowadzenie rekrutacji na studia wynosi 85 zł. Indywidualne konto do wpłaty opłaty za postępowanie związane z przyjęciem na studia, po dokonaniu zgłoszenia rekrutacyjnego w Internetowej Rekrutacji Kandydatów, jest wskazane w zakładce: Moje konto/ Płatności. Tytuł przelewu: Opłata rekrutacyjna oraz imię i nazwisko kandydata. Wymagane dokumenty do Komisji Rekrutacyjnej - po zaklasyfikowaniu kandydata na studia Uwaga: Opłatę za legitymacje należy dokonać na inny nr konta. PKO S.A. Skompletowane dokumenty należy składaćw białej wiązanej teczce. Informacja dla cudzoziemców: wymagane dokumenty po zaklasyfikowaniu kandydata na studia Program studiów (do wglądu) Program studiów dla kierunku budownictwo studia niestacjonarne II stopnia Opłaty za studia (czesne) Informacja dla cudzoziemców: |
Qualification awarded:
Access to further studies:
Professional status:
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes for the field of civil engineering, conducted at first-cycle studies with a general academic education profile, in accordance with the resolution of the Senate of the University of Bielsko-Biała No. 1232/01/VI/2017 of 24 January 2017 on the approval of the learning outcomes for second-cycle studies with a general academic profile in the field of civil engineering at the Faculty of Materials, Civil and Environmental Engineering. Learning outcomes are knowledge, skills and social competences acquired in the learning process.
• In terms of knowledge, the graduate knows and understands:
- has advanced knowledge of mathematics, in the field of the basics of the theory of materials and building objects, techno-logical processes and organizational and investment strategy.
- knows the basics of mechanics of continuous media. Knows the principles of analysis of statics, stability and dynamics of complex member, surface and solid structures.
- has knowledge of advanced issues of material strength, modeling of materials and structures. He has knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the Finite Element Method and the general principles of nonlinear analysis of engineering structures.
- has knowledge in the field of modeling complex building structures and their non-linear analysis and optimization.
- knows the principles and selected standard guidelines for the design and construction of elements of complex building structures: metal, reinforced concrete, composite, wooden and masonry.
- knows the principles of foundation of complex buildings, has extended and theoretically underpinned knowledge in the field of substrate research and principles of geotechnical design; knows issues related to complex phenomena occurring in the ground substrate, foundation techniques, construction drainage, ground reinforcement technology, application of geosynthetics, earthworks.
- knows the rules of execution, use, monitoring, modernization and renovation of buildings.
- knows modern construction solutions as well as building materials and technologies.
- knows the basics of designing, shaping and technology of erecting bridge structures.
- has knowledge of modern installations and sanitary systems.
- has knowledge of the typical causes of breakdowns and construction disasters.
- knows advanced methods of heat-humidity protection of building partitions.
- has extensive knowledge in the field of traffic theory, traffic control and design of interchanges taking into account the aspects of economics, safety and environmental protection.
- knows the principles of managing construction projects and creating procedures related to the safety and quality of construction projects.
- has knowledge of the efficiency, costs and duration of construction projects and the conditions of risk and uncertainty.
- has knowledge of the principles of real estate valuation
- has knowledge in the field of understanding the social, economic, legal and other non-technical conditions of engineering activity and their inclusion in engineering practice.
- has knowledge of the impact of the implementation of construction investments on the environment.
- has knowledge of running a business in the construction industry; understands the basic principles of financial management of enterprises.
- knows and understands the main development trends of the construction discipline.
• In terms of skills, the graduate is able to:
- is able to obtain and analyze information from literature, standards and other sources (also in a foreign language), necessary to develop issues related to the design and implementation of construction projects, as well as draw conclusions and formulate opinions on their basis.
- can communicate in a professional environment in a technical language (including a foreign one), using drawings, descriptions, presentations, etc.
- can prepare and present in Polish and foreign language the results of own research in the field of construction.
- is aware of the need to improve professional and personal competences. Can carry out the process of self-education.
- can use analytical methods and computer programs to formulate and solve engineering problems.
- using computer programs, it can perform classic static (including nonlinear), dynamic and stability analysis of bar and rod systems as well as surface structures - discs, plates and coatings.
- can critically evaluate the results of numerical analysis of engineering structures.
- is able to plan and conduct numerical and experimental research in the field of low-complex construction issues and interpret the obtained results and draw conclusions.
- is able to formulate and solve engineering issues, taking into account integrated knowledge in the field of construction.
- has preparation for design and executive work in construction and in the management of real estate under the supervision of an authorized person.
- is able to perform a preliminary economic analysis when undertaking engineering activities.
- can classify simple and complex construction objects.
- is able to carry out a hazard analysis in the implementation of construction projects and the operation of facilities and implement appropriate safety measures and rules.
- can define (evaluate and compile) loads acting on complex building structures.
- under the supervision of a designer, he is able to make elements of construction and executive design of complex building structures (concrete, reinforced concrete, steel, wooden and masonry), using appropriate computer programs, including in the CAD environment.
- knows how to design simple structural details in bridge and communication buildings.
- is able to draw up a schedule of construction works and a cost estimate of the construction project.
- can prepare studies preparing him for scientific work
- can plan and work in a group, taking on different roles in it.
- is able to properly define priorities for the implementation of a task specified by him or others.
- can think and act in a creative and entrepreneurial way.
• In the field of social competences, the graduate is ready to:
- understands the need for lifelong learning, is able to inspire and organize the learning process of others.
- is ready to critically evaluate the knowledge and content received, and to recognize the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems and to consult experts in the event of difficulties in solving the problem independently.
- is aware of the importance and understands the non-technical aspects and effects of engineering activities, including their impact on the environment, and the related responsibility for the decisions made.
- is aware of the social role of a graduate of a technical university. Understands the need to formulate and transmit to the public (including through the mass media) information and opinions on the achievements of technology and other aspects of engineering activities in the field of construction. It shall endeavor to convey such information and opinions in a mutually understandable manner, with justification for different points of view.
- correctly identifies and resolves dilemmas related to the exercise of the profession.
- is ready to responsibly perform the role of master of civil engineering, including: developing the achievements of the profession; upholding the ethos of the profession; comply with and develop the rules of professional ethics and act to comply with these rules.