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english philology (FL-FA-NL6O)

(in Polish: filologia angielska studia licencjackie)
part time, 3 years of studies (6 terms)
Language: English, Polish
No description for the programme.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) licencjat

Access to further studies:

Possibility of application for being registered at the second level studies (master studies) for the same or similar direction as well as for post-diploma studies.

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes: faculty: English Philology; teaching specialization; first cycle studies, the profile of education: general academic education.

In the field of knowledge, the graduate:
– Have basic knowledge of the place and importance of English philology in relation to other discipline of humanities and the specific, both subject-centered and methodological nature of philology;
– Know the basic themes, concepts and issues of linguistics, as well as literary and cultural studies of English-speaking countries;
– Know the basic theories and the methodology of philological sciences in English;
– Are familiar with the content, form and function of basic terminology in linguistics, literature and knowledge of the English-speaking language area;
– Have ordered knowledge of linguistics, literary and cultural area of English-speaking countries;
– Have detailed knowledge of the system, the structure and function of English in accordance with the requirements set for the level B2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR);
– Have at least elementary knowledge of English philology relations with other humanities;
– Have basic knowledge about the main directions of development and the most significant developments in linguistics, culture and literature of English-speaking countries;
– Are aware of the complex nature of language, its complexity and the historical volatility of its meaning and its relationship with the classical languages;
– Know the basic research methods and interpretations applicable to different English-written utility, literary and scientific texts;
– List down institutions of culture and are versed in contemporary cultural life found in the cultural area of English-speaking countries;
– Know and understand the basic concepts and principles of the protection of industrial property and copyright;
– Know the basic terminology of grammar and textual editing in Polish;
– Have knowledge about the cyclical development of human life, both in terms of biological as well as psychological and/or social approach, in respect to the relevant stages of education;
– Have knowledge about the processes of interpersonal and social communication, including pedagogical activity (teaching, education and care), and their accurate (correct) and incorrect forms;
– Have knowledge about education and training, including their philosophical, socio-cultural, psychological, biological, and medical basics;
– Have knowledge about contemporary theories of education, learning and teaching;
– Have knowledge about major educational environments, their characteristics and processes taking place in them;
– Have knowledge about the structure and function of the education system - the objectives, legal basis, organization and functioning of educational, educational and care-taking institutions;
– Have knowledge about forms of activity of education-involved subjects (children, students, parents and teachers) and/or partners of school education (e.g. scouting instructors) and the specificity of functioning of children and adolescents in the context of the regularity and developmental abnormalities;
– Have knowledge about the specifics of the functioning of pupils with special educational needs, including the most gifted learners and learners with developmental disorders;
– Have knowledge about the methodology of teaching English in the following areas of pedagogical activity: kindergarten, primary school;
– Have knowledge about the design and conduct of educational research as well as diagnostic tests suitable in pedagogical practice;
– Have the necessary knowledge on safety, first aid and legal responsibility of the guardian, including the knowledge about health and safety in educational pedagogical and care-taking institutions they are certified to work in;
– Have knowledge on how to design their own development paths and career advancement;
– Have knowledge about the ethics of the teaching profession;
– Have knowledge about the process of language acquisition from the perspective of linguistics, sociolinguistics and psychology;
– Have basic knowledge about the functioning and pathology of the organ of speech.

