Courses at
(in Polish) Instytut Pedagogiki
- Intellectual property protection PD-ET-NM4P>OWLINTEL
- Intellectual property protection PD-ET-SM4P>OWLINTEL
- Intellectual property protection PD-OW-NL6P>OWLINTEL
- Intellectual property protection PD-R-NL6P>OWLINTEL
- Intellectual property protection PD-RS-SM4P>OWLINTEL
- Intellectual property protection PD-ST-NL6P>OWLINTEL
- Intellectual property protection PS-PRIMR-NM4P>OWINT
- Intellectual property protection PS-PRIS-SM4P>OWINT
- Intellectual property protection PD-RS-NM4P>OWINTE
- Intellectual property protection PD-SL6P>OWLINTEL
- Intellectual property protection PP-EE-NJ10P>OCWLINT
- Interim Practice PD-RS-SM4P>PDYD-SR-1
- Interim Teaching Practice PD-ET-NM4P>PDYD-SR-2
- Interim Teaching Practice PD-ET-SM4P>PDYD-SR-2
- Interim Teaching Practice PD-EW-NM4P>PDYD-SR-2
- Interim Teaching Practice PD-EW-SM4P>PDYD-SR-1
- Interim Teaching Practice PD-RS-SM4P>PDYD-SR-2
- Internship (mid-year didactic), of a methodological and assistant type PD-ST-NL6P>PSR-MA-3
- Internship (mid-year didactic), of a methodological and assistant type PD-ST-SL6P>PDSR-MA-3
- Internship (mid-year didactic), of a methodological and assistant type PD-OW-SL6P>PS-MA-5
- Internship (mid-year didactic), of a methodological and assistant type PD-ST-NL6P>PDSR-MA-5
- Internship (mid-year didactic), of a methodological and assistant type PD-ST-SL6P>PDSR-MA-5
- Interpersonal Communication PD-OW-NL6P>KOMINTER
- Interpersonal Communication PD-OW-SL6P>KOMINTER
- Interpersonal Communication PD-R-NL6P>KOMINTER
- Interpersonal Communication PD-R-SL6P>KOMINTER
- Interpersonal Communication PD-ST-NL6P>KOMINTER
- Interpersonal Communication PD-ST-SL6P>KOMINTER
- Interpersonal communication PD-NL6P>KOMINTER
- Interpersonal communication PD-SL6P>KOMINTER
- Interpersonal communication PP-EE-NJ10P>KOMUINT
- Interpersonal communication PP-EE-SJ10P>KOMUINT
- Introduction to pedagogy PD-OW-NL6P>WPDPED
- Introduction to pedagogy PD-OW-SL6P>WPDPED
- Introduction to pedagogy PD-R-NL6P>WPDPED
- Introduction to pedagogy PD-R-SL6P>WPDPED
- Introduction to pedagogy PD-ST-NL6P>WPDPED
- Introduction to pedagogy PD-ST-SL6P>WPDPED
- Introduction to pedagogy PP-EE-NJ10P>WPDPED
- Introduction to pedagogy PP-EE-SJ10P>WPDPED
- Introduction to psychology PD-OW-NL6P>WDPSYCH
- Introduction to psychology PD-OW-SL6P>WDPSYCH
- Introduction to psychology PD-R-NL6P>WDPSYCH
- Introduction to psychology PD-ST-NL6P>WDPSYCH
- Introduction to psychology PD-ST-SL6P>WDPSYCH
- Introduction to psychopedagogical diagnosis PD-OW-NL6P>WDPSYPED
- Introduction to psychopedagogical diagnosis PD-OW-SL6P>WDPSYPED
- Introduction to psychopedagogical diagnosis PD-R-NL6P>WDPSYPED
- Introduction to psychopedagogical diagnosis PD-R-SL6P>WDPSYPED
- Introduction to psychopedagogical diagnosis PD-ST-NL6P>WDPSYPED
- Introduction to psychopedagogical diagnosis PD-ST-SL6P>WDPSYPED
- Introduction to psychopedagogical diagnosis PP-EE-NJ10P>WDDPSYCH
- Introduction to psychopedagogical diagnosis PP-EE-SJ10P>WDDPSYCH
- Islam in the modern world PD-ET-NM4P>ISLAM1
- Islam in the modern world PD-ET-NM4P>ISLAM3
- Islam in the modern world PD-ET-SM4P>ISLAM1
- Islam in the modern world PD-ET-SM4P>ISLAM3
- Islam in the modern world PD-EW-NM4P>ISLAM1
- Islam in the modern world PD-EW-SM4P>ISLAM1
- Islam in the modern world PD-OW-NL6P>ISLAM1
- Islam in the modern world PD-OW-SL6P>ISLAM1
- Islam in the modern world PD-R-NL6P>ISLAM1
- Islam in the modern world PD-R-SL6P>ISLAM1
- Islam in the modern world PD-R-SL6P>ISLAM3
- Islam in the modern world PD-R-SL6P>ISLAM5
- Islam in the modern world PD-RS-SM4P>ISLAM1
- Islam in the modern world PD-ST-NL6P>ISLAM1
- Islam in the modern world PD-ST-NL6P>ISLAM3
- Islam in the modern world PD-ST-SL6P>ISLAM1
- Islam in the modern world PD-ST-SL6P>ISLAM3
- Islam in the modern world PP-EE-NJ10P>ISLAM1
- Islam in the modern world PP-EE-NJ10P>ISLAM3
- Islam in the modern world PP-EE-NJ10P>ISLAM5
- Islam in the modern world PP-EE-SJ10P>ISLAM1
- Islam in the modern world PP-EE-SJ10P>ISLAM3
- Islam in the modern world PP-EE-SJ10P>ISLAM5
- Issues of social pathology PD-R-SL6P>PATSPOL
- Issues of social pathology PD-ST-NL6P>PATSPOL
- Issues of social pathology PD-ST-SL6P>PATSPOL
- Issues of social pathology PD-R-NL6P>PATSPOL
- Issues of social pathology PD-OW-SL6P>PATSPOL
- Italian PD-EW-NM4P>JWLOS-1
- Italian PD-EW-SM4P>JWLOS-1
- Italian PD-OW-NL6P>JWLOS-1
- Italian PD-OW-SL6P>JWLOS-2
- Italian PD-R-NL6P>JWLOS-1
- Italian PD-R-NL6P>JWLOS-2
- Italian PD-R-SL6P>JWLOS-3
- Italian PD-ST-NL6P>JWLOS-2
- Italian PD-ST-NL6P>JWLOS-4
- Italian PD-ST-SL6P>JWLOS-2
- Italian PD-ST-SL6P>JWLOS-3
- Italian PP-EE-NJ10P>JWLOS-1
- Italian PP-EE-NJ10P>JWLOS-3
- Italian PP-EE-NJ10P>JWLOS-4
- Italian PP-EE-SJ10P>JWLOS-2
- Italian PP-EE-SJ10P>JWLOS-5
- Italian PP-EE-NJ10P>JWLOS-6
- Italian PD-R-NL6P>JWLOS-4
- Italian PD-SL6P>JWLOS-1