Courses at
(in Polish) Katedra Polonistyki
- Physical education FP-SL6O>WF-1
- Physical education FP-SL6O>WF-2
- Physical education KI-SL6P>WF-1
- Physical education KI-SL6P>WF-2
- Poetics FP-SL6O>POETYKA1
- Poetics FP-SL6O>POETYKA2
- Polish Contemporary Literature FP-N-SM4O>POLLIWSP
- Polish Contemporary Literature FP-PK-SM4O>POLLIWSP
- Polish dialectology FP-N-SL6O>DIALPOLSK
- Polish dialectology FP-PK-SL6O>DIALPOLSK
- Polish literature in the face of Holocaust during World War II OGW-S>LP-ZNZ-2P
- Polish Literature of the Inter-War Period FP-N-SL6O>LIPODWMI
- Polish Literature of the Inter-War Period FP-PK-SL6O>LIPODWMI
- Political and public communication FP-PK-SL6O>KOMUPOPU
- Positivism and Modernism FP-N-SL6O>POZYMODE
- Positivism and Modernism FP-PK-SL6O>POZYMODE
- Postcolonial Poland FL-FH-TB-NL6O>P-P-P2
- Postcolonial Poland OGW-N10>P-P-1P
- Postcolonial Poland OGW-N10>P-P-2P
- Postcolonial Poland OGW-N9>P-P-2P
- Postcolonial Poland PD-ET-NM4P>P-P-P1
- Postcolonial Poland PD-ST-NL6P>P-P-P2
- Postcolonial Poland PP-EE-NJ10P>P-P-P2
- Postcolonial Poland OGW-S>POLPOSTKOL-1P
- Postcolonial Poland OGW-S>POLPOSTKOL-2P
- Problems of social psychology FP-N-SM4O>PROPSYSP
- Professional practice FP-N-SM4O>PZAWODO2
- Professional practice FP-N-SM4O>PZAWODO3
- Professional practice FP-PK-SM4O>PZAWODO1
- Promotion in the culture and education sector FP-PK-SL6O>PRSEKUEDU
- Propaedeutics of linguistics FP-SL6O>PROPLING
- Psychological aspects of education and teaching FP-N-SM4O>PSASWYNA
- Psychology and new technologies OGW-N10>PINTECH-1P
- Psychology and new technologies OGW-N10>PINTECH-2P
- Psychology and new technologies OGW-N9>PINTECH-2P
- Psychology and new technologies OGW-S>PINTECH-1P
- Psychology and new technologies OGW-S>PINTECH-2P
- Psychology of creativity OGW-S>PSTWORCZ-2P
- Public relations (PR) strategies - activities and their evaluation FP-PK-SL6O>STPRDZEW
- Regional and Territorial Variations of Polish FP-N-SL6O>RETEODPO
- Regional and Territorial Variations of Polish FP-PK-SL6O>RETEODPO
- Rhetoric and eristic FP-PK-SL6O>RETOERYS
- Selected Aspects of School Education FP-N-SM4O>WYZAPESZ
- Selected issues from the history of literature FP-N-SM4O>WYZAHILI
- Selected issues from the history of literature FP-PK-SM4O>WYZAHILI
- Selected issues of new media culture FP-N-SM4O>WYZAKNME
- Selected issues of new media culture FP-PK-SM4O>WYZAKNME
- Selected issues of Polish language culture FP-N-SL6O>WZKJP3
- Selected issues of Polish language culture FP-N-SL6O>WZKJP5
- Selected issues of Polish language culture FP-N-SM4O>WZKJP1
- Selected issues of Polish language culture FP-N-SM4O>WZKJP3
- Selected issues of Polish language culture FP-PK-SL6O>WZKJP3
- Selected issues of Polish language culture FP-PK-SL6O>WZKJP5
- Selected issues of Polish language culture FP-PK-SM4O>WZKJP1
- Selected issues of Polish language culture FP-PK-SM4O>WZKJP3
- Selected issues of Polish language culture FP-SL6O>WZKJP1
- Selected issues of Polish language culture OGW-S>WZKJP-1P
- Selected issues of Polish language culture OGW-S>WZKJP-2P
- Selected topics in contemporary culture FP-N-SM4O>WYZAKUWS
- Selected topics in contemporary culture FP-PK-SM4O>WYZAKUWS
- Spelling and Ortophony FP-SL6O>ORTOORTO
- Spelling and Ortophony FP-SL6O>ORTOORTO-2
- Spelling and punctuation in editorial practice FP-SL6O>ORTINPRE
- Styles, patterns and norms in the history of literature FP-N-SM4O>STWZNDZL
- Styles, patterns and norms in the history of literature FP-PK-SM4O>STWZNDZL
- Stylistics FP-N-SM4O>STYLISTY
- Stylistics FP-PK-SM4O>STYLISTY
- Text adjustment and proofreading FP-N-SL6O>ADIKORTE
- Text adjustment and proofreading FP-PK-SL6O>ADIKORTE
- Text Linguistics FP-N-SM4O>LINGTEKS
- Text Linguistics FP-PK-SM4O>LINGTEKS
- The art of rhetoric and public speaking IP-NM3O>SPWiR
- The art of rhetoric and public speaking IP-SM3O>SPWiR
- The culture of language FP-SL6O>KULTJEZY
- The historical contexts of Polish literature and culture FP-SL6O>HIKOLIKP
- The Measurement of Polish Language Teacher Performance FP-N-SL6O>PODYPNJP
- The psychology of creativity: from avant-garde to user experience OGW-N10>WDPT-1P
- The psychology of creativity: from avant-garde to user experience OGW-N10>WDPT-2P
- The psychology of creativity: from avant-garde to user experience OGW-N9>WDPT-2P
- The psychology of creativity: from avant-garde to user experience OGW-S>WDPT-1P
- The works of Czesław Miłosz as a witness of the 20th century OGW-S>TMILOSZ-1P
- The works of Czesław Miłosz as a witness of the 20th century OGW-S>TMILOSZ-2P
- Theories and practices of communication research FP-PK-SM4O>TEPRBAKO
- Theories of Contemporary Media Studies FP-PK-SM4O>WSPTEOME
- Theory of literature FP-N-SL6O>TEORLITE
- Theory of literature FP-PK-SL6O>TEORLITE
- Thesis FP-N-SL6O>PD-L
- Thesis FP-PK-SM4O>PD-M
- Verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication FP-PK-SM4O>WEPOASKO
- Verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication OGW-S>WIPAK-1P
- Verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication OGW-S>WIPAK-2P
- Voice emission FP-N-SL6O>EMISGLOS