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mechatronics (ME-SM3O)

(in Polish: mechatronika studia magisterskie)
full time, 1,5 years of studies (3 terms)
Language: Polish

Opis kierunku

Dla kogo kierunek MECHATRONIKA?

Jeżeli interesujesz się nowoczesnymi technologiami związanymi z projektowaniem i obsługą zrobotyzowanych stanowisk pracy, systemami wizyjnymi i rozpoznawaniem obrazów, automatyzacją rozproszonych systemów mechatronicznych, systemami autonomicznego sterowania oraz zastosowaniem elementów mechatronicznych w pojazdach samochodowych to jest to kierunek dla Ciebie!

Na studia II stopnia kierunku Mechatronika mogą ubiegać się absolwenci szkół wyższych publicznych i niepublicznych (studiów stacjonarnych i niestacjonarnych) z dyplomem ukończenia studiów inżynierskich I stopnia (posiadają dyplom inżyniera).

Pozostałe wymagania określone są w oczekiwanych kompetencjach kandydata ubiegającego się o przyjęcie na studia  drugiego stopnia na kierunek Mechatronika.

Studia II stopnia poszerzają wiedzę i rozwijają umiejętności z zakresu szeroko pojętej mechatroniki. Wynika to z faktu, iż Mechatronika to kierunek studiów, który łączy wiele dziedzin takich jak: automatyka, robotyka, informatyka, elektronika czy mechanika i budowa maszyn.

Mechatronika jest także najszybciej rozwijającą się gałęzią przemysłu. Kończąc studia na tym kierunku poszerzysz swoją wiedzę poznając m.in. najnowsze rozwiązania stosowane w przemyśle oraz nauczysz się programować oraz obsługiwać roboty przemysłowe, sterowniki i aplikacje przemysłowe. Ponadto studia pozwolą Ci na zdobycie bardzo dobrego wykształcenia w zakresie projektowania, wytwarzania i eksploatacji nowoczesnych urządzeń. Zostaniesz zapoznany z najnowszymi przepisami i normami dotyczącymi bezpieczeństwa maszyn i urządzeń, aby realizowane przez Ciebie projekty cechowała najwyższa jakość.


Systemy mechatroniczne

Zapoznasz się z takimi zagadnieniami, jak sterowanie analogowe i cyfrowe układami napędowymi oraz programowanie układów sterowania PAC System. Nauczysz się jak projektować zrobotyzowane stanowiska pracy i jak sprawdzić ich funkcjonowanie podczas symulacji w systemach wirtualnych i w warunkach rzeczywistych.

Mechatronika w pojazdach samochodowych

Dowiesz się, jak działa układ autonomicznego sterowania, poznasz metody oraz technologie wpływające na poprawę bezpieczeństwa i komfortu w pojazdach samochodowych. Poznasz systemy sterowania i zasilania układów napędowych oraz rozszerzysz swoją wiedzę w zakresie obsługi i eksploatacji energoelektrycznych układów napędowych, obsługi i diagnostyki układów sterowania w pojazdach samochodowych.

Kariera zawodowa

Nasi absolwenci znajdują pracę na stanowiskach:

  • programista CNC
  • automatyk
  • programista robotów
  • programista PLC
  • inżynier utrzymania ruchu
  • inżynier serwisu
  • R&D (badania i rozwój)
  • dyrektor techniczny
  • programista obrabiarek CNC
  • programista mikrokontrolerów

Terminy rekrutacji

Terminy rekrutacji na studia stacjonarne oraz niestacjonarne, rozpoczynające się od semestru zimowego roku akademickiego 2024/2025 dla:

  • obywateli polskich dostępne są TUTAJ
  • cudzoziemców dostępne są TUTAJ

Wymagane dokumenty w przypadku zakwalifikowania na studia

Kandydaci na I rok studiów drugiego stopnia zobowiązani są do złożenia następujących dokumentów:

