Courses at
(in Polish) Katedra Zarządzania
- (in Polish) Podstawy przedsiębiorczości TU-SL6O>PODPRZ
- (in Polish) Podstawy prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej TU-SL6O>PPDT
- (in Polish) Prawo turystyczne TU-SL6O>PRATUR
- (in Polish) Intellectual Property Protection IE-SI7O>IPP
- (in Polish) Kompendium wiedzy współczesnego menedżera ZL-ZT-SL6O>KOMWWM
- (in Polish) Ochrona własności intelektualnej ZL-SL6O>OWI
- (in Polish) Podstawy zarządzania ZL-SL6O>PODZA
- (in Polish) Prawo pracy - kontekst krajowy i międzynarodowy ZL-SL6O>PPKM
- (in Polish) Technologia informacyjna ZL-SL6O>TECHIN
- (in Polish) Zarządzanie czasem ZL-SL6O>ZACZA
- (in Polish) Zarządzanie kadrą menedżerską ZL-ZT-SL6O>ZARZKM
- (in Polish) Zarządzanie w gospodarce cyfrowej ZA-MLJ-SM4O>ZGC
- (in Polish) Zarządzanie relacjami i budowanie zespołu ZA-MLJ-SM4O>ZRBZ
- (in Polish) Branżowy rynek pracy 3 ZL-ZMZ-SL6O>BRARP3
- (in Polish) Badanie rynku turystycznego TU-SL6O>BARYTU
- (in Polish) Techniki autoprezentacji TU-SL6O>TECAUT
- (in Polish) Technologia informacyjna TU-SL6O>TECHIN
- (in Polish) Kształtowanie jakości usług turystycznych TU-SL6O>KJUTU
- (in Polish) Metody zarządzania jakością usług turystycznych TU-SL6O>MEZJUT
- (in Polish) Ochrona własności intelektualnej TU-SL6O>OWI
- (in Polish) Zarządzanie relacjami z klientem TU-SL6O>ZAREK
- (in Polish) Zarządzanie szlakami dziedzictwa kulturowego TU-SL6O>ZASZDK
- (in Polish) Industry labour market 3 ZL-MIT-SL6O>INLAM3
- (in Polish) European Business Laws IE-SI7O>EBL
- Alternative dispute resolutions in business ZA-IB-SM4O>ADIRIB
- Assessment of management systems ZA-ZLJ-SL6O>OCSYZA
- Assessment of management systems ZA-ZLJ-NL6O>OCSYZA
- Business contracts ZA-IB-SM4O>BUSCON
- Business environment in V4 countries ZA-IB-SM4O>BUEV4C
- Business process management ZA-IB-SM4O>BPROMA
- Civil law ZA-IB-SM4O>CIVLAW
- Code of Administrative Procedure ZA-ZAF-SL6O>KPA
- Code of Administrative Procedure ZA-ZAF-NL7O>KPA
- Code of Administrative Procedure ZA-ZAF-NL6O>KPA
- Commercial law ZA-IB-SM4O>COMLAW
- Commercial Law ZA-NM4O>PRAWOH
- Commercial Law ZA-SM4O>PRAWOH
- Communication in business organizations ZA-SL6O>KOWORG
- Competition and Consumer`s Protection ZA-ZLJ-NM4O>OCHRKK
- Competition and Consumer`s Protection ZA-ZLJ-SM4O>OCHRKK
- Computer Sciences in Business Management ZA-NL7O>INFZAR
- Computer Sciences in Business Management ZA-SL6O>INFZAR
- Computer Sciences in Business Management ZA-NL6O>INFOZA
- Controlling ZA-ZLJ-SL6O>CONTR
- Copyright law TR-NM3O>PRAUT
- Copyright law TR-SM3O>PRAUT
- Crisis management ZA-NL7O>ZAKR
- Crisis management ZA-SL6O>ZAKR
- Customer relationship management ZA-ZLJ-NM4O>ZAREKL
- Customer relationship management ZA-ZLJ-SM4O>ZAREKL
- Customer satisfaction surveys ZA-ZLJ-SL6O>BADSAK
- Customer satisfaction surveys ZA-ZLJ-NL6O>BADSAK
- Descriptive Statistics ZA-NL7O>STATOP
- Descriptive Statistics ZA-SL6O>STATOP
- Descriptive Statistics ZA-NL6O>STATOP
- Designing of quality management systems ZA-ZLJ-SL6O>PRSZJ
- Designing of quality management systems ZA-ZLJ-NL6O>PRSZJ
- Economic law I-NM3O>PG
- Economic law I-SM3O>PG
- Economic law IA-NM3O>EL
- Economic law IA-SM3O>EL
- Economic law IP-NI7O>PG
- Economic law IP-SI7O>PrGosp
- Elements of Civil Law ZA-NM4O>PRAWOC
- Elements of Civil Law ZA-SM4O>PRAWOC
- Entrepreneurship ZA-IB-SM4O>ENTRSHP
- EU projects ZA-ZLJ-SL6O>PROUN
- EU projects ZA-ZLJ-NL6O>PROUN
- Information technology ZA-NL7O>TECHINF
- Information technology ZA-SL6O>TECHINF
- Information technology ZA-NL6O>TECHIN
- Innovation management ZA-IB-SM4O>INNMAN
- Integrated management systems ZA-ZLJ-NM4O>ZISYZA
- Integrated management systems ZA-ZLJ-SM4O>ZISYZA
- Integrated management systems ZA-MLJ-SM4O>ZSZ
- Intellectual and industrial property protection ZA-IB-SM4O>IIPROP
- Intellectual property protection AK-NL6P>OWI
- Intellectual property protection AK-SL6P>OWI
- Intellectual property protection SO-SL6P>OWI
- Intellectual property protection TR-NI8O>OWI
- Intellectual property protection TR-SI7O>OWI
- Intellectual property protection ZA-NL7O>OWI
- Intellectual property protection ZA-SL6O>OWI
- Intellectual property protection ZA-NL6O>OWI
- International business models ZA-IB-SM4O>INBUMO
- International logistics ZA-ZLJ-SL6O>LOGMN
- International logistics ZA-ZLJ-NL6O>LOGMN
- Introduction to law AK-NL6P>PDPR
- Introduction to law AK-SL6P>PDPR
- Introduction to quality ZA-ZLJ-SL6O>PDJAK
- Introduction to quality ZA-ZLJ-NL6O>PDJAK
- Knowledge management ZA-ZLJ-NM4O>ZARWIE
- Knowledge management ZA-ZLJ-SM4O>ZARWIE
- Leadership ZA-MLJ-SM4O>PRZY
- Legal Basics in Transport TR-NI8O>PPWT
- Legal Basics in Transport TR-SI7O>PPWT
- Lobbying in business ZA-IB-SM4O>LOBiBU