Courses at
(in Polish) Katedra Transportu
- (in Polish) Challenges of transport – case study TR-NM3O>CHALTR
- (in Polish) Modele biznesowe TR-NM3O>MODBIZ
- (in Polish) Negocjacje w biznesie TR-NM3O>NEGBIZ
- (in Polish) Ocena środowiskowa scenariuszy transportowych TR-NM3O>OCSST
- (in Polish) Systemy mikroprocesorowe TR-NM3O>SYSMIK
- (in Polish) Teoria niezawodności i bezpieczeństwa TR-NM3O>TNB
- (in Polish) Teoria potoków ruchu TR-NM3O>TPOR
- (in Polish) Branżowy rynek pracy 1 ZL-ZMZ-SL6O>BRARP1
- (in Polish) Zarządzanie zespołem TR-NI8O>ZAZES
- (in Polish) Zarządzanie zespołem TR-SI7O>ZAZES
- (in Polish) Drony w turystyce TU-SL6O>DROTU
- (in Polish) Industry labour market 1 ZL-MIT-SL6O>INLAM1
- (in Polish) Budowa środków transportu TR-NI8O>BDSRTR
- (in Polish) Budowa środków transportu TR-SI7O>BDSRTR
- Accounting for drivers' working time TR-LSK-NI8O>RCPK
- Accounting for drivers' working time TR-LSK-SI7O>RCPK
- Basics of process automation TR-NI8O>PAP
- Basics of process automation TR-SI7O>PAP
- Business models TR-SM3O>MODBIZ
- Business negotiations TR-SM3O>NEGBIZ
- Challenges of transport – case study TR-SM3O>CHALTR
- Computer methods in logistics TR-LSK-NI8O>MKWL
- Computer methods in logistics TR-LSK-SI7O>MKWL
- Computer science I A TR-NI8O>INF1A
- Control and monitoring TR-LSK-SI7O>STERO
- Control and monitoring TR-EBT-SI7O>STIM
- Diploma Seminar TR-TD-SM3O>SEMM
- Diploma Seminar TR-TD-NM3O>SEMM
- Diploma seminar I TR-LSK-NI8O>SEMI1
- Diploma seminar I TR-LSK-SI7O>SEMI1
- Diploma seminar I TR-IST-SI7O>SEMI1
- Diploma seminar I TR-IST-NI8O>SEMI1
- Diploma seminar II TR-LSK-NI8O>SEMI2
- Diploma seminar II TR-LSK-SI7O>SEMI2
- Engineering graphics A TR-NI8O>GRAFIA
- Engineering graphics B TR-NI8O>GRAFIB
- Engineering measurements TR-NI8O>POMINZ
- Engineering measurements TR-SI7O>POMINZ
- Environmental assessment of transport scenarios TR-SM3O>OCSST
- Fundamentals of machine design TR-SI7O>PKM
- Fundamentals of machine design A TR-NI8O>PKMA
- Information technologies SO-SL6P>TIWK
- Information technology AK-NL6P>TECHIN
- Information technology AK-SL6P>TECHIN
- Information technology TR-NI8O>TECHIN
- Information technology TR-SI7O>TECHIN
- Interpersonal Communication TR-SI7O>KOMIN
- Interpersonal Communication TR-NI8O>KOMIN
- Logistic concepts TR-LSK-NI8O>KONLOG
- Logistic concepts TR-SI7O>KONLOG
- Logistic systems TR-LSK-NI8O>SYSLOG
- Logistic systems TR-SI7O>SYSLOG
- Logistics TR-NI8O>LOGIS
- Logistics TR-SI7O>LOGIS
- Logistics of Distribution TR-LSK-NI8O>LOGZA
- Logistics of Distribution TR-LSK-SI7O>OGD
- Logistics supply TR-LSK-SI7O>LOGZA
- Managing the Chains of Deliveries TR-LSK-NI8O>ZALD
- Managing the Chains of Deliveries TR-LSK-SI7O>ZALD
- Managing the Logistic Enterprise TR-LSK-SI7O>ZPRZL
- Means of Transport TR-NI8O>SRTR
- Means of Transport TR-SI7O>SRTR
- Means of Transport I TR-NI8O>SRTR1
- Means of Transport I TR-SI7O>SRTR1
- Means of Transport II TR-NI8O>SRTR2
- Means of Transport II TR-SI7O>SRTR2
- Measurements of traffic flow TR-IST-SI7O>POPRU
- Mechanical vibrations TR-NM3O>DRGM
- Mechanical vibrations TR-SM3O>DRGM
- Methodology of conducting research and development projects TR-NM3O>MPPBR
- Methodology of conducting research and development projects TR-SM3O>MPPBR
- Microprocessor systems TR-SM3O>SYSMIK
- Monitoring in ITS systems TR-IST-SI7O>MSITS
- Organization and management TR-NI8O>OIZ
- Organization and management TR-SI7O>OIZ
- Pro-ecological solutions in logistics TR-LSK-NI8O>RPWL
- Pro-ecological solutions in logistics TR-LSK-SI7O>RPWL
- Professional practice TR-SI7O>PRAKT1
- Professional practice TR-SI7O>PRAKT2
- Public transport systems TR-IST-SI7O>STRZB
- Quality management systems in transport TR-NM3O>SZJT
- Quality management systems in transport TR-SM3O>SZJT
- Reliability and safety theory TR-SM3O>TNB
- Road transport safety TR-TD-SM3O>BEZPTS
- Road transport safety TR-TD-NM3O>BEZPTS
- Rudiments of Sociology TR-NI8O>PSOC
- System dynamics in transport issues TR-LSK-SI7O>DSWZT
- Team project in the field of road transport TR-TD-SM3O>PZTRD
- Team project in the field of road transport TR-TD-NM3O>PZTRD
- Technical mechanics I TR-NI8O>MECHT1
- Technical mechanics II TR-NI8O>MECHT2
- Technical Mechanics III TR-NI8O>MECHT3
- Technical Mechanics III TR-SI7O>MECHT3
- Telematics services and systems TR-TD-SM3O>USSYST
- Telematics services and systems TR-TD-NM3O>USSYST
- The theory of traffic flows TR-SM3O>TPOR
- Thesis TR-SI7O>PD
- Thesis TR-TD-SM3O>PD
- Thesis TR-TD-NM3O>PD
- Traffic control systems TR-IST-SI7O>SSRD