  1. kopii dyplomu ukończenia studiów (dyplomu inżyniera);
  2. zaświadczenia o wysokości średniej ocen ze studiów pierwszego stopnia;
  3. ankiety osobowej kandydata oraz podania (formularze ankiety oraz podania możliwe do pobrania po dokonaniu elektronicznej rejestracji kandydata);
  4. oświadczenia o wyrażeniu zgody na przetwarzanie danych osobowych przez Uniwersytet Bielsko-Bialski;
  5. karty wpisu na listę studentów - do pobrania w systemie elektronicznej rekrutacji;
  6. fotografii o wymiarach 35 x 45 mm, bez nakrycia głowy, w stroju galowym na jasnym tle (zgodnie z wymogami jak przy dowodzie osobistym) oraz fotografii w wersji elektronicznej, wykonanej według podanych wcześniej wymagań, wprowadzone do systemu elektronicznej rejestracji przez kandydata;
  7. potwierdzenia uiszczenia opłaty za legitymację studencką.

Kandydaci składają skompletowane dokumenty w teczce.

Dodatkowe informacje

 Plan studiów (w ujęciu przedmiotowym)

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) magister inżynier

Access to further studies:

Application for doctoral school or post-graduate studies.

Learning outcomes

We have more than one version of this field. Click below and select the version you want to see:

Learning outcomes in the field of Mechatronics, second-cycle studies, education profile: general academic:

1. In terms of knowledge, the studies’ graduate:
- has extended and in-depth knowledge of mathematics and other areas relevant to the studied field of study, useful for formulating and solving complex tasks in the field of study, e.g. for modeling and analyzing advanced elements and mechanical or mechatronic systems and technological processes;
- has detailed knowledge of the fields of study related to mechatronics;
- has structured, theoretically-based, general knowledge covering key issues in the field of study, such as mechatronics, including the basics of analytical mechanics, the theory of vibration, the theory of elasticity, plasticity and fatigue strength, including the knowledge necessary to understand and analyze physical phenomena occurring in technological and exploitation processes of complex mechatronic systems;
- has extended and deepened knowledge of the processes of manufacturing elements and assembly of mechatronic systems, including the impact of the parameters of these processes on the operational parameters of manufactured elements and systems;
- has theoretically-based detailed knowledge related to selected issues in the field of study;
- has knowledge of development trends and the most important new achievements in the field of mechatronics and related scientific disciplines;
- has basic knowledge about the life cycle of devices, facilities and technical systems;
- knows the basic methods, techniques, tools and materials used in solving complex engineering tasks in the field of mechatronics, construction and operation of machines or vehicles;
- has the knowledge necessary to understand the social, economic, legal and other non-technical conditions of engineering activities and to take them into account in engineering practice;
- has basic knowledge of management, including quality management and running a business;
- has extended and deepened knowledge in the field of designing machines and systems as well as in the field of computerization and automation of processes;
- knows and understands the basic concepts and principles of industrial property protection and copyright and the need to manage intellectual property resources; is able to use patent information resources;
- knows the basic principles of creating and developing various forms of entrepreneurship;

