Courses at
(in Polish) Katedra Podstaw Budowy Maszyn
- Simulation and modeling of automation systems AR-MR-NI8O>SiMUA
- Simulation and modeling of automation systems AR-MR-SI7O>SiMUA
- Simulation and modeling of automation systems AR-SP-NI8O>SiMUA
- Simulation and modeling of automation systems AR-SP-SI7O>SiMUA
- Simulation of autommation systems AR-AP-SI7O>SUA
- Simulation of robotic processes ME-NM3O>SymProZro
- Simulation of robotic processes ME-SM3O>SymProZro
- Strength of materials I AR-NI8O>WM-I
- Strength of materials I AR-SI7O>WM-I
- Strength of materials I MB-NI8O>WytMat-I
- Strength of materials I MB-SI7O>WytMat-I
- Strength of materials II AR-NI8O>WM-II
- Strength of materials II AR-SI7O>WM-II
- Strength of materials II MB-NI8O>WytMat-II
- Strength of materials II MB-SI7O>WytMatIIN
- Strength of materials III MB-SI7O>WytMat-II
- Strength of materials III MB-SI7O>WytMat-III
- Switching systems AR-NI8O>UP
- Switching systems AR-SI7O>UP
- Teletransmission and networks I-IR-NI7O>TiS
- Teletransmission and networks I-IR-SI7O>TiS
- Theoretical mechanics BB-KA-SI7O>MECHTEO
- Theory and methods of optimization ME-SM3O>TeoiMetOp
- Theory of designing MB-KW-NM3O>TeorKon
- Theory of designing MB-KW-SM3O>TeorKon
- Theory of elasticity and rheology MB-NM3O>TeorSiR
- Theory of elasticity and rheology MB-SM3O>TeorSiR
- Theory of machines and mechanism and mechanical vibrations AR-NI8O>ETMiMD
- Theory of machines and mechanism and mechanical vibrations AR-SI7O>ETMiMD
- Theory of machines and mechanism and mechanical vibrations ME-NM3O>ETMiMD-RP
- Theory of machines and mechanism and mechanical vibrations ME-SM3O>ETMiMD-RP
- Theory of machines and mechanisms MB-NI8O>TeorMiM
- Theory of machines and mechanisms MB-SI7O>TeorMiM
- Theory of machines and mechanisms (difference in the curriculum) MB-SM3O>TeorMiM-RP
- Thheory and mmethods of optimization ME-NM3O>TeoiMetOp
- Visualization systems SCADA ME-SM-NM3O>SWSCADA
- Visualization systems SCADA ME-SM-NM3O>SWSCADA-1
- Visualization systems SCADA ME-SM-SM3O>SWSCADA
- Visualization systems SCADA ME-SM-SM3O>SWSCADA-1
- Visualization systems SCADA ME-SM-NM3O>SWSCADA2