Courses at
Institute of Engineering Sciences
- Plastic processing IM-PO-SI7O>PRZETTSZT
- Plolymers 4 IM-PO-SI7O>POLIMER4
- Plolymers 4 IM-PO-SI7O>POLIME4V1
- Polymer coating materials IM-IM-NM4O>POLIMMATP
- Polymer coating materials IM-IM-SM3O>POLIMMATP
- Polymer materials IM-SI7O>MATPOLIM
- Polymer Phisics W2-K21>POLPH
- Polymer physics IM-SI7O>FIZYKPOL
- Polymers W2-K21>POLLEC
- Polymers W2-K21>POLPRO
- Polymers 1 IM-PO-SI7O>POLIMER1
- Polymers 2 IM-PO-SI7O>POLIMER2
- Polymers 3 IM-PO-SI7O>POLIMER3
- Practice of geodesy BB-BO-SI7O>PRAKTGEOD
- Practice of geodesy BB-KA-SI7O>PRAKTGEOD
- Practice of geodesy BB-NI8O>PRAKTGEOD
- Prefabricated and prestressed structures BB-KB-NM4O>KONPREISP
- Prefabricated and prestressed structures BB-KB-SM3O>KONPREISP
- Pro-ecological installations BB-BO-SI7O>INSTPROEK
- Pro-ecological installations BB-NI8O>INSTPROEK
- Pro-ecological installations BB-BO-NI8O>INSTPROEK
- Process Engineering OS-ES-SI7O>INZPROCES
- Proecological constructions BB-BO-SI7O>BUDPROEK
- Proecological constructions BB-KB-NM4O>BUDPROEK
- Proecological constructions BB-KB-SM3O>BUDPROEK
- Proecological constructions BB-NI8O>BUDPROEK
- Proecological constructions BB-BO-NI8O>BUDPROEK
- Proecological Technologies IS-ZW-NM4O>TECHPROE
- Proecological Technologies IS-ZW-SM3O>TECHPROE
- Professional practice BB-BO-SI7O>PRAKTDYPL
- Professional practice BB-NI8O>PRAKTDYPL
- Professional practice IM-PO-SI7O>PRAKTZAW
- Professional practice IS-IK-SI7O>PRAKTZAW
- Professional practice IS-IW-NI8O>PRAKTZAW
- Professional practice IS-IW-SI7O>PRAKTZAW
- Professional practice OS-ES-SI7O>PRAKTZAW
- Professional practice BB-BO-NI8O>PRAKTDYPL
- Project management BB-BO-SI7O>ZARZPROJ
- Project management BB-NI8O>ZARZPROJ
- Project management BB-BO-NI8O>ZARZPROJ
- Property valuation BB-KA-SM3O>WNIERUCH
- Property valuation BB-KB-NM4O>WNIERUCH
- Property valuation BB-KB-SM3O>WNIERUCH
- Protection and Reclamation of Natural Artificial Lakes OS-ES-SI7O>OCHRIREK
- Protection of facilities against mining damage - facultative course 1 BB-KB-NM4O>ZB-PO1
- Protection of facilities against mining damage - facultative course 1 BB-KB-SM3O>ZB-POB1
- Protection of the biosphere - facultative course OS-ES-SI7O>OB-POB2
- Protection of the lithosphere - facultative course OS-AR-SI7O>OL-POB1
- Protection of the lithosphere - facultative course OS-ES-SI7O>OL-POB1
- Protection plans and design of forms of nature protection OS-ES-SI7O>PLANOCHR
- Protection plans and design of forms of nature protection OS-ES-SI7O>PLANOCHR1
- Quality management IM-PO-SI7O>ZARZJAKO
- Reclamation of Degraded Areas IS-IW-SI7O>REKTERZDE
- Reclamation of Degraded Areas OS-ES-SI7O>REKTERZDE
- Reclamation of Degraded Areas IS-IW-SI7O>REKTERZD1
- Reclamation of Degraded Areas IS-IW-NI8O>REKTERZDE
- Recycling methods IM-PO-SI7O>METRECYKL
- Reliability and safety of engineering systems IS-ZW-NM4O>NIEZBSINZ
- Reliability and safety of engineering systems IS-ZW-SM3O>NIEZBSINZ
- Remediation and bioremediation of the water and soil environment IS-ZW-NM4O>REMIB-OB1
- Remediation and bioremediation of the water and soil environment IS-ZW-SM3O>REMIB-OB1
- Renovation and operation of building structures BB-KB-NM4O>REMIEKSKB
- Renovation and operation of building structures BB-KB-SM3O>REMIEKSKB
- Research Methods 1 IM-SI7O>METBADAN1
- Research Methods 2 IM-MA-SI7O>METBADAN2
- Research Methods 2 IM-PO-SI7O>METBADAN2
- Revitalization of buildings - facultative course 1 BB-KB-NM4O>RO-PO1
- Revitalization of buildings - facultative course 1 BB-KB-SM3O>RO-POB1
- Risk management in construction BB-KB-NM4O>ZARZRYZWB
- Risk management in construction BB-KB-SM3O>ZARZRYZWB
- Running a construction company BB-BO-SI7O>PFIRBUD
- Running a construction company BB-BO-NI8O>PFIRBUD
- Safety of building structures BB-KB-NM4O>BKONBUD
- Safety of building structures BB-KB-SM3O>BKONBUD
- Safety Work Regulations and Ergonomics IS-IW-NI8O>BHPIERGPR
- Safety Work Regulations and Ergonomics IS-IW-SI7O>BHPIERGPR
- Sanitary installations and structures BB-KB-NM4O>INSTIKSAN
- Sanitary installations and structures BB-KB-SM3O>INSTIKSAN
- Sanitary Networks and Installations IS-IW-SI7O>SIINSTSAN
- Sanitary Networks and Installations IS-IW-NI8O>SIINSTSAN
- Selected design issues of aluminum and glass structures BB-KA-SM3O>WYBZPKASZ
- Selected physicochemical issues in materials engineering IM-SI7O>WZGFIZWIM
- Sludge Handlind and Management Processes IS-IW-NI8O>PROCPIZOS
- Sludge Handlind and Management Processes IS-IW-SI7O>PROCPIZOS
- Sludge Handlind and Management Processes IS-IW-NI8O>PROCPIZV1
- Soil mechanics BB-BO-NI8O>MECHGRUNT
- Soil mechanics BB-BO-SI7O>MECHGRUNT
- Soil Mechanics W2-K24>SMLAB
- Soil Mechanics W2-K24>SMLEC
- Solid Waste Management IS-IW-NI8O>GOSPODP
- Solid Waste Management IS-IW-SI7O>GOSPODP
- Solid Waste Management OS-ES-SI7O>GOSPODP
- Solid Waste Management IS-IW-NI8O>GOSPODPV1
- Solid Wastes Management W2-K22>SWM
- Spatial Planning IS-ZW-NM4O>PLANPRZ
- Spatial Planning IS-ZW-SM3O>PLANPRZ
- Speaking skills - a humanistic and social subject 3 BB-NI8O>SW-PHS3
- Speaking skills - a humanistic and social subject 1 IS-ZW-NM4O>SZWY-PHS1
- Speaking skills - a humanistic and social subject 1 IS-ZW-SM3O>SZWY-PHS1