– Have the language skills relevant to the requirements set for the studied direction in accordance with the requirements specified for the minimum level B2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR);
– Know how to independently acquire, evaluate, analyze and select knowledge using traditional and multimedia sources of information;
– Are able to recognize and evaluate processes and phenomena of language, literature and culture based on the acquired knowledge and using standard methods and tools used in philological studies and/or interdisciplinary research;
– Are able to reflexively refer to your written and verbal expression of language and can modify them under the supervision of lecturer/ academic supervisor;
– Are able to make use of the main theories on language, literature and culture, the research paradigms relevant for the studied direction in typical linguistic and/or social situations;
– Can independently, analytically and critically interpret the linguistic and/or literary texts as well as the cultural phenomena typical for the study specialization;
– Are able to argue and draw conclusions using the views of other authors in a substantive and professional way, basing on their level of English competence;
– Are able to communicate with other professionals/linguists in English and in Polish, with the help of both traditional and multimedia means of communication in relation to the supplementary foreign language taught at the specialization;
– Have the ability to prepare typical works written in English and in Polish;
– Can prepare, formulate and write academic works in English that concern linguistics, literary and/or culture studies using the correct structure, composition, construction and argumentation relevant for the study specialization;
– Can prepare specific topic-focusing oral presentations in English and in Polish, with the help of basic theoretical approaches and/or different sources;
– Present relevant language competence in linguistics, literature and knowledge of the culture and can speak about these areas in English;
– Are able to make observations of situations and/or educational events;
– Are able to use theoretical knowledge of pedagogy and psychology to analyze and interpret a particular type of situation and/or educational events, as well as motifs and patterns of behavior of participants in these situations;
– Are able to use the theoretical knowledge of pedagogy, psychology and didactics and methodology specific to diagnose, analyze and forecast the situations relevant for teaching and matching strategies necessary for the practical implementation of educational measures at various stages of education;
– Can independently acquire knowledge and develop their professional skills related to the pedagogical activity (teaching, educational and care-taking), using different sources (in Polish and English) as well as available modern technologies;
– Have research skills allowing for the construction of simple pedagogical research activities, identification of pupils with special educational needs, developing observations and formulating conclusions;
– Have developed communication skills; are able to communicate with people from different social backgrounds, who reveal various emotional conditions; have abilities to dialog-resolve conflicts and build a good atmosphere for communication in the classroom;
– Are able to assess the suitability of conventional methods, procedures and forms of good practice to effectively perform the tasks connected with teaching, education and care-taking related with the respective stages of education; are able to select and use the available materials, means and/or methods of work to design and effectively implement pedagogical activities (of teaching, educational and care-taking nature), as well as make use of modern technology to various teaching goals;
– Are able to manage the education and upbringing processes; have the ability to work with a group (whole class, groups, teams);
– Are able to animate works concerning the development of participants of pedagogical processes, promote their self-reliance in acquiring knowledge, and inspire actions to learning throughout life;
– Are able to work with learners, set individual tasks and adapt methods and content to the needs and abilities of learners (including the pupils with special educational needs) and the changes that take place in the world and science;
– Are able to use the principles and ethical standards in the activity concerned;
– Are able to work in a team, while performing different roles there; know how to make and set tasks;
– Have elementary organizational skills to carry out the pedagogical activities(teaching, educational and care-taking), in clouding the ability to cooperate with other teachers, educators and parents of students;
– Are able to analyze their own pedagogical activities(teaching, educational and care-taking) as well as to identify the are as requiring modification, thus being able to experiment and implement innovative actions;
– Can design their own professional development plans;
– Understand and are able to describe the process of language acquisition in English;
– Have developed proper habits of using the organ of speech;

Social competences:
– Understand the necessity of lifelong learning, continuity of communication in English, and learning throughout life;
– Are aware of the knowledge and the skills owned by them, and the need for their constant updating in the context of the profession;
– Properly recognize the opportunities and constraints of linguistic competence, that result from their philological studies, specialty: English philology;
– Show openness to new ideas and a willingness to change opinion in the light of the available data and/or arguments;
– Are able to work in a group, assuming various roles in carrying out joint projects and conducted discussions;
– Effectively organize their (and others) work and are able to critically evaluate its priorities and results;
– Understand the ethical issues associated with responsibility for the accuracy of provided knowledge and understand the importance of respecting intellectual property;
– Recognize the value of cultural heritage in respect to the language area of study and/or study specialization, and human civilization;
– Keep track of current cultural trends and civilization in the area of language study and specialization / specialization, while using different media;
– Demonstrate openness and tolerance towards other cultures;
– Understand the need for continuous training of professional and personal development;
– Assess their competencies and skills perfected in the course of carrying out various forms of education-centered activities;
– Individually and collectively perform professional tasks connected with the role of the teacher, thus being ready to take individual and collective action to improve the quality of school functioning;
– Are aware of the need for individualized teaching-centered activities (teaching, education and/or welfare) in relation to pupils with special educational needs;
– Recognize the importance of professionalism, reflection on ethical issues and compliance with the rules of professional ethics as well as the existence of the ethical dimensions of diagnosis and assessment of learning.

Resolution No. 1477/09/VI/2019 of the Senate of the University of the University of Bielsko-Biala of 24th September 2019, on the establishment of study programs in the field of Philology, specialization: English philology, first-cycle studies with a general academic profile.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.ubb.edu.pl/