Study programmes
> Faculty list
> (in Polish) Katedra Technologii Maszyn i Automatyzacji
> Courses conducted
Courses at
(in Polish) Katedra Technologii Maszyn i Automatyzacji
- Industrial application of additive technologies MB-PT-NI8O>PZTA
- Industrial application of additive technologies MB-PT-SI7O>PZTA
- Machining MB-NI8O>ObrUbyt
- Machining MB-SI7O>ObrUbyt
- Manufacturing metrology I MB-NI8O>MetTech-I
- Manufacturing metrology I MB-SI7O>MetTech-I
- Manufacturing metrology II MB-NI8O>MetTech-II
- Manufacturing metrology II MB-SI7O>MetTech-II
- Manufacturing technology AR-NI8O>TW
- Manufacturing technology (difference in the curriculum) MB-NM3O>TW-RP
- Manufacturing technology I AR-SI7O>TW-I
- Manufacturing technology II AR-SI7O>TW-II
- Metal forming MB-NI8O>ObrPlast
- Metal forming MB-SI7O>ObrPlast
- Metrology AR-NI8O>Metrol
- Metrology AR-SI7O>Metr
- Modern manufacturing technologies MB-KW-NM3O>NowTW
- Modern manufacturing technologies MB-KW-SM3O>NowTW
- MSc-thesis MB-PT-NM3O>PracaDyp
- Operational research IP-NI7O>BO
- Operational research IP-SI7O>BO
- Planning of processing and assembly processes MB-NI8O>ProPrOiM
- Planning of processing and assembly processes MB-SI7O>ProPrOiM
- Postprocessing of printouts MB-PT-NI8O>ProcWyd
- Postprocessing of printouts MB-PT-SI7O>ProcWyd
- Programming of CNC machine tools MB-PT-NI8O>PrObCNC
- Programming of CNC machine tools MB-PT-SI7O>PrObCNC
- Programming of numerical-controlled machining tools AR-MR-SI7O>POSN
- Programming of robots AR-MR-NI8O>PR
- Robots in manufacturing technology AR-MR-NI8O>RWWM
- Robots in manufacturing technology AR-MR-SI7O>RWWM
- Safety and quality in manufacturing MB-NM3O>BiJWPW
- Safety and quality in manufacturing MB-SM3O>BiJWPW
- Specifications of product geometry MB-KW-NI8O>SpGeWyr
- Specifications of product geometry MB-KW-SI7O>SpGeWyr
- Standardisation and quality management AR-NI8O>NiZJ
- Standardisation and quality management AR-SI7O>NiZJ
- Standardisation and quality management MB-NI8O>NoriZarzJak
- Standardisation and quality management MB-SI7O>NoriZarzJak
- Surface metrology MB-PT-NI8O>MetPow
- Surface metrology MB-PT-NM3O>MetrPow
- Surface metrology MB-PT-SI7O>MetrPow
- Surface metrology MB-PT-SM3O>MetrPow
- Unconventional manufacturing methods MB-KW-NI8O>NieMetWy
- Unconventional manufacturing methods MB-KW-SI7O>NieMetWy
- Vision systems in manufacturing MB-NM3O>SysWiwWyt
- Vision systems in manufacturing MB-SM3O>SysWiwWyt
- Vision systems in manufacturing ME-NM3O>SysWiwWyt
- Vision systems in manufacturing ME-SM3O>SysWiwWyt