2. In terms of skills, the studies’ graduate:
/a/ General skills (not related to the field of engineering education):
- can obtain information from literature, databases and other sources, also in English or another foreign language recognized as the language of international communication in the field of study; is able to integrate the obtained information, interpret and critically evaluate it, as well as draw conclusions and formulate and comprehensively justify opinions;
- is able to use various techniques to communicate in a professional environment and in other environments, also in English or another foreign language recognized as the language of international communication in the field of study;
- is able to prepare a scientific study in Polish and a short scientific report in a foreign language considered basic for the field of represented science, presenting the results of their own research;
- is able to determine the directions of further learning and implement the process of self-education;
- is able to prepare and present a short oral presentation on specific issues in the field of mechatronics, also in English or another foreign language recognized as the language of international communication;
- has language skills in the studied discipline in accordance with the requirements set out for level B2+ of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;
- speaks English or another foreign language recognized as the language of international communication to a sufficient degree to communicate, also in professional matters, to read professional literature with understanding, as well as to prepare and deliver a short presentation on the implementation of a project or research task;
/b/ Basic engineering skills:
- is able to use information and communication techniques appropriate for the implementation of tasks typical for engineering activities;
- is able to plan and carry out mechanical, technological and exploitation experiments, including measurements and computer simulations, as well as interpret the obtained results and draw conclusions;
- is able to formulate and solve engineering tasks and simple research problems using analytical, simulation and experimental methods;
- is able - when formulating and solving engineering tasks - to integrate knowledge in the field of science and scientific disciplines relevant to the field of study and to apply a systemic approach, also taking into account non-technical aspects;
- is able to formulate and test hypotheses related to engineering problems and simple research problems;
- is able to assess the usefulness and the possibility of using new achievements in the field of materials, design and manufacturing methods for the design, manufacture and operation of mechatronic systems containing innovative solutions;
- has the necessary preparation to work in an industrial environment; knows the rules of occupational health and safety related to this work;
- is able to estimate the costs of the process of designing and implementing the technological process;
/c/ Skills directly related to solving engineering tasks:
- is able to make a critical analysis of the functioning of a device or technological process and evaluate existing technical solutions;
- is able to propose improvements to existing technical and technological solutions;
- is able to identify and formulate a specification of complex engineering tasks characteristic of the field of study, including non-standard tasks, taking into account their non-technical aspects;
- can - when formulating and solving tasks involving the design of elements, systems and automation systems - perceive their non-technical aspects, including environmental, economic and legal;
- is able to assess the usefulness of routine methods and tools for solving simple engineering tasks typical for automation and to select and apply appropriate methods and tools;
- is able to build mathematical models of selected mechanical, electrical, thermal, hydraulic and pneumatic objects;
- is able to assess the usefulness of methods and tools used to solve an engineering task, typical for the studied engineering discipline, including the limitations of these methods and/or tools;
- is able to solve complex engineering tasks characteristic of the studied field of study, including unusual tasks involving a research component, also using new methods;
- is able - in accordance with the given specification - to design and implement - at least partially - a complex device, facility, system, or technological process related to the scope of the studied field of study, using appropriate methods, techniques and tools, including adapting existing, or developing new tools for this purpose;
- is able to assess the design specification of a complex mechatronic system, taking into account legal aspects, including the protection of intellectual property and other non-technical aspects, such as their impact on the environment (noise level, etc.);
- is able to integrate knowledge from the fields of electronics, electrics, automation, computer sciences and others when solving tasks related to modeling and designing mechanical components and systems, and designing their manufacturing processes using a systemic approach, taking into account non-technical aspects (economic and/or legal ones included);
- can - using computer tools - design elements and systems of machines, taking into account the given operational and economic criteria;
- is able to assess and compare design solutions and manufacturing processes of mechatronic components and systems, due to the set operational and economic criteria, and to propose improvements;
- is able to plan and carry out simulations and measurements of the operating characteristics of mechatronic systems;
- is able to plan the testing process of a complex mechatronic system;
- has basic knowledge of metrology; knows and understands methods of measurement of basic quantities characterizing thermal and energy mechanical elements and systems; knows the calculation methods and IT tools necessary to analyze the results of experiments;
- is able to analyze complex mechatronic systems using modern computer-aided design tools;
- is able to interact with other people in teamwork, take a leading role in teams and manage the teamwork;
3. In terms of social competences, the studies’ graduate:
- is able to determine the directions of further education and implement self-education; knows how to consult experts in case of difficulties with solving the problem on their own;
- is able to think and act in a creative and entrepreneurial way;
- is aware of the importance and understanding of non-technical aspects and effects of engineering activities, including its impact on the environment and the related responsibility for decisions;
- is able to work in a group in various roles, including managing a small team, taking responsibility for the effects of its work, is able to assess the time-consuming nature of a task;
- is able to properly define priorities for the implementation of a specific task;
- correctly identifies and resolves dilemmas related to the practice of the profession;
- understands the need to formulate and provide information on the achievements of the discipline of mechanical engineering in a generally understandable way, is able to present different points of view.
- applies the rules of occupational health and safety;

The study program was established by Resolution No. 1552/07/VI/2020 of the Senate of the University of Bielsko-Biala of July 14, 2020.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.ubb.edu.pl/