Courses at
(in Polish) Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu
- emergency medicine-functioning RM-NL8P>MedRatF
- emergency medicine-functioning RM-SL6P>MedRatF
- emergency medicine-organization RM-NL8P>MedRatO
- emergency medicine-organization RM-SL6P>MedRatO
- endoscopic Laboratory PI-NM4P>PracEndo
- endoscopic Laboratory PI-SM4P>PracEndo
- endoscopy PI-NM4P>Endo
- endoscopy PI-SM4P>Endo
- Environmental Health ZP-NM4P>ZdrowSrod
- Environmental Health ZP-SM4P>ZdrowSrod
- epidemiological Nursing PI-NM4P>PielEpi
- epidemiological Nursing PI-SM4P>PielEpi
- ergonomics RM-SL6P>Erg
- Ethics and Legal Issues in the National Rescue System ZP-NM4P>EtPrawPSR
- Ethics and Legal Issues in the National Rescue System ZP-SM4P>EtPrawPSR
- Ethics in Public Health ZP-NM4P>EtykZP
- Ethics in Public Health ZP-SM4P>EtykZP
- ethics of the Nursing Profession PI-SL6P>Etyk
- evidence-based nursing practice PI-NM4P>PrakPiel
- evidence-based nursing practice PI-SM4P>PrakPiel
- evidence-based nursing practice PI-NM4P>PrakPiel1
- evidence-based nursing practice PI-SM4P>PrakPiel1
- Food Safety ZP-NM4P>BezpZyw
- Food Safety ZP-SM4P>BezpZyw
- food science PI-SL6P>Diet
- Foreign Language ZP-NM4P>ANG
- forensic medicine RM-NL8P>MedSad
- forensic medicine RM-SL6P>MedSad
- Functioning of Units Supporting the Medical Rescue System ZP-NM4P>FjednWspSRM
- Functioning of Units Supporting the Medical Rescue System ZP-SM4P>FJednWspSRM
- fundamentals of nursing PI-SL6P>PP
- fundamentals of nursing PI-SL6P>PP2
- fundamentals of nursing PI-SL6P>PP2P
- genetics PI-SL6P>Gen
- geriatrics and geriatric nursing PI-SL6P>Ger
- geriatrics and geriatric nursing PI-SL6P>Ger4
- geriatrics and geriatric nursing PI-SL6P>Ger4P
- health promotion PI-SL6P>PZ
- health Promotion and Preventive Services PI-NM4P>PZ
- health Promotion and Preventive Services PI-SM4P>PZ
- health psychology PI-NM4P>PsychZdr
- health psychology PI-SM4P>PsychZdr
- Healthcare Systems in Poland and in the World ZP-NM4P>SysOpZdr
- Healthcare Systems in Poland and in the World ZP-SM4P>SysOpZdr
- Human Psychology ZP-NM4P>Psych
- Human Psychology ZP-SM4P>Psych
- in-hospital rescue procedures RM-NL8P>PrRatW
- in-hospital rescue procedures RM-SL6P>PrRatW
- infections RM-SL6P>Zak
- infectious diseases RM-NL8P>ChorZ
- infectious diseases RM-SL6P>ChorZ
- intensive therapy RM-NL8P>IntT3
- intensive therapy RM-NL8P>IntT4
- intensive therapy RM-SL6P>IntT3
- intensive therapy RM-SL6P>IntT4
- internal diseases and internal diseases nursing PI-SL6P>ChWew
- internal diseases and internal diseases nursing PI-SL6P>ChWew4
- internal diseases and internal diseases nursing PI-SL6P>ChWew4P
- internal diseases with elements of oncology RM-SL6P>ChW
- internal diseases with elements of oncology RM-NL8P>ChW
- International Health Problems ZP-NM4P>ProbZdrow
- International Health Problems ZP-SM4P>ProbZdrow
- laryngology RM-NL8P>Lar
- laryngology RM-SL6P>Lar
- law in Nursing Practice PI-NM4P>Prawo
- law in Nursing Practice PI-SM4P>Prawo
- Legal Issues in Public Health ZP-NM4P>Praw
- Legal Issues in Public Health ZP-SM4P>Praw
- long-term care nursing PI-SL6P>POD
- long-term care nursing PI-SL6P>PODP
- long-term mechanical ventilation in residential and home care PI-NM4P>WentMech
- long-term mechanical ventilation in residential and home care PI-SM4P>WentMech
- Marketing Strategies in Health Services ZP-NM4P>StrMar
- Marketing Strategies in Health Services ZP-SM4P>StrMar
- medical didactics PI-NM4P>Dyd
- medical didactics PI-NM4P>Dyd2
- medical didactics PI-SM4P>Dyd
- medical didactics PI-SM4P>Dyd2
- medical didactics RM-SL6P>DydMed
- medical didactics RM-NL8P>DydMed
- medical law RM-SL6P>PrMed
- medical law RM-NL8P>PrMed
- medical sociology RM-NL8P>SocMed
- medical sociology RM-SL6P>SocMed
- Medicinal Plants and Phytotherapy ZP-NM4P>RosFit
- Medicinal Plants and Phytotherapy ZP-SM4P>RosFit
- microbiology and parasitology PI-SL6P>Mik
- midwifery, gynaecology and midwifery and gynaecology nursing PI-SL6P>PolGin
- midwifery, gynaecology and midwifery and gynaecology nursing PI-SL6P>PolGin4
- midwifery, gynaecology and midwifery and gynaecology nursing PI-SL6P>PolGin4P
- multicultural Nursing PI-NM4P>PielWiel
- multicultural Nursing PI-SM4P>PielWiel
- National Medical Rescue Services in the Integrated Rescue System ZP-NM4P>PRMwZSR
- National Medical Rescue Services in the Integrated Rescue System ZP-SM4P>PRMwZSR
- neurology RM-NL8P>Neur
- neurology RM-SL6P>Neur
- neurology and neurological nursing PI-SL6P>Neur
- neurology and neurological nursing PI-SL6P>Neur6
- neurology and neurological nursing PI-SL6P>Neur6P
- neurosurgery RM-SL6P>Neuch