(in Polish) Power Electronics and Drives IE-SI7O>PEaD
The subject of "Power Electronics and Drives" aims to provide students with comprehensive from the range of control of power electronic devices and electric drives, covering both theoretical foundations and practical skills. Lectures will focus on understanding the main rules of converter drives configurations with using DC and AC electric motors, discussing key concepts possibilities of rotary speed regulation and electromagnetic torque control. Students will gain the knowledge necessary to use for effectively correction of parameters of converter drives and having effect on the power quality. Additionally, lectures will also highlight the role of modern technologies in the context of using of converter systems in automatic control systems of electric drives. Laboratory and design exercises within the Power Electronics and Drives course will focus on the practical application of the theoretical knowledge gained during the lectures. Students will have the opportunity to execute of simulations for different configurations of converter drives, analysis of registered time courses of the tested physical quantities, as well as to develop skills in regulation drive systems. Through practical laboratories, students will gain experience in specific tasks in the area of control of power electronic devices and electric drives, enabling them to effectively apply the knowledge gained in their professional practice. Design exercises concern with the design and simulation of control systems using tools for simulating power electronic devices.
Course coordinators
<b>Final assessment</b>
<b>Basic literature</b>
<b>Supplementary literature</b>
<b>Other information</b>
Learning outcomes
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Related directional learning outcomes:
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Social competence
Related directional learning outcomes:
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Social competence
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